blob: cbed316b0627c8fdfcf57a871672d638fe6fd962 [file] [log] [blame]
* wsman-xml.i
* xml structure accessors for openwsman swig bindings
* XmlNs
* Xml namespace
%rename(XmlNs) __WsXmlNs;
%nodefault __WsXmlNs; /* part of WsXmlAttr */
struct __WsXmlNs {}; /* without empty struct, the %rename isn't executed. */
typedef struct __WsXmlNs* WsXmlNsH;
* class XmlDoc
* Implementation advice
* DONT do a %newobject on functions returning WsXmlDoc. Swig will
* free the WsXmlDocH immediately after wrapping !
%rename(XmlDoc) _WsXmlDoc;
%nodefault _WsXmlDoc;
struct _WsXmlDoc {};
typedef struct _WsXmlDoc* WsXmlDocH;
* Document-class: XmlDoc
* XmlDoc holds an XML document and thus represents the root of an XML
* tree. XmlDoc is optimized for SOAP type documents, giving accessors
* to the SOAP envelope, header and body.
* Instances of the other XML related classes like XmlAttr and XmlNode
* can only be created with an associated XmlDoc instance.
* Main properties of the XML document are
* * name of the root element
* * encoding (defaults to _UTF-8_)
%extend _WsXmlDoc {
* Create XmlDoc with node name
* optionally pass namespace as 2nd arg (defaults to NULL)
_WsXmlDoc(const char *name, const char *ns = NULL) {
return ws_xml_create_doc(ns, name);
/* destructor */
~_WsXmlDoc() {
ws_xml_destroy_doc( $self );
%typemap(newfree) char * "free($1);";
#if defined(SWIGRUBY)
%alias string "to_s";
%alias string "to_xml";
#if defined(SWIGPYTHON)
%rename("__str__") string();
#if defined(SWIGJAVA)
%rename("toString") string();
%newobject string;
* generic string representation of the XmlDoc
char *string() {
int size;
char *buf;
ws_xml_dump_memory_node_tree( ws_xml_get_doc_root($self), &buf, &size );
return buf;
* encode document as string with specific encoding
* encoding defaults to 'utf-8'
%newobject encode;
char *encode(const char *encoding="utf-8") {
int size;
char *buf;
ws_xml_dump_memory_enc( $self, &buf, &size, encoding );
return buf;
* dump document to file
void dump_file(FILE *fp) {
ws_xml_dump_doc( fp, $self );
* get root node of doc
* call-seq:
* doc.root -> XmlNode
WsXmlNodeH root() {
return ws_xml_get_doc_root( $self );
* get soap envelope node
* call-seq:
* doc.envelope -> XmlNode
WsXmlNodeH envelope() {
return ws_xml_get_soap_envelope( $self );
* get soap header node
* call-seq:
* doc.header -> XmlNode
WsXmlNodeH header() {
return ws_xml_get_soap_header( $self );
* get soap body node
* call-seq:
* doc.body -> XmlNode
WsXmlNodeH body() {
return ws_xml_get_soap_body( $self );
* get soap element node by name
* returns nil if no element with the name can be found
WsXmlNodeH element(const char *name) {
return ws_xml_get_soap_element( $self, name );
* get enumeration context as string
* call-seq:
* doc.context -> String
const char *context() {
return wsmc_get_enum_context( $self );
* Generate fault document based on given status
* This creates a new XmlDoc instance representing a fault
WsXmlDocH generate_fault(WsmanStatus *s) {
return wsman_generate_fault( $self, s->fault_code, s->fault_detail_code, s->fault_msg);
#if defined(SWIGRUBY)
%rename("fault?") is_fault();
%typemap(out) int is_fault
"$result = ($1 != 0) ? Qtrue : Qfalse;";
#if defined(SWIGJAVA)
%rename("isFault") is_fault();
%typemap(jstype) int is_fault "boolean"
%typemap(javaout) int is_fault {
return ( $jnicall != 0 ) ? true : false;
* Check if document represents a fault
int is_fault() {
return wsmc_check_for_fault( $self );
* retrieve fault data
%newobject fault;
WsManFault *fault() {
WsManFault *f = NULL;
if (wsmc_check_for_fault($self)) {
f = (WsManFault *)calloc(1, sizeof(WsManFault));
wsmc_get_fault_data($self, f);
return f;
* Generate response envelope document, optionally relating to a
* specific action.
* This creates a new XmlDoc instance representing a response.
WsXmlDocH create_response_envelope(const char *action = NULL) {
return wsman_create_response_envelope($self, action);
#if defined(SWIGRUBY)
%rename("end_of_sequence?") is_end_of_sequence();
%typemap(out) int is_end_of_sequence
"$result = ($1 != 0) ? Qtrue : Qfalse;";
* Check if document represents an end of sequence (last enumeration item)
int is_end_of_sequence() {
return NULL != ws_xml_find_in_tree( ws_xml_get_soap_body( $self ), XML_NS_ENUMERATION, WSENUM_END_OF_SEQUENCE, 1 );
* Document-class: XmlNode
* XmlNode is a node inside the XML document tree.
* A node has
* * a name
* * a namespace (optional)
* * attributes
* * text (optional)
* * a parent
* * a document (root)
* * children (empty for tail nodes)
%rename(XmlNode) __WsXmlNode;
%nodefault __WsXmlNode;
struct __WsXmlNode {}; /* without empty struct, the %rename isn't executed. */
typedef struct __WsXmlNode* WsXmlNodeH;
%extend __WsXmlNode {
~__WsXmlNode() {
#if defined(SWIGRUBY)
%alias text "to_s";
%alias string "to_xml";
#if defined(SWIGPYTHON)
%rename("__str__") text();
#if defined(SWIGJAVA)
%rename("toString") text();
%rename("toXML") string();
%newobject string;
* dump node as XML string
char *string() {
int size;
char *buf;
ws_xml_dump_memory_node_tree( $self, &buf, &size );
return buf;
* dump node to file
void dump_file(FILE *fp) {
ws_xml_dump_node_tree( fp, $self );
#if defined(SWIGRUBY)
%alias equal "==";
%typemap(out) int equal
"$result = ($1 != 0) ? Qtrue : Qfalse;";
#if defined(SWIGPERL)
int __eq__( WsXmlNodeH n )
int equal( WsXmlNodeH n )
{ return $self == n; }
* get text (without xml tags) of node
char *text() {
return ws_xml_get_node_text( $self );
#if defined(SWIGRUBY)
%rename( "text=" ) set_text( const char *text );
* Set text of node
void set_text( const char *text ) {
ws_xml_set_node_text( $self, text );
* get XmlDoc to which node belongs
WsXmlDocH doc() {
return ws_xml_get_node_doc( $self );
* get parent for node
WsXmlNodeH parent() {
return ws_xml_get_node_parent( $self );
#if defined(SWIGRUBY)
%alias child "first";
* get first child of node
WsXmlNodeH child() {
return xml_parser_get_first_child($self);
* get name for node
char *name() {
return ws_xml_get_node_local_name( $self );
#if defined(SWIGRUBY)
%rename("name=") set_name( const char *name);
* set name of node
void set_name( const char *name ) {
ws_xml_set_node_name( $self, ws_xml_get_node_name_ns( $self ), name );
* get namespace for node
char *ns() {
return ws_xml_get_node_name_ns( $self );
#if defined(SWIGRUBY)
%rename("ns=") set_ns( const char *nsuri );
* set namespace of node
void set_ns( const char *ns ) {
ws_xml_set_ns( $self, ns, ws_xml_get_node_name_ns_prefix($self) );
* get prefix of nodes namespace
const char *prefix() {
return ws_xml_get_node_name_ns_prefix($self);
* set language
#if defined(SWIGRUBY)
%rename("lang=") set_lang(const char *lang);
void set_lang(const char *lang) {
ws_xml_set_node_lang($self, lang);
* find node within tree
* a NULL passed as 'ns' (namespace) is treated as wildcard
WsXmlNodeH find( const char *ns, const char *name, int recursive = 1) {
return ws_xml_find_in_tree( $self, ns, name, recursive );
* count node children
* if name given, count children with this name
* if name + ns given, count children with this namespace and name
int size(const char *name = NULL, const char *ns = NULL) {
return ws_xml_get_child_count_by_qname($self, ns, name);
* add child (namespace, name, text) to node
WsXmlNodeH add( const char *ns, const char *name, const char *text = NULL ) {
return ws_xml_add_child( $self, ns, name, text );
* add child (namespace, name, text) before(!) node
WsXmlNodeH add_before( const char *ns, const char *name, const char *text = NULL ) {
return ws_xml_add_prev_sibling( $self, ns, name, text );
#if defined(SWIGRUBY)
%alias add "<<";
* add node as child
WsXmlNodeH add(WsXmlNodeH node) {
ws_xml_duplicate_tree( $self, node );
return $self;
* iterate children
* can be limited to children with specific name (and specific namespace)
#if defined(SWIGRUBY)
void each(const char *name = NULL, const char *ns = NULL) {
int i = 0;
while ( i < ws_xml_get_child_count_by_qname( $self, ns, name ) ) {
rb_yield( SWIG_NewPointerObj((void*) ws_xml_get_child($self, i, ns, name), SWIGTYPE_p___WsXmlNode, 0));
#if defined(SWIGPYTHON)
%pythoncode %{
def __iter__(self):
r = range(0,self.size())
while r:
yield self.get(r.pop(0))
#if defined(SWIGRUBY)
%alias get "[]";
* get child by index
WsXmlNodeH get(int i, const char *name = NULL, const char *ns = NULL) {
if (i < 0 || i >= ws_xml_get_child_count_by_qname($self,ns,name))
return NULL;
return ws_xml_get_child($self, i, ns, name);
* get first child by name (and namespace)
WsXmlNodeH get(const char *name, const char *ns = NULL) {
#if 1
return ws_xml_get_child($self, 0, ns, name);
/* Hmm, why is this code so complicated ? */
int i = 0;
while ( i < ws_xml_get_child_count_by_qname($self, ns, name)) {
WsXmlNodeH child = ws_xml_get_child($self, i, ns, name);
if (!strcmp(ws_xml_get_node_local_name(child), name))
return child;
return NULL;
/* get node attribute */
WsXmlAttrH attr(int index = 0) {
return ws_xml_get_node_attr( $self, index );
/* count node attribute */
int attr_count() {
return ws_xml_get_node_attr_count( $self );
/* find node attribute by name */
WsXmlAttrH attr_find( const char *ns, const char *name ) {
return ws_xml_find_node_attr( $self, ns, name );
/* add attribute to node */
WsXmlAttrH attr_add( const char *ns, const char *name, const char *value ) {
return ws_xml_add_node_attr( $self, ns, name, value );
epr_t *epr( const char *ns, const char *epr_node_name, int embedded) {
return epr_deserialize($self, ns, epr_node_name, embedded);
#if defined(SWIGRUBY)
/* enumerate attributes */
void each_attr() {
int i = 0;
while ( i < ws_xml_get_node_attr_count( $self ) ) {
rb_yield( SWIG_NewPointerObj((void*) ws_xml_get_node_attr($self, i), SWIGTYPE_p___WsXmlAttr, 0));
* Document-class: XmlAttr
* An XmlAttr is a key/value pair representing an attribute of a node.
* An attribute has
* * a name (the key)
* * a namespace (optional)
* * a value
* There is no standalone constructor available for XmlAttr, use
* XmlNode.add_attr() to create a new attribute.
%rename(XmlAttr) __WsXmlAttr;
%nodefault __WsXmlAttr; /* part of WsXmlNode */
struct __WsXmlAttr {}; /* without empty struct, the %rename isn't executed. */
typedef struct __WsXmlAttr* WsXmlAttrH;
%extend __WsXmlAttr {
#if defined(SWIGRUBY)
%alias value "to_s";
/* get name for attr */
char *name() {
return ws_xml_get_attr_name( $self );
/* get namespace for attr */
char *ns() {
return ws_xml_get_attr_ns( $self );
/* get value for attr */
char *value() {
return ws_xml_get_attr_value( $self );
/* remove note attribute */
void remove() {
ws_xml_remove_node_attr( $self );