blob: f15f2a97668844611573d6f7ecc912a2f67cb4b0 [file] [log] [blame]
initSidebarItems({"mod":[["error","Errors returned by various conversion methods in this crate."]],"struct":[["Utf16Char","Store a `char` as UTF-16 so it can be borrowed as a slice"],["Utf16Iterator","Iterate over the units in an UTF-16 representation of a codepoint."],["Utf8Char","Store a `char` as UTF-8 so it can be borrowed as a `str`"],["Utf8Iterator","Read or iterate over the bytes in the UTF-8 representation of a codepoint."]],"trait":[["CharExt","Extension trait for `char` that adds methods for converting to and from UTF-8 or UTF-16."],["U16UtfExt","Methods for working with `u16`s as UTF-16 units."],["U8UtfExt","Methods for working with `u8`s UTF-8."]]});