blob: 0247660d9cc045d0ae9b31128786a91dfac71562 [file] [log] [blame]
* wsman-soap.i
* soap structure accessors for openwsman swig bindings
%ignore __WsmanFaultCodeTable;
%ignore __WsmanFaultDetailTable;
%include "wsman-faults.h"
%nodefault __WsEnumerateInfo;
%rename(EnumerateInfo) __WsEnumerateInfo;
struct __WsEnumerateInfo {};
* Document-class: EnumerateInfo
* EnumerateInfo contains all information related to an enumeration
* request.
* The initial client.enumerate operation only returns a +context+
* (String) which can be used to +pull+ the next enumeration item.
* This item contains the next context in the chain.
%extend __WsEnumerateInfo {
~__WsEnumerateInfo() {
* Return the maximum number of items that will be returned by this enumeration
* call-seq:
* enumerate_info.max_items -> Integer
int max_items() { return $self->maxItems; }
#if defined(SWIGRUBY)
%rename("max_items=") set_max_items(int mi);
* Set the maximum number of items returned by this enumeration
* call-seq:
* enumerate_info.max_items = 100
void set_max_items(int mi) { $self->maxItems = mi; }
* enumeration flags
* call-seq:
* enumerate_info.flags -> Integer
int flags() {
return $self->flags;
* The URL of the endpoint receiving the enumeration
* call-seq:
* enumerate_info.epr_to -> String
const char *epr_to() {
return $self->epr_to;
* The URI of the end point reference
* call-seq:
* enumerate_info.epr_uri -> String
const char *epr_uri() {
return $self->epr_uri;
* The current encoding (defaults to 'utf-8')
* call-seq:
* enumerate_info.encoding -> String
const char *encoding() {
return $self->encoding;
* The Filter for this enumeration
* call-seq:
* enumerate_info.filter -> Openwsman::Filter
const filter_t *filter() {
return $self->filter;
* The current index (number of the last returned item)
* call-seq:
* enumerate_info.index -> Integer
int index() {
return $self->index;
#if defined(SWIGRUBY)
%rename("index=") set_index(int i);
* Set a specific index (used to skip ahead)
* call-seq:
* enumerate_info.index = 42
void set_index(int i) {
$self->index = i;
* The total number of items in this enumeration
* index is the number already returned, this is the total number
* call-seq:
* enumerate_info.total_items -> Integer
int total_items() {
return $self->totalItems;
#if defined(SWIGRUBY)
%rename("total_items=") set_total_items(int i);
* Set the total number of items in this enumeration
* call-seq:
* enumerate_info.total_items = 10
void set_total_items(int i) {
$self->totalItems = i;
* XmlDoc representing the result pulled last
* call-seq:
* enumerate_info.pull_result -> Openwsman::XmlDoc
WsXmlDocH pull_result() {
return (WsXmlDocH)$self->pullResultPtr;
#if defined(SWIGRUBY)
%rename("pull_result=") set_pull_result(WsXmlDocH result);
* Set the pull result (XmlDoc)
* Used for server-side plugin extensions
* call-seq:
* enumerate_info.pull_result = xml_doc
void set_pull_result(WsXmlDocH result) {
$self->pullResultPtr = (void *)result;
* __SoapOp -> SoapOp
%nodefault __SoapOp;
%rename(SoapOp) __SoapOp;
struct __SoapOp {};
* Document-class: SoapOp
* SoapOp represents a SOAP operation
%extend __SoapOp {
* The incoming XmlDoc
* call-seq:
* soap_op.indoc -> Openwsman::XmlDoc
WsXmlDocH indoc() {
return soap_get_op_doc($self, 1);
#if defined(SWIGRUBY)
%rename("indoc=") set_indoc( WsXmlDocH doc );
* Set the incoming XmlDoc
* call-seq:
* soap_op.indoc = xml_doc
void set_indoc( WsXmlDocH doc ) {
soap_set_op_doc( $self, doc, 1 );
* The outgoing XmlDoc
* call-seq:
* soap_op.outdoc -> Openwsman::XmlDoc
WsXmlDocH outdoc() {
return soap_get_op_doc($self, 0);
#if defined(SWIGRUBY)
%rename("outdoc=") set_outdoc( WsXmlDocH doc );
* Set the outgoing XmlDoc
* call-seq:
* soap_op.outdoc = xml_doc
void set_outdoc( WsXmlDocH doc ) {
soap_set_op_doc( $self, doc, 0 );
* The Soap instance of this operation
* call-seq:
* soap_op.soap -> Openwsman::Soap
struct __Soap *soap() {
return soap_get_op_soap($self);
* The raw (SOAP) message for this operation
* call-seq:
* soap_op.msg -> Openwsman::Message
WsmanMessage *msg() {
return wsman_get_msg_from_op($self);
* The maximum size (on the wire) of this operation
* call-seq:
* soap_op.maxsize -> Integer
unsigned long maxsize(){
return wsman_get_maxsize_from_op($self);
* __Soap -> Soap
%nodefault __Soap;
%rename(Soap) __Soap;
struct __Soap {};
* Document-class: Soap
* Soap represents a part of a SoapOp used to create and reference
* context information.
* There is no constructor for Soap, use SoapOp.soap to access the
* Soap instance associated with a SOAP operation.
%extend __Soap {
~__Soap() {
%typemap(newfree) WsContextH "free($1);";
* Create a new Context
* call-seq:
* soap.create_context -> Openwsman::Context
WsContextH create_context() {
return ws_create_context($self);
* Get the current Context
* call-seq:
* soap.context -> Openwsman::Context
WsContextH context() {
return ws_get_soap_context($self);
* Create a new endpoint Context
* call-seq:
* soap.create_ep_context -> Openwsman::Context
WsContextH create_ep_context( WsXmlDocH doc ) {
return ws_create_ep_context( $self, doc );
* WsContext -> Context
%rename(Context) _WS_CONTEXT;
%nodefault _WS_CONTEXT;
struct _WS_CONTEXT {};
typedef struct _WS_CONTEXT* WsContextH;
* Document-class: Context
* Context contains all information of an ongoing SOAP operation
* There is no constructor for Context, use Soap.context to get the
* current one.
%extend _WS_CONTEXT {
%typemap(newfree) WsXmlDocH "ws_xml_destroy_doc($1);";
* The incoming XmlDoc
* call-seq:
* context.indox -> Openwsman::XmlDoc
WsXmlDocH indoc() {
return $self->indoc;
* Get the Soap runtime environment
* call-seq:
* context.runtime -> Openwsman::Soap
struct __Soap *runtime() {
return ws_context_get_runtime($self);
#if defined(SWIGRUBY)
%rename("enum_idle_timeout=") set_enumIdleTimeout(unsigned long timeout);
* Set the idle timeout for enumerations
* call-seq:
* context.enum_idle_timeout = 60
void set_enumIdleTimeout(unsigned long timeout) {
ws_set_context_enumIdleTimeout($self, timeout);
* The class name
* call-seq:
* context.classname -> String
const char *classname() {
return wsman_get_class_name($self);
* The method name
* call-seq:
* context.method -> String
const char *method() {
return wsman_get_method_name($self);
* The method arguments
* call-seq:
* context.method -> Hash
hash_t *method_args(const char *resource_uri) {
return wsman_get_method_args($self, resource_uri);
* The maximum elements of the document
* call-seq:
* context.max_elements -> Integer
* context.max_elements(xmldoc) -> Integer
int max_elements(WsXmlDocH doc = NULL) {
return wsman_get_max_elements($self, doc);
* The maximum envelope size of the document
* call-seq:
* context.max_envelope_size -> Integer
* context.max_envelope_size(xmldoc) -> Integer
unsigned long max_envelope_size(WsXmlDocH doc = NULL) {
return wsman_get_max_envelope_size($self, doc);
* The fragment of the document
* call-seq:
* context.fragment_string -> String
* context.fragment_string(xmldoc) -> String
const char *fragment_string(WsXmlDocH doc = NULL) {
return wsman_get_fragment_string($self, doc);
* The selector for an element
* call-seq:
* context.selector(xml_doc, "Name", 1) -> String
const char *selector(WsXmlDocH doc, const char *name, int index) {
return wsman_get_selector($self, doc, name, index);
* The selectors from an endpoint reference
* call-seq:
* context.selectors_from_epr(epr_node_as_xml_doc) -> Hash
hash_t *selectors_from_epr(WsXmlNodeH epr_node) {
return wsman_get_selectors_from_epr($self, epr_node);
* The selectors for a document
* call-seq:
* context.selectors -> Hash
* context.selectors(xml_doc) -> Hash
hash_t *selectors(WsXmlDocH doc = NULL) {
return wsman_get_selector_list($self, doc);
* The selectors from a filter
* call-seq:
* context.selectors_from_filter -> Hash
* context.selectors_from_filter(xml_doc) -> Hash
hash_t *selectors_from_filter(WsXmlDocH doc = NULL) {
return wsman_get_selector_list_from_filter($self, doc);
* The action
* call-seq:
* context.action -> String
* context.action(xml_doc) -> String
const char *action(WsXmlDocH doc = NULL) {
return wsman_get_action($self, doc);
* The resource uri
* call-seq:
* context.resource_uri -> String
* context.resource_uri(xml_doc) -> String
const char *resource_uri(WsXmlDocH doc = NULL) {
return wsman_get_resource_uri($self, doc);
* The option set
* call-seq:
* context.option_set(xml_doc, "op") -> String
const char *option_set(WsXmlDocH doc, const char *op) {
return wsman_get_option_set($self, doc, op);
* Parse enumeration request
* call-seq:
* context.parse_enum_request(enumerate_info) -> Integer
int parse_enum_request(WsEnumerateInfo *enumInfo) {
WsmanStatus status;
return wsman_parse_enum_request( $self, enumInfo, &status);
/* FIXME: return status */
* WsmanStatus -> Status
%rename(Status) _WsmanStatus;
%nodefault _WsmanStatus;
struct _WsmanStatus {};
typedef struct _WsmanStatus WsmanStatus;
* Document-class: Status
* Status represents the detailed status of a (failed) WS-Management
* operation.
* Its primarily used implementing server-side plugins to report a Fault
* back to the calling client.
%extend _WsmanStatus {
* Create a new Status object
* call-seq:
* # create 'good' status
* error_code
* error_code, error_detail
* error_code, error_detail, "Error message"
_WsmanStatus(int code = 0, int detail = 0, const char *msg = NULL) {
WsmanStatus *s = (WsmanStatus *)malloc(sizeof(WsmanStatus));
if (code)
s->fault_code = code;
if (msg)
s->fault_msg = strdup(msg);
if (detail < 0
|| detail > OWSMAN_SYSTEM_ERROR) {
SWIG_exception( SWIG_ValueError, "Bad fault detail" );
else {
s->fault_detail_code = detail;
#if defined(SWIGPYTHON) || defined(SWIGPERL) || defined(SWIGJAVA)
return s;
~_WsmanStatus() {
if ($self->fault_msg) free($self->fault_msg);
* String representation (returns the fault message)
* call-seq:
* status.to_s -> String
const char *to_s() {
return $self->fault_msg;
#if defined(SWIGRUBY)
%rename("code=") set_code(int code);
* Set the fault code
* call-seq:
* status.code = 1
void set_code(int code) { $self->fault_code = code; }
* Get the fault code
* call-seq:
* status.code -> Integer
int code() {
return $self->fault_code;
#if defined(SWIGRUBY)
%rename("detail=") set_detail(int detail);
* Set the fault detail code
* call-seq:
* status.detail = 42
void set_detail(int detail) {
if (detail < 0
|| detail > OWSMAN_SYSTEM_ERROR) {
SWIG_exception( SWIG_ValueError, "Bad fault detail" );
else {
$self->fault_detail_code = detail;
#if defined(SWIGPYTHON) || defined(SWIGPERL) || defined(SWIGJAVA)
* Get the fault detail code
* call-seq:
* status.detail -> Integer
int detail() {
return $self->fault_detail_code;
#if defined(SWIGRUBY)
%rename("msg=") set_msg(const char *msg);
* Set the fault message
* call-seq:
* status.msg = "This is a fault message"
void set_msg(const char *msg) {
if ($self->fault_msg)
if (msg)
$self->fault_msg = strdup(msg);
$self->fault_msg = NULL;
* Get the fault message
* call-seq:
* status.msg -> String
const char *msg() {
return $self->fault_msg;
%typemap(newfree) WsXmlDocH "ws_xml_destroy_doc($1);";
* Create a new fault XmlDoc based on Status information
* call-seq:
* status.generate_fault(xml_doc) -> XmlDoc
WsXmlDocH generate_fault(WsXmlDocH doc) {
return wsman_generate_fault( doc, $self->fault_code, $self->fault_detail_code, $self->fault_msg);
* WsManFault -> Fault
%rename(Fault) _WsManFault;
%nodefault _WsManFault;
struct _WsManFault {};
typedef struct _WsManFault WsManFault;
* Document-class: Fault
* Fault represents details of a failed WS-Management operation
%extend _WsManFault {
* Create a Fault representation of a failed WS-Management result doc
* call-seq:
* result -> Openwsman::Fault
_WsManFault(WsXmlDocH doc) {
WsManFault *fault = wsmc_fault_new();
wsmc_get_fault_data(doc, fault);
return fault;
~_WsManFault() {
* Fault code
* call-seq:
* fault.code -> String
const char *code() {
return $self->code;
* Fault subcode
* call-seq:
* fault.subcode -> String
const char *subcode() {
return $self->subcode;
* Fault reason
* call-seq:
* fault.reason -> String
const char *reason() {
return $self->reason;
* Fault detail
* call-seq:
* fault.detail -> String
const char *detail() {
return $self->fault_detail;