blob: 31edc16ec1bac9886b6a48105333024266492954 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019-2021 The Khronos Group, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0
[open,refpage='VkQueryPoolPerformanceCreateInfoKHR',desc='Structure specifying parameters of a newly created performance query pool',type='structs']
The sname:VkQueryPoolPerformanceCreateInfoKHR structure is defined as:
* pname:sType is the type of this structure.
* pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this
* pname:queueFamilyIndex is the queue family index to create this
performance query pool for.
* pname:counterIndexCount is the length of the pname:pCounterIndices
* pname:pCounterIndices is a pointer to an array of indices into the
to enable in this performance query pool.
.Valid Usage
* [[VUID-VkQueryPoolPerformanceCreateInfoKHR-queueFamilyIndex-03236]]
pname:queueFamilyIndex must: be a valid queue family index of the device
* [[VUID-VkQueryPoolPerformanceCreateInfoKHR-performanceCounterQueryPools-03237]]
The <<features-performanceCounterQueryPools,
pname:performanceCounterQueryPools>> feature must: be enabled
* [[VUID-VkQueryPoolPerformanceCreateInfoKHR-pCounterIndices-03321]]
Each element of pname:pCounterIndices must: be in the range of counters
reported by
for the queue family specified in pname:queueFamilyIndex
[open,refpage='vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyPerformanceQueryPassesKHR',desc='Reports the number of passes require for a performance query pool type',type='protos']
To query the number of passes required to query a performance query pool on
a physical device, call:
* pname:physicalDevice is the handle to the physical device whose queue
family performance query counter properties will be queried.
* pname:pPerformanceQueryCreateInfo is a pointer to a
sname:VkQueryPoolPerformanceCreateInfoKHR of the performance query that
is to be created.
* pname:pNumPasses is a pointer to an integer related to the number of
passes required to query the performance query pool, as described below.
The pname:pPerformanceQueryCreateInfo member
sname:VkQueryPoolPerformanceCreateInfoKHR::pname:queueFamilyIndex must: be a
queue family of pname:physicalDevice.
The number of passes required to capture the counters specified in the
pname:pPerformanceQueryCreateInfo member
sname:VkQueryPoolPerformanceCreateInfoKHR::pname:pCounters is returned in