blob: 20ac2a04b474fa7f690e831c9db3a85aaadb4e29 [file] [log] [blame]
//! HIR datatypes. See the [rustc dev guide] for more info.
//! [rustc dev guide]:
#![cfg_attr(bootstrap, feature(const_if_match))]
#![feature(const_fn)] // For the unsizing cast on `&[]`
#![recursion_limit = "256"]
extern crate rustc_data_structures;
mod arena;
pub mod def;
pub mod definitions;
pub use rustc_span::def_id;
mod hir;
pub mod hir_id;
pub mod intravisit;
pub mod itemlikevisit;
pub mod lang_items;
pub mod pat_util;
mod stable_hash_impls;
mod target;
pub mod weak_lang_items;
pub use hir::*;
pub use hir_id::*;
pub use lang_items::{LangItem, LanguageItems};
pub use stable_hash_impls::HashStableContext;
pub use target::{MethodKind, Target};