blob: 1dd2c74dd4fa2c919e8eaa65684c8b0484aee28b [file] [log] [blame]
use super::BackendTypes;
use rustc::hir::def_id::DefId;
use rustc::mir::mono::{Linkage, Visibility};
use rustc::ty::{Instance, Ty};
use rustc_target::abi::call::FnAbi;
pub trait DeclareMethods<'tcx>: BackendTypes {
/// Declare a global value.
/// If there’s a value with the same name already declared, the function will
/// return its Value instead.
fn declare_global(&self, name: &str, ty: Self::Type) -> Self::Value;
/// Declare a C ABI function.
/// Only use this for foreign function ABIs and glue. For Rust functions use
/// `declare_fn` instead.
/// If there’s a value with the same name already declared, the function will
/// update the declaration and return existing Value instead.
fn declare_cfn(&self, name: &str, fn_type: Self::Type) -> Self::Function;
/// Declare a Rust function.
/// If there’s a value with the same name already declared, the function will
/// update the declaration and return existing Value instead.
fn declare_fn(&self, name: &str, fn_abi: &FnAbi<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>) -> Self::Function;
/// Declare a global with an intention to define it.
/// Use this function when you intend to define a global. This function will
/// return `None` if the name already has a definition associated with it. In that
/// case an error should be reported to the user, because it usually happens due
/// to user’s fault (e.g., misuse of #[no_mangle] or #[export_name] attributes).
fn define_global(&self, name: &str, ty: Self::Type) -> Option<Self::Value>;
/// Declare a private global
/// Use this function when you intend to define a global without a name.
fn define_private_global(&self, ty: Self::Type) -> Self::Value;
/// Gets declared value by name.
fn get_declared_value(&self, name: &str) -> Option<Self::Value>;
/// Gets defined or externally defined (AvailableExternally linkage) value by
/// name.
fn get_defined_value(&self, name: &str) -> Option<Self::Value>;
pub trait PreDefineMethods<'tcx>: BackendTypes {
fn predefine_static(
def_id: DefId,
linkage: Linkage,
visibility: Visibility,
symbol_name: &str,
fn predefine_fn(
instance: Instance<'tcx>,
linkage: Linkage,
visibility: Visibility,
symbol_name: &str,