travis: add more operating systems and remove beta

This adds basic CI builds for macOS and Windows (only Rust stable, and
only build+test of quiche itself), as well as removes the Rust beta
builds which weren't particularly useful.
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 05b4fd2..d37fc8d 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -1,11 +1,8 @@
 language: rust
-dist: xenial
-     - golang-go
      - libev-dev
      - protobuf-compiler
      - uthash-dev
@@ -32,21 +29,6 @@
       # quic-trace-log
       - RUSTFLAGS="-D warnings" cargo build --release --verbose --manifest-path tools/quic-trace-log/Cargo.toml
       - cargo clippy --manifest-path tools/quic-trace-log/Cargo.toml -- -D warnings
-   - rust: beta
-     before_install:
-      # Install and use the current stable release of Go
-      - gimme --list
-      - eval "$(gimme stable)"
-      - gimme --list
-     script:
-      - RUSTFLAGS="-D warnings" cargo build --release --verbose
-      - RUSTFLAGS="-D warnings" cargo test --verbose
-      - cargo doc --no-deps
-      - make -C examples
-      # http3_test
-      - RUSTFLAGS="-D warnings" cargo test --no-run --verbose --manifest-path tools/http3_test/Cargo.toml
-      # quic-trace-log
-      - RUSTFLAGS="-D warnings" cargo build --release --verbose --manifest-path tools/quic-trace-log/Cargo.toml
    - rust: nightly
       # Install and use the current stable release of Go
@@ -73,6 +55,20 @@
       # quic-trace-log
       - RUSTFLAGS="-D warnings" cargo build --release --verbose --manifest-path tools/quic-trace-log/Cargo.toml
       - cargo fmt --manifest-path tools/quic-trace-log/Cargo.toml -- --check
+   - rust: stable
+     os: osx
+     script:
+      - RUSTFLAGS="-D warnings" cargo build --release --verbose
+      - RUSTFLAGS="-D warnings" cargo test --verbose
+   - rust: stable
+     os: windows
+     before_install:
+      - choco install golang nasm
+      # Update $PATH
+      - export PATH="$(powershell -Command '("Process", "Machine" | % { [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", $_) -Split ";" -Replace "\\$", "" } | Select -Unique | % { cygpath $_ }) -Join ":"')"
+     script:
+      - RUSTFLAGS="-D warnings" cargo build --release --verbose
+      - RUSTFLAGS="-D warnings" cargo test --verbose
   provider: pages
@@ -82,4 +78,4 @@
   github-token: $GITHUB_TOKEN
     branch: master
-    condition: $TRAVIS_RUST_VERSION = stable
+    condition: $TRAVIS_RUST_VERSION = stable && $TRAVIS_OS_NAME = linux