version: bump major version number

  - add pt_insn_asid() and pt_blk_asid()
  - add event system
    - add resumed to struct pt_event.variant.enabled
    - add pt_insn_event() and pt_blk_event()
    - remove struct pt_insn flags
    - add tick events
    - add cbr events
    - add mnt events
  - indicate enabled state in pts_status bit-vector returned by most functions
  - indicate overflows while tracing is disabled
  - support power event tracing packets
  - support ptwrite
  - renumber enum pt_packet_type
  - move packet decode enums to internal header
  - reorder iclass and isid in struct pt_insn
  - add errors pte_overflow and pte_bad_file
  - add sideband correlation library
    - support decoding Linux perf_event records
    - support correlating Linux perf_event sideband
    - add scripts to post-process perf's file
  - support running PTT tests via ctest
  - address new gcc and clang warnings
  - work around skl014, apl11, apl12
  - support cpu 6/142, 6/158, 6/85, 6/122
  - add contribution guidelines
  - add an image section cache
  - add end_on_jump block decoder option
  - diagnose unknown cpus with -pte_bad_error
  - synchronized at partially consumed PSB
  - bug-fixes
  - ptunit:
    - destroy only initialized test fixtures
    - remove temporary files after closing them
    - test programs return the number of fails
  - ptxed:
    - print events
    - change relative order of [interrupt] and [aborted]
    - add --event:tick   request tick events.
    - add --sb:compact   print sideband records in compact form
    - add --sb:verbose   print sideband records in verbose form
    - add --sb:time      print the sideband record's timestamp
    - add --sb:filename  print the sideband filename
    - add --sb:offset    print the offset into the sideband file
    - add --sb:warn      print warnings for all kinds of losses
    - add --pevent:primary/secondary <file>[:<from>[-<to>]]
                              load a perf_event sideband stream from <file>.
                              an optional offset or range can be given.
    - add --pevent:sample-type <val>  set perf_event_attr.sample_type
    - add --pevent:time-zero <val>    set perf_event_mmap_page.time_zero
    - add --pevent:time-shift <val>   set perf_event_mmap_page.time_shift
    - add --pevent:time-mult <val>    set perf_event_mmap_page.time_mult
    - add --pevent:tsc-offset <val>   show perf events <val> ticks earlier.
    - add --pevent:kernel-start <val> the start address of the kernel.
    - add --pevent:sysroot <path>     prepend <path> to sideband filenames.
    - add --pevent:kcore <file>       load the kernel from a core dump.
    - add --pevent:vdso-x64 <file>    use <file> as 64-bit vdso.
    - add --pevent:vdso-x32 <file>    use <file> as x32 vdso.
    - add --pevent:vdso-ia32 <file>   use <file> as 32-bit vdso.
    - reformat output of --verbose
    - add --iscache-limit <limit>     set the image section cache limit
   - ptdump:
    - add --sb:compact   print sideband records in compact form
    - add --sb:verbose   print sideband records in verbose form
    - add --sb:time      print the sideband record's timestamp
    - add --sb:filename  print the sideband filename
    - add --sb:offset    print the offset into the sideband file
    - add --pevent:primary/secondary <file>[:<from>[-<to>]]
                              load a perf_event sideband stream from <file>.
                              an optional offset or range can be given.
    - add --pevent:sample-type <val>  set perf_event_attr.sample_type
    - add --pevent:time-zero <val>    set perf_event_mmap_page.time_zero
    - add --pevent:time-shift <val>   set perf_event_mmap_page.time_shift
    - add --pevent:time-mult <val>    set perf_event_mmap_page.time_mult
    - add --pevent:tsc-offset <val>   show perf events <val> ticks earlier.
    - add --pevent:kernel-start <val> the start address of the kernel.
    - add --pevent:sysroot <path>     ignored.
    - add --pevent:kcore <file>       ignored.
    - add --pevent:vdso-x64 <file>    ignored.
    - add --pevent:vdso-x32 <file>    ignored.
    - add --pevent:vdso-ia32 <file>   ignored.
  - pttc:
    - add new @sb directives:
      primary    open a primary sideband file and set as current
      secondary  open a secondary sideband file and set as current
      raw-8      write 8 bit into the current trace/sideband file
      raw-16     write 16 bit into the current trace/sideband file
      raw-32     write 32 bit into the current trace/sideband file
      raw-64     write 64 bit into the current trace/sideband file
      pevent-sample_type         specify the samples associated with subsequent
                                 pevent directives
      pevent-mmap-section        describe memory mapping of a yasm section
      pevent-lost                describe loss of pevent records
      pevent-comm                describe command being traced
      pevent-exit                describe thread exit
      pevent-fork                describe thread create
      pevent-aux                 describe new data in aux buffer
      pevent-itrace-start        describe that tracing started
      pevent-lost-samples        describe the loss of sample records
      pevent-switch              describe a context switch
      pevent-switch-cpu-wide     describe a context switch
    - print name of sideband files

Change-Id: I911466fc953c8cec3bee74ad6811de11ea5777a6
Signed-off-by: Markus Metzger <>
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index ef77e87..962a391 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@
 # a build number and a version extension can be optionally specified.