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  1. 8641351 Update README.fuchsia by Petr Hosek · 7 years ago main master
  2. ce58143 Update README.fuchsia by Damien Miller · 7 years ago
  3. 0da990a Link to upstream in README.fuchsia by Damien Miller · 7 years ago
  4. 4245607 Merge pull request #31 from raphlinus/master by Martin Vejnár · 8 years ago
  5. ed6ae5e Add support for keys being literal strings by Raph Levien · 8 years ago

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This project aims at being a specs-conforming and strict parser and writer for TOML files. The library currently supports version 0.4.0 of the specs and runs with Python 2.6+ and 3.3+.


pip install pytoml

The interface is the same as for the standard json package.

>>> import pytoml as toml
>>> toml.loads('a = 1')
{'a': 1}
>>> with open('file.toml', 'rb') as fin:
...     obj = toml.load(fin)
>>> obj
{'a': 1}

The loads function accepts either a bytes object (that gets decoded as UTF-8 with no BOM allowed), or a unicode object.

Use dump or dumps to serialize a dict into TOML.

>>> print toml.dumps(obj)
a = 1


To run the tests update the toml-test submodule:

$ git submodule update --init --recursive

Then run the tests:

$ python test/