blob: 19ab6c7c97024d4fca8978e56042bab090589784 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Nest Labs Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2018 Google LLC. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Description:
# This make file supports generating distributions of
# nlbuild-autotools.
include Common.mak
# Build directories
builddir := .
top_builddir := .
abs_builddir := $(CURDIR)
abs_top_builddir := $(CURDIR)
# Source directories
srcdir := .
top_srcdir := .
abs_srcdir := $(CURDIR)
abs_top_srcdir := $(CURDIR)
distdir = $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)
dist_tgz_TARGETS = $(distdir)$(TGZ_EXTENSION)
dist_txz_TARGETS = $(distdir)$(TXZ_EXTENSION)
# Package version files:
# .default-version - The default package version. This file is ALWAYS checked
# in and should always represent the current baseline
# version of the package.
# .dist-version - The distributed package version. This file is NEVER
# checked in within the upstream repository, is auto-
# generated, and is only found in the package distribution.
# .local-version - The current source code controlled package version. This
# file is NEVER checked in within the upstream repository,
# is auto-generated, and can always be found in both the
# build tree and distribution.
# When present, the .local-version file is preferred first, the
# .dist-version second, and the .default-version last.
# VERSION_FILE should be and is intentionally an immediate (:=) rather
# than a deferred (=) variable to ensure the value binds once and only once
# for a given MAKELEVEL even as .local-version and .dist-version are created
# during makefile execution.
VERSION_FILE := $(if $(wildcard $(builddir)/.local-version),$(builddir)/.local-version,$(if $(wildcard $(srcdir)/.dist-version),$(srcdir)/.dist-version,$(srcdir)/.default-version))
# The two-level variables and the check against MAKELEVEL ensures that
# not only can the package version be overridden from the command line
# but also when the version is NOT overridden that we bind the version
# once and only once across potential sub-makes to prevent the version
# from flapping as VERSION_FILE changes.
export MAYBE_PACKAGE_VERSION := $(if $(filter 0,$(MAKELEVEL)),$(shell cat $(VERSION_FILE) 2> /dev/null),$(MAYBE_PACKAGE_VERSION))
# Verbosity
_NL_V_COPY = $(_NL_V_COPY_$(V))
_NL_V_COPY_0 = @for file in $(DISTFILES); do echo " COPY $${file}"; done;
_NL_V_COPY_1 =
_NL_V_MAKE = $(_NL_V_MAKE_$(V))
_NL_V_MAKE_0 = @echo " MAKE dist-hook";
_NL_V_MAKE_1 =
# check-file <macro suffix>
# Check whether a file, referenced by the $(@) variable, should be
# updated / regenerated based on its dependencies, referenced by the
# $(<) variable by running the make macro check-file-<macro suffix>.
# The $(<) is passed as the first argument if the macro wants to process
# it and the prospective new output file, which the macro MUST
# generate, as the second.
# This macro will ensure that any required parent directories are created
# prior to invoking check-file-<macro suffix>.
# This macro is similar to and inspired by that from Linux Kbuild and
# elsewhere.
# <macro suffix> - The name, suffixed to "check-file-", which indicates
# the make macro to invoke.
define check-file
$(NL_V_AT)set -e; \
echo ' CHECK $(@)'; \
$(MKDIR) -p $(dir $(@)); \
$(call check-file-$(1),$(<),$(@).N); \
if [ -r "$(@)" ] && $(CMP) -s "$(@)" "$(@).N"; then \
$(RM) -f "$(@).N"; \
else \
echo ' GEN $(@)'; \
$(MV) -f "$(@).N" "$(@)"; \
endef # check-file
# check-file-.local-version
# Speculatively regenerate .local-version and check to see if it needs
# to be updated.
# If PACKAGE_VERSION has been supplied anywhere other than in this file
# (which is implicitly the contents of .local-version), then use that;
# otherwise, attempt to generate it from the SCM system.
# This is called from $(call check-file,.local-version).
define check-file-.local-version
if [ "$(origin PACKAGE_VERSION)" != "file" ]; then \
echo "$(PACKAGE_VERSION)" > "$(2)"; \
else \
$(abs_top_srcdir)/scripts/mkversion \
-b "$(PACKAGE_VERSION)" "$(top_srcdir)" \
> "$(2)"; \
# check-file-.dist-version
# Speculatively regenerate .dist-version and check to see if it needs
# to be updated.
# This is called from $(call check-file,.dist-version).
define check-file-.dist-version
$(CAT) "$(1)" > "$(2)"
# Version file regeneration rules.
.PHONY: force
$(builddir)/.local-version: $(srcdir)/.default-version force
$(distdir)/.dist-version: $(builddir)/.local-version force
$(distdir)/.dist-version $(builddir)/.local-version:
$(call check-file,$(@F))
all: .local-version
dist-hook: $(distdir)/.dist-version
# Stage the distribution files to a distribution directory
stage: $(DISTFILES) .local-version
$(call nl-remove-dir,$(distdir))
$(call nl-create-dir,$(distdir))
$(_NL_V_MAKE)$(MAKE) -s distdir="$(distdir)" dist-hook
$(_NL_V_COPY)(cd $(abs_top_srcdir); $(dist_tar_ARCHIVE) $(DISTFILES) | (cd $(abs_builddir)/$(distdir); $(TAR) xfBp -))
# Produce an architecture-independent distribution using a tar archive
# with gzip compression
$(dist_tgz_TARGETS): stage
$(NL_V_TGZ)$(dist_tgz_ARCHIVE) $(distdir) | $(dist_tgz_COMPRESS) > "$(@)"
# Produce an architecture-independent distribution using a tar archive
# with xz compression
$(dist_txz_TARGETS): stage
$(NL_V_TXZ)$(dist_txz_ARCHIVE) $(distdir) | $(dist_txz_COMPRESS) > "$(@)"
# Produce an architecture-independent distribution of the
# nlbuild-autotools core.
dist: $(DIST_TARGETS) .local-version
$(call nl-remove-dir,$(distdir))
dist-tgz: $(dist_tgz_TARGETS)
dist-txz: $(dist_txz_TARGETS)
# Produce prebuilt GNU autotools binaries for the architecture of the
# CURRENT build machine and install them in THIS nlbuild-autotools
# package.
.PHONY: tools
$(NL_V_MAKE)$(MAKE) -C tools $(@)
# Produce prebuilt GNU autotools architecture-dependent and -independent
# binaries for the architecture of the CURRENT build machine and PACKAGE
# them up for EXTERNAL distribution.
toolsdist: .local-version
$(NL_V_MAKE)$(MAKE) -C tools $(@)
clean: clean-local
$(NL_V_MAKE)$(MAKE) -C tools $(@)