tree: 4acc96b84500271eaaeb826dd8ed0dbae358ca03 [path history] [tgz]
  1. App.xaml
  2. App.xaml.cpp
  3. App.xaml.h
  4. ClientArgs.h
  5. ClientControl.xaml
  6. ClientControl.xaml.cpp
  7. ClientControl.xaml.h
  8. DatagramClientContext.cpp
  9. DatagramClientContext.h
  10. DatagramListenerContext.cpp
  11. DatagramListenerContext.h
  12. Factory.cpp
  13. Factory.h
  14. IAsyncThreadNotify.h
  15. IClientContext.h
  16. IListenerContext.h
  17. IMainPageUIElements.h
  18. ListenerArgs.h
  19. MainPage.xaml
  20. MainPage.xaml.cpp
  21. MainPage.xaml.h
  22. OpenThread_TemporaryKey.pfx
  23. otAdapter.h
  24. otApi.h
  25. Package.appxmanifest
  26. pch.cpp
  27. pch.h
  28. Protocol.h
  30. ServerControl.xaml
  31. ServerControl.xaml.cpp
  32. ServerControl.xaml.h
  33. StreamClientContext.cpp
  34. StreamClientContext.h
  35. StreamListenerContext.cpp
  36. StreamListenerContext.h
  37. TalkConsts.h
  38. TalkGrid.xaml
  39. TalkGrid.xaml.cpp
  40. TalkGrid.xaml.h
  41. TalkHelper.h

OpenThread App for Windows

This sample app provides an example of how to interface with the OpenThread API and talk to each other in a Universal Windows App. The app is written in C++ /CX and provides a simple wrapper around the OpenThread API, hiding the raw C/C++ interface.

The main page of the App is a list of the available interfaces, their current connection state, their current ML-EID IPv6 address, and buttons to connect/disconnect and to view some more details.

Interface List

The details list provides some more information, including extended MAC address, RLOC16 and information about the current children.

Interface List

The “Talk” button of main page switches the user interface to the talk fuctionality. This app acts either as a server or a client role and talks to each other over a TCP or a UDP protocol.

The server listens to the clients.

Talk Functionality

The client sends a message to the server and the server echos that message back to the client.

Talk Functionality