blob: 3ac336a767e1505ce8af241b234bd6f265dc5208 [file] [log] [blame]
initSidebarItems({"enum":[["ForkResult","Represents the successful result of calling `fork`"],["Whence",""]],"fn":[["chdir","Change the current working directory of the calling process (see chdir(2))."],["chown","Change the ownership of the file at `path` to be owned by the specified `owner` (user) and `group` (see chown(2))."],["chroot",""],["close",""],["daemon","Daemonize this process by detaching from the controlling terminal (see daemon(3))."],["dup","Create a copy of the specified file descriptor (see dup(2))."],["dup2","Create a copy of the specified file descriptor using the specified fd (see dup(2))."],["dup3","Create a new copy of the specified file descriptor using the specified fd and flags (see dup(2))."],["execv","Replace the current process image with a new one (see exec(3))."],["execve","Replace the current process image with a new one (see execve(2))."],["execvp","Replace the current process image with a new one and replicate shell `PATH` searching behavior (see exec(3))."],["fchdir","Change the current working directory of the process to the one given as an open file descriptor (see fchdir(2))."],["fdatasync",""],["fork","Create a new child process duplicating the parent process (see fork(2))."],["fsync",""],["ftruncate",""],["getcwd","Returns the current directory as a PathBuf"],["getegid",""],["geteuid",""],["getgid",""],["gethostname","Get the host name and store it in the provided buffer, returning a pointer the CStr in that buffer on success (see gethostname(2))."],["getpgid",""],["getpgrp","Get the group id of the calling process (see getpgrp(3))."],["getpid","Get the pid of this process (see getpid(2))."],["getppid","Get the pid of this processes' parent (see getpid(2))."],["gettid","Get the caller's thread ID (see gettid(2)."],["getuid",""],["isatty",""],["lseek",""],["lseek64",""],["mkdir","Creates new directory `path` with access rights `mode`."],["mkstemp","Creates a regular file which persists even after process termination"],["pause",""],["pipe",""],["pipe2",""],["pivot_root",""],["read",""],["setgid",""],["sethostname","Set the system host name (see gethostname(2))."],["setpgid","Set a process group ID (see setpgid(2))."],["setresgid","Sets the real, effective, and saved gid. (see setresuid(2))"],["setresuid","Sets the real, effective, and saved uid. (see setresuid(2))"],["setsid","Create new session and set process group id (see setsid(2))."],["setuid",""],["sleep",""],["tcgetpgrp","Get the terminal foreground process group (see tcgetpgrp(3))."],["tcsetpgrp","Set the terminal foreground process group (see tcgetpgrp(3))."],["unlink",""],["write",""]]});