blob: 8272577b5a49eb83dc30fcbc480bf6aab35ad5f8 [file] [log] [blame]
initSidebarItems({"mod":[["block","The `BlockRngCore` trait and implementation helpers"],["impls","Helper functions for implementing `RngCore` functions."],["le","Little-Endian utilities"]],"struct":[["Error","Error type of random number generators"],["OsRng","A random number generator that retrieves randomness from the operating system."]],"trait":[["CryptoRng","A marker trait used to indicate that an [`RngCore`] or `BlockRngCore` implementation is supposed to be cryptographically secure."],["CryptoRngCore","An extension trait that is automatically implemented for any type implementing [`RngCore`] and [`CryptoRng`]."],["RngCore","The core of a random number generator."],["SeedableRng","A random number generator that can be explicitly seeded."]]});