A reference has a longer lifetime than the data it references.

Erroneous code example:

trait SomeTrait<'a> {
    type Output;

impl<'a, T> SomeTrait<'a> for T {
    type Output = &'a T; // compile error E0491

Here, the problem is that a reference type like &'a T is only valid if all the data in T outlives the lifetime 'a. But this impl as written is applicable to any lifetime 'a and any type T -- we have no guarantee that T outlives 'a. To fix this, you can add a where clause like where T: 'a.

trait SomeTrait<'a> {
    type Output;

impl<'a, T> SomeTrait<'a> for T
    T: 'a,
    type Output = &'a T; // compile error E0491