blob: afc12b9ac6a5fa00ee8caf215e959e2b1900896c [file] [log] [blame]
use chrono::offset::Utc;
use chrono::DateTime;
use futures::io::AsyncRead;
use futures::task::LocalWaker;
use futures::{try_ready, Poll};
use ring::digest::{self, SHA256, SHA512};
use std::io::{self, ErrorKind};
use crate::crypto::{HashAlgorithm, HashValue};
use crate::error::Error;
use crate::Result;
/// Wrapper to verify a byte stream as it is read.
/// Wraps a `Read` to ensure that the consumer can't read more than a capped maximum number of
/// bytes. Also, this ensures that a minimum bitrate and returns an `Err` if it is not. Finally,
/// when the underlying `Read` is fully consumed, the hash of the data is optionally calculated. If
/// the calculated hash does not match the given hash, it will return an `Err`. Consumers of a
/// `SafeReader` should purge and untrust all read bytes if this ever returns an `Err`.
/// It is **critical** that none of the bytes from this struct are used until it has been fully
/// consumed as the data is untrusted.
pub struct SafeReader<R: AsyncRead> {
inner: R,
max_size: u64,
min_bytes_per_second: u32,
hasher: Option<(digest::Context, HashValue)>,
start_time: Option<DateTime<Utc>>,
bytes_read: u64,
impl<R: AsyncRead> SafeReader<R> {
/// Create a new `SafeReader`.
/// The argument `hash_data` takes a `HashAlgorithm` and expected `HashValue`. The given
/// algorithm is used to hash the data as it is read. At the end of the stream, the digest is
/// calculated and compared against `HashValue`. If the two are not equal, it means the data
/// stream has been tampered with in some way.
pub fn new(
read: R,
max_size: u64,
min_bytes_per_second: u32,
hash_data: Option<(&HashAlgorithm, HashValue)>,
) -> Result<Self> {
let hasher = match hash_data {
Some((alg, value)) => {
let ctx = match *alg {
HashAlgorithm::Sha256 => digest::Context::new(&SHA256),
HashAlgorithm::Sha512 => digest::Context::new(&SHA512),
HashAlgorithm::Unknown(ref s) => {
return Err(Error::IllegalArgument(format!(
"Unknown hash algorithm: {}",
Some((ctx, value))
None => None,
Ok(SafeReader {
inner: read,
start_time: None,
bytes_read: 0,
impl<R: AsyncRead> AsyncRead for SafeReader<R> {
fn poll_read(&mut self, lw: &LocalWaker, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Poll<io::Result<usize>> {
let read_bytes = try_ready!(self.inner.poll_read(lw, buf));
if self.start_time.is_none() {
self.start_time = Some(Utc::now())
if read_bytes == 0 {
if let Some((context, expected_hash)) = self.hasher.take() {
let generated_hash = context.finish();
if generated_hash.as_ref() != expected_hash.value() {
return Poll::Ready(Err(io::Error::new(
"Calculated hash did not match the required hash.",
return Poll::Ready(Ok(0));
match self.bytes_read.checked_add(read_bytes as u64) {
Some(sum) if sum <= self.max_size => self.bytes_read = sum,
_ => {
return Poll::Ready(Err(io::Error::new(
"Read exceeded the maximum allowed bytes.",
let duration = Utc::now().signed_duration_since(self.start_time.unwrap());
// 30 second grace period before we start checking the bitrate
if duration.num_seconds() >= 30 {
if self.bytes_read as f32 / (duration.num_seconds() as f32)
< self.min_bytes_per_second as f32
return Poll::Ready(Err(io::Error::new(
"Read aborted. Bitrate too low.",
if let Some((ref mut context, _)) = self.hasher {
mod test {
use super::*;
use futures::executor::block_on;
use futures::io::AsyncReadExt;
fn valid_read() {
async {
let bytes: &[u8] = &[0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03];
let mut reader = SafeReader::new(bytes, bytes.len() as u64, 0, None).unwrap();
let mut buf = Vec::new();
assert!(await!(reader.read_to_end(&mut buf)).is_ok());
assert_eq!(buf, bytes);
fn valid_read_large_data() {
async {
let bytes: &[u8] = &[0x00; 64 * 1024];
let mut reader = SafeReader::new(bytes, bytes.len() as u64, 0, None).unwrap();
let mut buf = Vec::new();
assert!(await!(reader.read_to_end(&mut buf)).is_ok());
assert_eq!(buf, bytes);
fn valid_read_below_max_size() {
async {
let bytes: &[u8] = &[0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03];
let mut reader = SafeReader::new(bytes, (bytes.len() as u64) + 1, 0, None).unwrap();
let mut buf = Vec::new();
assert!(await!(reader.read_to_end(&mut buf)).is_ok());
assert_eq!(buf, bytes);
fn invalid_read_above_max_size() {
async {
let bytes: &[u8] = &[0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03];
let mut reader = SafeReader::new(bytes, (bytes.len() as u64) - 1, 0, None).unwrap();
let mut buf = Vec::new();
assert!(await!(reader.read_to_end(&mut buf)).is_err());
fn invalid_read_above_max_size_large_data() {
async {
let bytes: &[u8] = &[0x00; 64 * 1024];
let mut reader = SafeReader::new(bytes, (bytes.len() as u64) - 1, 0, None).unwrap();
let mut buf = Vec::new();
assert!(await!(reader.read_to_end(&mut buf)).is_err());
fn valid_read_good_hash() {
async {
let bytes: &[u8] = &[0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03];
let mut context = digest::Context::new(&SHA256);
let hash_value = HashValue::new(context.finish().as_ref().to_vec());
let mut reader = SafeReader::new(
bytes.len() as u64,
Some((&HashAlgorithm::Sha256, hash_value)),
let mut buf = Vec::new();
assert!(await!(reader.read_to_end(&mut buf)).is_ok());
assert_eq!(buf, bytes);
fn invalid_read_bad_hash() {
async {
let bytes: &[u8] = &[0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03];
let mut context = digest::Context::new(&SHA256);
context.update(&[0xFF]); // evil bytes
let hash_value = HashValue::new(context.finish().as_ref().to_vec());
let mut reader = SafeReader::new(
bytes.len() as u64,
Some((&HashAlgorithm::Sha256, hash_value)),
let mut buf = Vec::new();
assert!(await!(reader.read_to_end(&mut buf)).is_err());
fn valid_read_good_hash_large_data() {
async {
let bytes: &[u8] = &[0x00; 64 * 1024];
let mut context = digest::Context::new(&SHA256);
let hash_value = HashValue::new(context.finish().as_ref().to_vec());
let mut reader = SafeReader::new(
bytes.len() as u64,
Some((&HashAlgorithm::Sha256, hash_value)),
let mut buf = Vec::new();
assert!(await!(reader.read_to_end(&mut buf)).is_ok());
assert_eq!(buf, bytes);
fn invalid_read_bad_hash_large_data() {
async {
let bytes: &[u8] = &[0x00; 64 * 1024];
let mut context = digest::Context::new(&SHA256);
context.update(&[0xFF]); // evil bytes
let hash_value = HashValue::new(context.finish().as_ref().to_vec());
let mut reader = SafeReader::new(
bytes.len() as u64,
Some((&HashAlgorithm::Sha256, hash_value)),
let mut buf = Vec::new();
assert!(await!(reader.read_to_end(&mut buf)).is_err());