Fix white_point_from_temp to handle out of range input.

Mozilla bug 550969
diff --git a/iccread.c b/iccread.c
index 36b7011..ff0572f 100644
--- a/iccread.c
+++ b/iccread.c
@@ -917,6 +917,8 @@
 /* from lcms: cmsWhitePointFromTemp */
 /* tempK must be >= 4000. and <= 25000.
+ * Invalid values of tempK will return
+ * (x,y,Y) = (-1.0, -1.0, -1.0)
  * similar to argyll: icx_DTEMP2XYZ() */
 static qcms_CIE_xyY white_point_from_temp(int temp_K)
@@ -938,7 +940,14 @@
 		if (T > 7000.0 && T <= 25000.0) {
 			x = -2.0064*(1E9/T3) + 1.9018*(1E6/T2) + 0.24748*(1E3/T) + 0.237040;
 		} else {
+			// Invalid tempK
+			white_point.x = -1.0;
+			white_point.y = -1.0;
+			white_point.Y = -1.0;
 			assert(0 && "invalid temp");
+			return white_point;