vmx: add helper functions

This patch adds the following helper functions for reuse of code,
hiding BE/LE differences and maintainability.

All of the functions were defined as static force_inline.

Names were copied from pixman-sse2.c so conversion of fast-paths between
sse2 and vmx would be easier from now on. Therefore, I tried to keep the
input/output of the functions to be as close as possible to the sse2

The functions are:

- load_128_aligned       : load 128-bit from a 16-byte aligned memory
                           address into a vector

- load_128_unaligned     : load 128-bit from memory into a vector,
                           without guarantee of alignment for the
                           source pointer

- save_128_aligned       : save 128-bit vector into a 16-byte aligned
                           memory address

- create_mask_16_128     : take a 16-bit value and fill with it
                           a new vector

- create_mask_1x32_128   : take a 32-bit pointer and fill a new
                           vector with the 32-bit value from that pointer

- create_mask_32_128     : take a 32-bit value and fill with it
                           a new vector

- unpack_32_1x128        : unpack 32-bit value into a vector

- unpacklo_128_16x8      : unpack the eight low 8-bit values of a vector

- unpackhi_128_16x8      : unpack the eight high 8-bit values of a vector

- unpacklo_128_8x16      : unpack the four low 16-bit values of a vector

- unpackhi_128_8x16      : unpack the four high 16-bit values of a vector

- unpack_128_2x128       : unpack the eight low 8-bit values of a vector
                           into one vector and the eight high 8-bit
                           values into another vector

- unpack_128_2x128_16    : unpack the four low 16-bit values of a vector
                           into one vector and the four high 16-bit
                           values into another vector

- unpack_565_to_8888     : unpack an RGB_565 vector to 8888 vector

- pack_1x128_32          : pack a vector and return the LSB 32-bit of it

- pack_2x128_128         : pack two vectors into one and return it

- negate_2x128           : xor two vectors with mask_00ff (separately)

- is_opaque              : returns whether all the pixels contained in
                           the vector are opaque

- is_zero                : returns whether the vector equals 0

- is_transparent         : returns whether all the pixels
                           contained in the vector are transparent

- expand_pixel_8_1x128   : expand an 8-bit pixel into lower 8 bytes of a

- expand_alpha_1x128     : expand alpha from vector and return the new

- expand_alpha_2x128     : expand alpha from one vector and another alpha
                           from a second vector

- expand_alpha_rev_2x128 : expand a reversed alpha from one vector and
                           another reversed alpha from a second vector

- pix_multiply_2x128     : do pix_multiply for two vectors (separately)

- over_2x128             : perform over op. on two vectors

- in_over_2x128          : perform in-over op. on two vectors

v2: removed expand_pixel_32_1x128 as it was not used by any function and
its implementation was erroneous

Signed-off-by: Oded Gabbay <oded.gabbay@gmail.com>
Acked-by: Siarhei Siamashka <siarhei.siamashka@gmail.com>
1 file changed