Add list of steps todo for releasing
diff --git a/release-steps b/release-steps
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0303810
--- /dev/null
+++ b/release-steps
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+update version number, text in:
+- announcement.msg
+- lib/
+- lib3/
+ensure libyaml version is up to date in .travis.yml and .appveyor.yml
+commit with "changes for release X.Y"
+push to release branch
+mkdir /tmp/pyyaml-release
+cd /tmp/pyyaml-release
+mkdir work
+docker run -it  -v$PWD/work:/work python:3.7-buster bash
+pip install cython twine
+git clone -b (release branch)
+git clone -b (current branch)
+cd libyaml
+make test-all
+make install
+cd ../pyyaml
+make dist PYTHON=python
+# get wheels from AppVeyor artifacts, copy to dist/
+ -> Artifacts
+twine upload dist/*
+cp dist/* /work/
+exit docker
+tag release, push tag
+merge to master
+update yaml/
+copy all release binaries from /tmp/pyyaml-release/work to download/pyyaml
+* wiki/ News section
+* wiki/ History
+% make update