Fuchsia-local, checked in copy of intel-pt.h.

Change-Id: Ieb930f70ac3aea332a7a44b69054c514d68b4f6d
1 file changed
tree: 91d4aee1e14ef1d85981ba06749e5001641507de
  1. doc/
  2. include/
  3. libipt/
  4. ptdump/
  5. pttc/
  6. ptunit/
  7. ptxed/
  8. script/
  9. test/
  10. .gitignore
  11. CMakeLists.txt
  13. README
  14. README.md


This is the processor trace (PT) support from Intel. This repo was originally cloned from https://github.com/01org/processor-trace, with its master branch at commit afbae2983b1978f1f1fe267bfc3fd24a7e41673a.

To see differences with upstream, assuming master is up to date with origin/master:

bash$ git remote add github https://github.com/01org/processor-trace bash$ git fetch github bash$ git checkout master bash$ git cherry -v github/master

Commits that begin with “-” are ones upstream has and we do not. Commits that begin with “+” are ones we have and upstream does not.