Change Log


You can now launch terminals that are activated with the Pigweed environment by running Pigweed: Launch Activated Terminal.


Minor bugfix for Pigweeed: File Bug.


  • You can now submit bugs to the Pigweed issue tracker directly from your editor. Just run Pigweed: File Bug.
  • Several UX improvements, including:
    • Auto-detection and activation in Pigweed projects is more reliable
    • Clearer feedback on the need to install or disable extensions
    • Target toolchains are now presented in alphabetical order
    • Errors will not appear when working in Pigweed projects that don't define project-level extensions


  • Fixes cases where “Pigweed: Check Extensions” was not running on startup.


  • Adds the “Pigweed: Check Extensions” command, which prompts the user to install all recommended extensions and disable all unwanted extensions, as defined by the project's extensions.json. This makes “recommended” extensions required, and “unwanted” extensions forbidden, allowing Pigweed projects to define more consistent development environments for their teams.