blob: 5632c439c8867a3b5b2065b2ed38ddfd3f96094a [file] [log] [blame]
* Document-module: Openwsman
* = About openwsman
* Openwsman ( is a project intended to provide an open-source
* implementation of the Web Services Management specification
* (WS-Management) and to expose system management information on the
* Linux operating system using the WS-Management protocol. WS-Management
* is based on a suite of web services specifications and usage
* requirements that exposes a set of operations focused on and covers
* all system management aspects.
* = Using the bindings
* The bindings provide access to the client-side API of openwsman.
* You start by creating a Client instance and set up ClientOptions
* to control the communication.
* The Client instance now provides the WS-Management operations, like
* enumerate, get, invoke, etc.
* All client operations return a XmlDoc representing the SOAP response
* from the system.
* You can then use XmlDoc methods to extract SOAP elements from the
* response and dig down through its XmlNode and XmlAttr objects.
#if defined(SWIGJAVA)
%module OpenWSMan
/* evaluate constants */
/* extend JNI class to automatically load shared library from jar file */
%pragma(java) jniclassimports=%{
%pragma(java) jniclasscode=%{
public final static String libraryFileName = "";
static {
InputStream inputStream = OpenWSManJNI.class.getClassLoader()
try {
File libraryFile = File.createTempFile(libraryFileName, null);
FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(libraryFile);
byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];
int bytesRead;
while ((bytesRead = > 0) {
fileOutputStream.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
try {
} catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) {
System.err.println("Arch: " + System.getProperty("os.arch"));
System.err.println("Native code library failed to load. See the chapter on Dynamic Linking Problems in the SWIG Java documentation for help.\n" + e);
} catch (Exception e) {
/* get the java environment so we can throw exceptions */
static JNIEnv *jenv;
jint JNI_OnLoad(JavaVM *vm, void *reserved) {
(*vm)->AttachCurrentThread(vm, (void **)&jenv, NULL);
return JNI_VERSION_1_2;
#if defined(SWIGPYTHON)
%module pywsman
#if defined(SWIGRUBY)
%module openwsman
#include <rubyio.h>
#include <ruby.h>
%typemap(in) FILE* {
struct OpenFile *fptr;
Check_Type($input, T_FILE);
GetOpenFile($input, fptr);
$1 = GetReadFile(fptr);
#if defined(SWIGPERL)
%module openwsman
// Typemap: Allow FILE* as PerlIO
%typemap(in) FILE* {
$1 = PerlIO_findFILE(IoIFP(sv_2io($input)));
#if defined(SWIGPERL)
/* filter_t is defined in Perls CORE/perl.h */
#define filter_t filter_type
#include <wsman-types.h>
#include <wsman-client.h>
#include <wsman-client-transport.h>
#include <wsman-api.h>
#include <wsman-xml-binding.h>
#include <wsman-xml.h>
#include <wsman-epr.h>
#include <wsman-filter.h>
#include <wsman-soap.h>
#include <wsman-soap-envelope.h>
#include <openwsman.h>
#if defined(SWIGRUBY)
#include <ruby/helpers.c>
#if defined(SWIGPYTHON)
#include <python/helpers.c>
#if defined(SWIGJAVA)
#include <java/helpers.c>
#if defined(SWIGPERL)
#include <perl/helpers.c>
/* Provide WsManTransport definition so it can be used as
* dedicated datatype in bindings.
* Internally, its aliased to WsManClient
struct _WsManTransport { };
typedef struct _WsManTransport WsManTransport;
static void set_debug(int dbg);
static void set_debug(int dbg) {
static int init = 0;
if (!init && dbg != 0) {
init = 1;
debug_add_handler( debug_message_handler, DEBUG_LEVEL_ALWAYS, NULL );
wsman_debug_set_level( dbg );
/* module-level methods */
static int get_debug(void);
static int get_debug(void) {
return (int)wsman_debug_get_level();
static WsXmlDocH create_soap_envelope(void);
static WsXmlDocH create_soap_envelope() {
return ws_xml_create_soap_envelope();
* hash_t typemaps
#if defined(SWIGJAVA)
%typemap(jni) hash_t * "jobject"
%typemap(jtype) hash_t * "java.util.Map"
%typemap(jstype) hash_t * "java.util.Map"
%typemap(javaout) hash_t * {
return $jnicall;
%typemap(out) hash_t * {
#if defined(SWIGJAVA)
$result = hash2value(jenv, $1);
$result = hash2value($1);
%typemap(in) hash_t * {
$input = value2hash(NULL, $1);
%ignore __undefined;
%include exception.i
#if defined(SWIGJAVA)
/* if java, pass the new exception macro to C not just SWIG */
#undef SWIG_exception
#define SWIG_exception(code, msg) {SWIG_JavaException(jenv, code, msg); goto fail;}
%inline %{
#undef SWIG_exception
#define SWIG_exception(code, msg) {SWIG_JavaException(jenv, code, msg); goto fail;}
/* start with wsman-xml to get the __WsXmlFoo -> XmlFoo renames right */
%include "wsman-xml.i"
%include "wsman-names.i"
%include "wsman-epr.i"
%include "wsman-filter.i"
%include "wsman-soap.i"
%include "wsman-transport.i"
%include "client_opt.i"
%include "wsman-client.i"
/* debug */
#if defined(SWIGRUBY)
%rename("debug=") set_debug(int debug);
* Return openwsman debug level.
static void set_debug(int dbg);
#if defined(SWIGRUBY)
%rename("debug") get_debug();
* Set openwsman debug level.
static int get_debug();
* Create empty SOAP envelope (XmlDoc)
static WsXmlDocH create_soap_envelope();