blob: 802be7f5afb5741a972b9894c3b0a14fb16fa0bd [file] [log] [blame]
// run-pass
// ignore-tidy-cr
// ignore-tidy-cr (repeated again because of tidy bug)
// license is ignored because tidy can't handle the CRLF here properly.
// N.B., this file needs CRLF line endings. The .gitattributes file in
// this directory should enforce it.
// ignore-pretty issue #37195
/// Doc comment that ends in CRLF
pub fn foo() {}
/** Block doc comment that
* contains CRLF characters
pub fn bar() {}
fn main() {
let s = "string
assert_eq!(s, "string\nliteral");
let s = "literal with \
escaped newline";
assert_eq!(s, "literal with escaped newline");
let s = r"string
assert_eq!(s, "string\nliteral");
let s = br"byte string
assert_eq!(s, "byte string\nliteral".as_bytes());
// validate that our source file has CRLF endings
let source = include_str!("");