blob: 5e41a3ddb4a4569446ebfaee11cdc8061d3b6744 [file] [log] [blame]
initSidebarItems({"enum":[["AioCancelStat","Return values for `AioCb::cancel and aio_cancel_all`"],["AioFsyncMode","Mode for `AioCb::fsync`. Controls whether only data or both data and metadata are synced."],["LioMode","Mode for `lio_listio`."],["LioOpcode","When used with `lio_listio`, determines whether a given `aiocb` should be used for a read operation, a write operation, or ignored. Has no effect for any other aio functions."]],"fn":[["aio_cancel_all","Cancels outstanding AIO requests. All requests for `fd` will be cancelled."],["aio_suspend","Suspends the calling process until at least one of the specified `AioCb`s has completed, a signal is delivered, or the timeout has passed. If `timeout` is `None`, `aio_suspend` will block indefinitely."],["lio_listio","Submits multiple asynchronous I/O requests with a single system call. The order in which the requests are carried out is not specified."]],"struct":[["AioCb","The basic structure used by all aio functions. Each `aiocb` represents one I/O request."]]});