This directory contains example platform drivers for the [Silicon Labs EFR32MG12][efr32mg12] based on EFR32™ Mighty Gecko Wireless Starter Kit or Thunderboard™ Sense 2 Sensor-to-Cloud Advanced IoT Development Kit.
The example platform drivers are intended to present the minimal code necessary to support OpenThread. EFR32MG12P SoC has rich memory and peripheral resources which can support all OpenThread capabilities. See the “Run the example with EFR32MG12 boards” section below for an example using basic OpenThread capabilities.
See sleepy-demo/ for instructions for an example that uses the low-energy modes of the EFR32MG12 when running as a Sleepy End Device.
Download and install the GNU toolchain for ARM Cortex-M.
In a Bash terminal, follow these instructions to install the GNU toolchain and other dependencies.
$ cd <path-to-openthread> $ ./script/bootstrap
.For more information on configuring, building, and installing applications for the Wireless Gecko (EFR32) portfolio using FLEX, see Getting Started with the Silicon Labs Flex Software Development Kit for the Wireless Gecko (EFR32™) Portfolio. For more information on RAIL, see Radio Abstraction Interface Layer.
$ cd <path-to-openthread>/third_party $ mkdir silabs $ cd <path-to-Simplicity-Studio>/developer/sdks $ cp -rf gecko_sdk_suite <path-to-openthread>/third_party/silabs/
Alternatively create a symbolic link to the Flex SDK source code.
$ cd <path-to-openthread>/third_party $ mkdir silabs $ ln -s <path-to-Simplicity-Studio>/developer/sdks/gecko_sdk_suite silabs/gecko_sdk_suite
$ cd <path-to-openthread> $ ./bootstrap
For EFR32MG12™ Mighty Gecko Wireless Starter Kit:
$ make -f examples/Makefile-efr32mg12 BOARD=BRD4161A
or alternatively for the Thunderboard™ Sense 2:
$ make -f examples/Makefile-efr32mg12 BOARD=BRD4166A
After a successful build, the elf
files are found in <path-to-openthread>/output/efr32mg12/bin
Compiled binaries may be flashed onto the EFR32 using JLinkGDBServer. EFR32 Starter kit mainboard integrates an on-board SEGGER J-Link debugger.
$ cd <path-to-JLinkGDBServer> $ sudo ./JLinkGDBServer -if swd -device EFR32MG12PxxxF1024 $ cd <path-to-openthread>/output/efr32/bin $ arm-none-eabi-gdb ot-cli-ftd $ (gdb) target remote $ (gdb) load $ (gdb) monitor reset $ (gdb) c
Note: Support for the “EFR32MG12PxxxF1024” device was added to JLinkGDBServer V6.14d.
Or Compiled binaries also may be flashed onto the specified EFR32 dev board using J-Link Commander.
$ cd <path-to-openthread>/output/efr32mg12/bin $ arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O ihex ot-cli-ftd ot-cli-ftd.hex $ JLinkExe -device EFR32MG12PxxxF1024 -speed 4000 -if SWD -autoconnect 1 -SelectEmuBySN <SerialNo> $ J-Link>loadfile ot-cli-ftd.hex $ J-Link>r $ J-Link>q
Note: SerialNo is J-Link serial number. Use the following command to get the serial number of the connected J-Link.
$ JLinkExe
Alternatively Simplicity Commander provides a graphical interface for J-Link Commander.
$ cd <path-to-openthread>/output/efr32mg12/bin $ arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O ihex ot-cli-ftd ot-cli-ftd.ihex $ <path-to-simplicity-studio>/developer/adapter_packs/commander/commander
In the J-Link Device drop-down list select the serial number of the device to flash. Click the Adapter Connect button. Esnure the Debug Interface drop-down list is set to SWD and click the Target Connect button. Click on the Flash icon on the left side of the window to switch to the flash page. In the Flash MCU pane enter the path of the ot-cli-ftd.s37 file or choose the file with the Browse... button. Click the Flash button located under the Browse... button.
Flash two EFR32 boards with the CLI example
firmware (as shown above).
Open terminal to first device /dev/ttyACM0
(serial port settings: 115200 8-N-1). Type help
for a list of commands.
> help help channel childtimeout contextreusedelay extaddr extpanid ipaddr keysequence leaderweight masterkey mode netdataregister networkidtimeout networkname panid ping prefix releaserouterid rloc16 route routerupgradethreshold scan start state stop whitelist
Start a Thread network as Leader.
> dataset init new Done > dataset Active Timestamp: 1 Channel: 13 Channel Mask: 07fff800 Ext PAN ID: d63e8e3e495ebbc3 Mesh Local Prefix: fd3d:b50b:f96d:722d/64 Master Key: dfd34f0f05cad978ec4e32b0413038ff Network Name: OpenThread-8f28 PAN ID: 0x8f28 PSKc: c23a76e98f1a6483639b1ac1271e2e27 Security Policy: 0, onrcb Done > dataset commit active Done > ifconfig up Done > thread start Done wait a couple of seconds... > state leader Done
Open terminal to second device /dev/ttyACM1
(serial port settings: 115200 8-N-1) and attach it to the Thread network as a Router.
> dataset masterkey dfd34f0f05cad978ec4e32b0413038ff Done > dataset commit active Done > routerselectionjitter 1 Done > ifconfig up Done > thread start Done wait a couple of seconds... > state router Done
List all IPv6 addresses of Leader.
> ipaddr fd3d:b50b:f96d:722d:0:ff:fe00:fc00 fd3d:b50b:f96d:722d:0:ff:fe00:c00 fd3d:b50b:f96d:722d:7a73:bff6:9093:9117 fe80:0:0:0:6c41:9001:f3d6:4148 Done
Send an ICMPv6 ping to Leader's Mesh-EID IPv6 address.
> ping fd3d:b50b:f96d:722d:7a73:bff6:9093:9117 16 bytes from fd3d:b50b:f96d:722d:558:f56b:d688:799: icmp_seq=1 hlim=64 time=24ms
The above example demonstrates basic OpenThread capabilities. Enable more features/roles (e.g. commissioner, joiner, DHCPv6 Server/Client, etc.) by assigning compile-options before compiling.
$ cd <path-to-openthread> $ ./bootstrap $ make -f examples/Makefile-efr32mg12 COMMISSIONER=1 JOINER=1 DHCP6_CLIENT=1 DHCP6_SERVER=1
For a list of all available commands, visit OpenThread CLI Reference
The following toolchain has been used for testing and verification:
The EFR32 example has been verified with following Flex SDK/RAIL Library version: