blob: e24a24b50a16e26f215c60abce94ba0609ac4443 [file] [log] [blame]
initSidebarItems({"constant":[["UNICODE_VERSION","The version of Unicode that this version of unicode-segmentation is based on."]],"enum":[["GraphemeIncomplete","An error return indicating that not enough content was available in the provided chunk to satisfy the query, and that more content must be provided."]],"struct":[["GraphemeCursor","Cursor-based segmenter for grapheme clusters."],["GraphemeIndices","External iterator for grapheme clusters and byte offsets."],["Graphemes","External iterator for a string's grapheme clusters."],["UWordBoundIndices","External iterator for word boundaries and byte offsets."],["UWordBounds","External iterator for a string's word boundaries."],["UnicodeWords","An iterator over the substrings of a string which, after splitting the string on word boundaries, contain any characters with the Alphabetic property, or with General_Category=Number."]],"trait":[["UnicodeSegmentation","Methods for segmenting strings according to Unicode Standard Annex #29."]]});