[common] adding `Heap::Array<Type>` a heap allocated flexible-length array (#7420)

This commit adds `Heap::Array<Type>` class which allocates the
buffer to store array elements from the heap. The `Array`
implementation automatically grows the buffer when new entries
are added. It also provides optional method `ReserveCapacity()`
to allow user to allocate and reserve a certain capacity
(number of elements user expects to add).

The `Array` can safely be used with element `Type`s that are
themselves heap allocated (manage allocated items). The `Array`
implementation uses the move constructor and destructor of the
`Type` class to ensure that copying the entries when growing the
array is performed efficiently and that the removed entries are
properly deleted.

The `Array` implementation also provides helper methods to search
in the array, e.g., `Find()`, `FindMatching()`, `Contains()`, and
`ContainsMatching()`. It also supports range-based `for` loop

This commit also adds a detailed unit test `test_heap_array` which
covers behavior of `Array` with a simple `uint16_t` entry type and
a more complex entry type (validating the constructors and destructor
of entry are properly invoked by `Array` implementation).
6 files changed
tree: 79c206b871b2591f60a898ce56f3bd84a1c2d8b7
  1. .github/
  2. doc/
  3. etc/
  4. examples/
  5. include/
  6. script/
  7. src/
  8. tests/
  9. third_party/
  10. tools/
  11. .clang-format
  12. .codecov.yml
  13. .default-version
  14. .gitattributes
  15. .gitignore
  16. .gn
  17. .lgtm.yml
  18. .prettierrc
  19. Android.mk
  21. bootstrap
  22. BUILD.gn
  23. CMakeLists.txt
  25. configure.ac
  28. Makefile.am
  29. NOTICE
  30. README.md
  31. STYLE_GUIDE.md

OpenThread Build Simulation Docker Language grade: C/C++ Coverage Status

What is OpenThread?

OpenThread released by Google is...

...an open-source implementation of the Thread networking protocol. Google Nest has released OpenThread to make the technology used in Nest products more broadly available to developers to accelerate the development of products for the connected home.

...OS and platform agnostic, with a narrow platform abstraction layer and a small memory footprint, making it highly portable. It supports both system-on-chip (SoC) and network co-processor (NCP) designs.

...a Thread Certified Component, implementing all features defined in the Thread 1.2 specification, including all Thread networking layers (IPv6, 6LoWPAN, IEEE 802.15.4 with MAC security, Mesh Link Establishment, Mesh Routing) and device roles, as well as Border Router support.

More information about Thread can be found at threadgroup.org. Thread is a registered trademark of the Thread Group, Inc.

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  • Learn how to build and configure a Thread network
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  • Build an application on top of OpenThread
  • Certify a product using OpenThread

...then openthread.io is the place for you.

Note: For users in China, end-user documentation is available at openthread.google.cn.

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OpenThread follows the Semantic Versioning guidelines for release cycle transparency and to maintain backwards compatibility. OpenThread's versioning is independent of the Thread protocol specification version but will clearly indicate which version of the specification it currently supports.


OpenThread is released under the BSD 3-Clause license. See the LICENSE file for more information.

Please only use the OpenThread name and marks when accurately referencing this software distribution. Do not use the marks in a way that suggests you are endorsed by or otherwise affiliated with Nest, Google, or The Thread Group.

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