tree: dbc6fbfcad9a22c433d7b4b702ed33cc413c22f0 [path history] [tgz]
  1. binary/
  2. data.proto
  3. debug.js
  4. debug_test.js
  5. gulpfile.js
  6. jasmine.json
  7. message.js
  8. message_test.js
  9. node_loader.js
  10. package.json
  11. proto3_test.js
  12. proto3_test.proto
  14. test.proto
  15. test2.proto
  16. test3.proto
  17. test4.proto
  18. test5.proto
  19. test_bootstrap.js
  20. testbinary.proto
  21. testempty.proto

This directory contains Protocol Buffer support for JavaScript. This code works in browsers and in Node.js.

The packaging work for this is still in-progress. For now you can just run the tests. First you need to build the main C++ distribution because the code generator for JavaScript is written in C++:

$ ./ $ ./configure $ make

Then you can run the JavaScript tests in this directory:

$ cd js && gulp test