blob: 479c6865649eab2101c83b92a5c13b5c5464c089 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Line buffer with current cursor position
use std::ops::{Add, Deref};
/// Maximum buffer size for the line read
pub static MAX_LINE: usize = 4096;
pub enum WordAction {
pub struct LineBuffer {
buf: String, // Edited line buffer
pos: usize, // Current cursor position (byte position)
impl LineBuffer {
/// Create a new line buffer with the given maximum `capacity`.
pub fn with_capacity(capacity: usize) -> LineBuffer {
LineBuffer {
buf: String::with_capacity(capacity),
pos: 0,
pub fn init(line: &str, pos: usize) -> LineBuffer {
LineBuffer {
buf: String::from(line),
pos: pos,
/// Extracts a string slice containing the entire buffer.
pub fn as_str(&self) -> &str {
/// Converts a buffer into a `String` without copying or allocating.
pub fn into_string(self) -> String {
/// Current cursor position (byte position)
pub fn pos(&self) -> usize {
/// Returns the length of this buffer, in bytes.
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
/// Returns `true` if this buffer has a length of zero.
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
/// Set line content (`buf`) and cursor position (`pos`).
pub fn update(&mut self, buf: &str, pos: usize) {
assert!(pos <= buf.len());
let max = self.buf.capacity();
if buf.len() > max {
if pos > max {
self.pos = max;
} else {
self.pos = pos;
} else {
self.pos = pos;
/// Backup `src`
pub fn backup(&mut self, src: &LineBuffer) {
self.pos = src.pos;
/// Returns the character at current cursor position.
fn char_at_cursor(&self) -> Option<char> {
if self.pos == self.buf.len() {
} else {
/// Returns the character just before the current cursor position.
fn char_before_cursor(&self) -> Option<char> {
if self.pos == 0 {
} else {
/// Insert the character `ch` at current cursor position
/// and advance cursor position accordingly.
/// Return `None` when maximum buffer size has been reached,
/// `true` when the character has been appended to the end of the line.
pub fn insert(&mut self, ch: char) -> Option<bool> {
let shift = ch.len_utf8();
if self.buf.len() + shift > self.buf.capacity() {
return None;
let push = self.pos == self.buf.len();
if push {
} else {
self.buf.insert(self.pos, ch);
self.pos += shift;
/// Yank/paste `text` at current position.
/// Return `None` when maximum buffer size has been reached,
/// `true` when the character has been appended to the end of the line.
pub fn yank(&mut self, text: &str) -> Option<bool> {
let shift = text.len();
if text.is_empty() || (self.buf.len() + shift) > self.buf.capacity() {
return None;
let pos = self.pos;
let push = self.insert_str(pos, text);
self.pos += shift;
/// Delete previously yanked text and yank/paste `text` at current position.
pub fn yank_pop(&mut self, yank_size: usize, text: &str) -> Option<bool> {
self.buf.drain((self.pos - yank_size)..self.pos);
self.pos -= yank_size;
/// Move cursor on the left.
pub fn move_left(&mut self) -> bool {
if let Some(ch) = self.char_before_cursor() {
self.pos -= ch.len_utf8();
} else {
/// Move cursor on the right.
pub fn move_right(&mut self) -> bool {
if let Some(ch) = self.char_at_cursor() {
self.pos += ch.len_utf8();
} else {
/// Move cursor to the start of the line.
pub fn move_home(&mut self) -> bool {
if self.pos > 0 {
self.pos = 0;
} else {
/// Move cursor to the end of the line.
pub fn move_end(&mut self) -> bool {
if self.pos == self.buf.len() {
} else {
self.pos = self.buf.len();
/// Delete the character at the right of the cursor without altering the cursor
/// position. Basically this is what happens with the "Delete" keyboard key.
pub fn delete(&mut self) -> bool {
if !self.buf.is_empty() && self.pos < self.buf.len() {
} else {
/// Delete the character at the left of the cursor.
/// Basically that is what happens with the "Backspace" keyboard key.
pub fn backspace(&mut self) -> bool {
if let Some(ch) = self.char_before_cursor() {
self.pos -= ch.len_utf8();
} else {
/// Kill the text from point to the end of the line.
pub fn kill_line(&mut self) -> Option<String> {
if !self.buf.is_empty() && self.pos < self.buf.len() {
let text = self.buf.drain(self.pos..).collect();
} else {
/// Kill backward from point to the beginning of the line.
pub fn discard_line(&mut self) -> Option<String> {
if self.pos > 0 && !self.buf.is_empty() {
let text = self.buf.drain(..self.pos).collect();
self.pos = 0;
} else {
/// Exchange the char before cursor with the character at cursor.
pub fn transpose_chars(&mut self) -> bool {
if self.pos == 0 || self.buf.chars().count() < 2 {
return false;
if self.pos == self.buf.len() {
let ch = self.buf.remove(self.pos);
let size = ch.len_utf8();
let other_ch = self.char_before_cursor().unwrap();
let other_size = other_ch.len_utf8();
self.buf.insert(self.pos - other_size, ch);
if self.pos != self.buf.len() - size {
self.pos += size;
} else if size >= other_size {
self.pos += size - other_size;
} else {
self.pos -= other_size - size;
fn prev_word_pos<F>(&self, pos: usize, test: F) -> Option<usize>
where F: Fn(char) -> bool
if pos == 0 {
return None;
let mut pos = pos;
// eat any spaces on the left
pos -= self.buf[..pos]
.take_while(|ch| test(*ch))
.fold(0, Add::add);
if pos > 0 {
// eat any non-spaces on the left
pos -= self.buf[..pos]
.take_while(|ch| !test(*ch))
.fold(0, Add::add);
/// Moves the cursor to the beginning of previous word.
pub fn move_to_prev_word(&mut self) -> bool {
if let Some(pos) = self.prev_word_pos(self.pos, |ch| !ch.is_alphanumeric()) {
self.pos = pos;
} else {
/// Delete the previous word, maintaining the cursor at the start of the
/// current word.
pub fn delete_prev_word<F>(&mut self, test: F) -> Option<String>
where F: Fn(char) -> bool
if let Some(pos) = self.prev_word_pos(self.pos, test) {
let word = self.buf.drain(pos..self.pos).collect();
self.pos = pos;
} else {
/// Returns the position (start, end) of the next word.
pub fn next_word_pos(&self, pos: usize) -> Option<(usize, usize)> {
if pos < self.buf.len() {
let mut pos = pos;
// eat any spaces
pos += self.buf[pos..]
.take_while(|ch| !ch.is_alphanumeric())
.fold(0, Add::add);
let start = pos;
if pos < self.buf.len() {
// eat any non-spaces
pos += self.buf[pos..]
.take_while(|ch| ch.is_alphanumeric())
.fold(0, Add::add);
Some((start, pos))
} else {
/// Moves the cursor to the end of next word.
pub fn move_to_next_word(&mut self) -> bool {
if let Some((_, end)) = self.next_word_pos(self.pos) {
self.pos = end;
} else {
/// Kill from the cursor to the end of the current word, or, if between words, to the end of the next word.
pub fn delete_word(&mut self) -> Option<String> {
if let Some((_, end)) = self.next_word_pos(self.pos) {
let word = self.buf.drain(self.pos..end).collect();
} else {
/// Alter the next word.
pub fn edit_word(&mut self, a: WordAction) -> bool {
if let Some((start, end)) = self.next_word_pos(self.pos) {
if start == end {
return false;
let word = self.buf.drain(start..end).collect::<String>();
let result = match a {
WordAction::CAPITALIZE => {
if let Some(ch) = word.chars().next() {
let cap = ch.to_uppercase().collect::<String>();
cap + &word[ch.len_utf8()..].to_lowercase()
} else {
WordAction::LOWERCASE => word.to_lowercase(),
WordAction::UPPERCASE => word.to_uppercase(),
self.insert_str(start, &result);
self.pos = start + result.len();
} else {
/// Transpose two words
pub fn transpose_words(&mut self) -> bool {
// prevword___oneword__
// ^ ^ ^
// prev_start start self.pos/end
if let Some(start) = self.prev_word_pos(self.pos, |ch| !ch.is_alphanumeric()) {
if let Some(prev_start) = self.prev_word_pos(start, |ch| !ch.is_alphanumeric()) {
let (_, prev_end) = self.next_word_pos(prev_start).unwrap();
if prev_end >= start {
return false;
let (_, mut end) = self.next_word_pos(start).unwrap();
if end < self.pos {
if self.pos < self.buf.len() {
let (s, _) = self.next_word_pos(self.pos).unwrap();
end = s;
} else {
end = self.pos;
let oneword = self.buf.drain(start..end).collect::<String>();
let sep = self.buf.drain(prev_end..start).collect::<String>();
let prevword = self.buf.drain(prev_start..prev_end).collect::<String>();
let mut idx = prev_start;
self.insert_str(idx, &oneword);
idx += oneword.len();
self.insert_str(idx, &sep);
idx += sep.len();
self.insert_str(idx, &prevword);
self.pos = idx + prevword.len();
return true;
/// Replaces the content between [`start`..`end`] with `text` and positions the cursor to the end of text.
pub fn replace(&mut self, start: usize, end: usize, text: &str) {
self.insert_str(start, text);
self.pos = start + text.len();
fn insert_str(&mut self, idx: usize, s: &str) -> bool {
if idx == self.buf.len() {
} else {
insert_str(&mut self.buf, idx, s);
impl Deref for LineBuffer {
type Target = str;
fn deref(&self) -> &str {
fn insert_str(buf: &mut String, idx: usize, s: &str) {
use std::ptr;
let len = buf.len();
assert!(idx <= len);
let amt = s.len();
unsafe {
let v = buf.as_mut_vec();
ptr::copy(v.as_ptr().offset(idx as isize),
v.as_mut_ptr().offset((idx + amt) as isize),
len - idx);
ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(s.as_ptr(), v.as_mut_ptr().offset(idx as isize), amt);
v.set_len(len + amt);
mod test {
use super::{LineBuffer, MAX_LINE, WordAction};
fn insert() {
let mut s = LineBuffer::with_capacity(MAX_LINE);
let push = s.insert('α').unwrap();
assert_eq!("α", s.buf);
assert_eq!(2, s.pos);
assert_eq!(true, push);
let push = s.insert('ß').unwrap();
assert_eq!("αß", s.buf);
assert_eq!(4, s.pos);
assert_eq!(true, push);
s.pos = 0;
let push = s.insert('γ').unwrap();
assert_eq!("γαß", s.buf);
assert_eq!(2, s.pos);
assert_eq!(false, push);
fn moves() {
let mut s = LineBuffer::init("αß", 4);
let ok = s.move_left();
assert_eq!("αß", s.buf);
assert_eq!(2, s.pos);
assert_eq!(true, ok);
let ok = s.move_right();
assert_eq!("αß", s.buf);
assert_eq!(4, s.pos);
assert_eq!(true, ok);
let ok = s.move_home();
assert_eq!("αß", s.buf);
assert_eq!(0, s.pos);
assert_eq!(true, ok);
let ok = s.move_end();
assert_eq!("αß", s.buf);
assert_eq!(4, s.pos);
assert_eq!(true, ok);
fn delete() {
let mut s = LineBuffer::init("αß", 2);
let ok = s.delete();
assert_eq!("α", s.buf);
assert_eq!(2, s.pos);
assert_eq!(true, ok);
let ok = s.backspace();
assert_eq!("", s.buf);
assert_eq!(0, s.pos);
assert_eq!(true, ok);
fn kill() {
let mut s = LineBuffer::init("αßγδε", 6);
let text = s.kill_line();
assert_eq!("αßγ", s.buf);
assert_eq!(6, s.pos);
assert_eq!(Some("δε".to_string()), text);
s.pos = 4;
let text = s.discard_line();
assert_eq!("γ", s.buf);
assert_eq!(0, s.pos);
assert_eq!(Some("αß".to_string()), text);
fn transpose() {
let mut s = LineBuffer::init("aßc", 1);
let ok = s.transpose_chars();
assert_eq!("ßac", s.buf);
assert_eq!(3, s.pos);
assert_eq!(true, ok);
s.buf = String::from("aßc");
s.pos = 3;
let ok = s.transpose_chars();
assert_eq!("acß", s.buf);
assert_eq!(2, s.pos);
assert_eq!(true, ok);
s.buf = String::from("aßc");
s.pos = 4;
let ok = s.transpose_chars();
assert_eq!("acß", s.buf);
assert_eq!(2, s.pos);
assert_eq!(true, ok);
fn move_to_prev_word() {
let mut s = LineBuffer::init("a ß c", 6);
let ok = s.move_to_prev_word();
assert_eq!("a ß c", s.buf);
assert_eq!(2, s.pos);
assert_eq!(true, ok);
fn delete_prev_word() {
let mut s = LineBuffer::init("a ß c", 6);
let text = s.delete_prev_word(char::is_whitespace);
assert_eq!("a c", s.buf);
assert_eq!(2, s.pos);
assert_eq!(Some("ß ".to_string()), text);
fn move_to_next_word() {
let mut s = LineBuffer::init("a ß c", 1);
let ok = s.move_to_next_word();
assert_eq!("a ß c", s.buf);
assert_eq!(4, s.pos);
assert_eq!(true, ok);
fn delete_word() {
let mut s = LineBuffer::init("a ß c", 1);
let text = s.delete_word();
assert_eq!("a c", s.buf);
assert_eq!(1, s.pos);
assert_eq!(Some(" ß".to_string()), text);
fn edit_word() {
let mut s = LineBuffer::init("a ßeta c", 1);
assert_eq!("a SSETA c", s.buf);
assert_eq!(7, s.pos);
let mut s = LineBuffer::init("a ßetA c", 1);
assert_eq!("a ßeta c", s.buf);
assert_eq!(7, s.pos);
let mut s = LineBuffer::init("a ßETA c", 1);
assert_eq!("a SSeta c", s.buf);
assert_eq!(7, s.pos);
fn transpose_words() {
let mut s = LineBuffer::init("ßeta / δelta__", 15);
assert_eq!("δelta__ / ßeta", s.buf);
assert_eq!(16, s.pos);
let mut s = LineBuffer::init("ßeta / δelta", 14);
assert_eq!("δelta / ßeta", s.buf);
assert_eq!(14, s.pos);
let mut s = LineBuffer::init(" / δelta", 8);
let mut s = LineBuffer::init("ßeta / __", 9);