blob: f65641ed73a30de38d92cd7461ca30e4170aee91 [file] [log] [blame]
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.openwsman.Client;
import org.openwsman.ClientOptions;
import org.openwsman.EndPointReference;
import org.openwsman.Filter;
import org.openwsman.XmlDoc;
import org.openwsman.OpenWSManConstants;
import org.openwsman.XmlNode;
public class smis_enumerate_storagepool {
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
Client client = new Client(
EndPointReference epr = cim_enumerate_computersystem(client);
if (epr == null) {
System.err.println("CIM_ComputerSystem not found!");
if (!check_smis_required_profiles(client)) {
System.err.println("Array profile not registered!");
Map<String, String> map = smis_enumerate_storagepools(client, epr);
System.out.println("List of StoragePools:");
for (Entry<String,String> e: map.entrySet())
System.out.println(e.getKey() + ": " + e.getValue());
* Get a reference to the instance implementing CIM_ComputerSystem and
* return a valid EndPointReference for use in Enumeration of the StoragePools.
private static EndPointReference cim_enumerate_computersystem(Client client) {
final String URI = OpenWSManConstants.XML_NS_CIM_CLASS + "/CIM_ComputerSystem";
ClientOptions options = new ClientOptions();
// options.set_dump_request();
XmlDoc result = client.enumerate(options, null, URI);
if (result == null || result.isFault())
System.err.println("Enumeration failed: "
+ ((result != null) ? result.fault().reason() : "?"));
else {
String context = result.context();
while (context != null) {
result = client.pull(options, null, URI, context);
if (result == null || result.isFault()) {
System.err.println("Pull failed: " +
((result != null) ? result.fault().reason() : "?"));
context = null;
// System.err.println(result.root().toXML());\
/* We are only interested in the CIM payload */
XmlNode body = result.root().find(OpenWSManConstants.XML_NS_ENUMERATION,
OpenWSManConstants.WSENUM_ITEMS, 1);
XmlNode elem = body.child();
// System.err.println( + ", " + elem.ns());
// XmlNode name = elem.get("Name");
// XmlNode ccname = elem.get("CreationClassName");
// System.err.println(name + " (" + ccname + ")");
EndPointReference epr = new EndPointReference(elem.ns(), null);
epr.add_selector("Name", elem.get("Name").toString());
epr.add_selector("CreationClassName", elem.get("CreationClassName").toString());
// System.err.println(epr.toString());
if ("Linux_ComputerSystem".equals(elem.get("CreationClassName").toString()))
return epr;
context = result.context();
return null;
* Check if the CIM_ComputerSystem has the required SMI-S profiles registered.
private static boolean check_smis_required_profiles(Client client)
final String URI = OpenWSManConstants.XML_NS_CIM_CLASS + "/CIM_RegisteredProfile";
ClientOptions options = new ClientOptions();
// options.set_dump_request();
Filter filter = new Filter();
filter.wql("SELECT * FROM OMC_RegisteredSMIProfile");
XmlDoc result = client.enumerate(options, filter, URI);
if (result == null || result.isFault())
System.err.println("Enumeration failed: "
+ ((result != null) ? result.fault().reason() : "?"));
else {
String context = result.context();
while (context != null) {
result = client.pull(options, null, URI, context);
if (result == null || result.isFault()) {
System.err.println("Pull failed: " +
((result != null) ? result.fault().reason() : "?"));
context = null;
XmlNode name = result.root().find(null,"RegisteredName", 1);
XmlNode orgs = result.root().find(null,"RegisteredOrganization", 1);
XmlNode version = result.root().find(null,"RegisteredVersion", 1);
if (name != null && "Array".equalsIgnoreCase(name.toString())
&& orgs != null && "11".equalsIgnoreCase(orgs.toString())
&& version != null && "1.2.0".equalsIgnoreCase(version.toString()))
return true;
context = result.context();
return false;
private static Map<String, String> smis_enumerate_storagepools(Client client, EndPointReference epr) {
final String URI = OpenWSManConstants.CIM_ALL_AVAILABLE_CLASSES;
Map<String,String> map = new HashMap<String,String>();
ClientOptions options = new ClientOptions();
Filter filter = new Filter();
// filter.associators(epr, "OMC_HostedStoragePool", "OMC_StoragePool",
filter.associators(epr, "CIM_HostedStoragePool", "CIM_StoragePool",
"GroupComponent", "PartComponent",
new String[] { "PoolID", "TotalManagedSpace", "RemainingManagedSpace"});
XmlDoc result = client.enumerate(options, filter, URI);
if (result == null || result.isFault())
System.err.println("Enumeration failed: "
+ ((result != null) ? result.fault().reason() : "?"));
else {
String context = result.context();
while (context != null) {
result = client.pull(options, filter, URI, context);
if (result == null || result.isFault()) {
System.err.println("Pull failed: " +
((result != null) ? result.fault().reason() : "?"));
context = null;
// System.err.println("Pull Result:\n" + result);
XmlNode name = result.root().find(null,"PoolID", 1);
XmlNode tsize = result.root().find(null,"TotalManagedSpace", 1);
XmlNode size = result.root().find(null,"RemainingManagedSpace", 1);
// System.err.println(
// (name == null ? "?" : name.text()) +
// " (" +
// (size == null ? "?" : size.text()) +
// ")");
if (name != null && size != null)
map.put(name.toString(), tsize.toString() + "/" + size.toString());
context = result.context();
return map;