The OpenThread CLI exposes configuration and management APIs via a command line interface. Use the CLI to play with OpenThread, which can also be used with additional application code. The OpenThread test scripts use the CLI to execute test cases.
Show the current message buffer information.
> bufferinfo total: 40 free: 40 6lo send: 0 0 6lo reas: 0 0 ip6: 0 0 mpl: 0 0 mle: 0 0 arp: 0 0 coap: 0 0 Done
Get the IEEE 802.15.4 Channel value.
> channel 11 Done
Set the IEEE 802.15.4 Channel value.
> channel 11 Done
Get preferred channel mask.
> channel preferred 0x7fff800 Done
Get supported channel mask.
> channel supported 0x7fff800 Done
List attached Child IDs.
> child list 1 2 3 6 7 8 Done
Print table of attached children.
> child table | ID | RLOC16 | Timeout | Age | LQ In | C_VN |R|S|D|N| Extended MAC | +-----+--------+------------+------------+-------+------+-+-+-+-+------------------+ | 1 | 0xe001 | 240 | 44 | 3 | 237 |1|1|1|1| d28d7f875888fccb | | 2 | 0xe002 | 240 | 27 | 3 | 237 |0|1|0|1| e2b3540590b0fd87 | Done
Print diagnostic information for an attached Thread Child. The id
may be a Child ID or an RLOC16.
> child 1 Child ID: 1 Rloc: 9c01 Ext Addr: e2b3540590b0fd87 Mode: rsn Net Data: 184 Timeout: 100 Age: 0 Link Quality In: 3 RSSI: -20 Done
Get the list of IP addresses stored for MTD children.
> childip 3401: fdde:ad00:beef:0:3037:3e03:8c5f:bc0c Done
Get the Thread maximum number of allowed children.
> childmax 5 Done
Set the Thread maximum number of allowed children.
> childmax 2 Done
Get the Thread Child Timeout value.
> childtimeout 300 Done
Set the Thread Child Timeout value.
> childtimeout 300 Done
> contextreusedelay 11 Done
> contextreusedelay 11 Done
Get the supported counter names.
>counters mac mle Done
Get the counter value.
> counters mac TxTotal: 10 TxUnicast: 3 TxBroadcast: 7 TxAckRequested: 3 TxAcked: 3 TxNoAckRequested: 7 TxData: 10 TxDataPoll: 0 TxBeacon: 0 TxBeaconRequest: 0 TxOther: 0 TxRetry: 0 TxErrCca: 0 TxErrBusyChannel: 0 RxTotal: 2 RxUnicast: 1 RxBroadcast: 1 RxData: 2 RxDataPoll: 0 RxBeacon: 0 RxBeaconRequest: 0 RxOther: 0 RxAddressFiltered: 0 RxDestAddrFiltered: 0 RxDuplicated: 0 RxErrNoFrame: 0 RxErrNoUnknownNeighbor: 0 RxErrInvalidSrcAddr: 0 RxErrSec: 0 RxErrFcs: 0 RxErrOther: 0 Done > counters mle Role Disabled: 0 Role Detached: 1 Role Child: 0 Role Router: 0 Role Leader: 1 Attach Attempts: 1 Partition Id Changes: 1 Better Partition Attach Attempts: 0 Parent Changes: 0 Done
Get the Thread network time and the time sync parameters.
> networktime Network Time: 21084154us (synchronized) Time Sync Period: 100s XTAL Threshold: 300ppm Done
Set time sync parameters
> networktime 100 300 Done
Get the minimal delay timer (in seconds).
> delaytimermin 30 Done
Set the minimal delay timer (in seconds).
> delaytimermin 60 Done
Perform an MLE Discovery operation.
> discover | J | Network Name | Extended PAN | PAN | MAC Address | Ch | dBm | LQI | +---+------------------+------------------+------+------------------+----+-----+-----+ | 0 | OpenThread | dead00beef00cafe | ffff | f1d92a82c8d8fe43 | 11 | -20 | 0 | Done
Send DNS Query to obtain IPv6 address for given hostname. The latter two parameters have following default values:
> dns resolve > DNS response for - 2a00:1450:401b:801:0:0:0:200e TTL: 300
Print the EID-to-RLOC cache entries.
> eidcache fdde:ad00:beef:0:bb1:ebd6:ad10:f33 ac00 fdde:ad00:beef:0:110a:e041:8399:17cd 6000 Done
Get the factory-assigned IEEE EUI-64.
> eui64 0615aae900124b00 Done
Get the IEEE 802.15.4 Extended Address.
> extaddr dead00beef00cafe Done
Set the IEEE 802.15.4 Extended Address.
> extaddr dead00beef00cafe dead00beef00cafe Done
Get the Thread Extended PAN ID value.
> extpanid dead00beef00cafe Done
Set the Thread Extended PAN ID value.
> extpanid dead00beef00cafe Done
Delete all stored settings, and signal a platform reset.
> factoryreset
Show the status of the IPv6 interface.
> ifconfig down Done
Bring up the IPv6 interface.
> ifconfig up Done
Bring down the IPv6 interface.
> ifconfig down Done
List all IPv6 addresses assigned to the Thread interface.
> ipaddr fdde:ad00:beef:0:0:ff:fe00:0 fdde:ad00:beef:0:558:f56b:d688:799 fe80:0:0:0:f3d9:2a82:c8d8:fe43 Done
Add an IPv6 address to the Thread interface.
> ipaddr add 2001::dead:beef:cafe Done
Delete an IPv6 address from the Thread interface.
> ipaddr del 2001::dead:beef:cafe Done
Print Thread link-local IPv6 address.
> ipaddr linklocal fe80:0:0:0:f3d9:2a82:c8d8:fe43 Done
Print Thread Mesh Local EID address.
> ipaddr mleid fdde:ad00:beef:0:558:f56b:d688:799 Done
Print Thread Routing Locator (RLOC) address.
> ipaddr rloc fdde:ad00:beef:0:0:ff:fe00:0 Done
List all IPv6 multicast addresses subscribed to the Thread interface.
> ipmaddr ff05:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 ff33:40:fdde:ad00:beef:0:0:1 ff32:40:fdde:ad00:beef:0:0:1 Done
Subscribe the Thread interface to the IPv6 multicast address.
> ipmaddr add ff05::1 Done
Unsubscribe the Thread interface to the IPv6 multicast address.
> ipmaddr del ff05::1 Done
Get multicast promiscuous mode.
> ipmaddr promiscuous Disabled Done
Enable multicast promiscuous mode.
> ipmaddr promiscuous enable Done
Disable multicast promiscuous mode.
> ipmaddr promiscuous disable Done
Set the Joiner port.
> joinerport 1000 Done
Get the Thread Key Sequence Counter.
> keysequence counter 10 Done
Set the Thread Key Sequence Counter.
> keysequence counter 10 Done
Get Thread Key Switch Guard Time (in hours)
> keysequence guardtime 0 Done
Set Thread Key Switch Guard Time (in hours) 0 means Thread Key Switch imediately if key index match
> keysequence guardtime 0 Done
Get the Thread Leader Partition ID.
> leaderpartitionid 4294967295 Done
Set the Thread Leader Partition ID.
> leaderpartitionid 0xffffffff Done
Show the Thread Leader Data.
> leaderdata Partition ID: 1077744240 Weighting: 64 Data Version: 109 Stable Data Version: 211 Leader Router ID: 60 Done
Get the Thread Leader Weight.
> leaderweight 128 Done
Set the Thread Leader Weight.
> leaderweight 128 Done
Get the link quality on the link to a given extended address.
> linkquality 36c1dd7a4f5201ff 3 Done
Set the link quality on the link to a given extended address.
> linkquality 36c1dd7a4f5201ff 3 Done
Specifies filename to capture otPlatLog() messages, useful when debugging automated test scripts on Linux when logging disrupts the automated test scripts.
Get the Thread Master Key value.
> masterkey 00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff Done
Set the Thread Master Key value.
> masterkey 00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff Done
Get the Thread Device Mode value.
> mode rsdn Done
Set the Thread Device Mode value.
> mode rsdn Done
List RLOC16 of neighbors.
> neighbor list 0xcc01 0xc800 0xf000 Done
Print table of neighbors.
> neighbor table | Role | RLOC16 | Age | Avg RSSI | Last RSSI |R|S|D|N| Extended MAC | +------+--------+-----+----------+-----------+-+-+-+-+------------------+ | C | 0xcc01 | 96 | -46 | -46 |1|1|1|1| 1eb9ba8a6522636b | | R | 0xc800 | 2 | -29 | -29 |1|0|1|1| 9a91556102c39ddb | | R | 0xf000 | 3 | -28 | -28 |1|0|1|1| 0ad7ed6beaa6016d | Done
Register local network data with Thread Leader.
> netdataregister Done
Show Thread Leader network data.
> netdatashow 08040b020000 Done
Send network diagnostic request to retrieve tlv of <type>s.
If <addr> is unicast address, Diagnostic Get
will be sent. if <addr> is multicast address, Diagnostic Query
will be sent.
> networkdiagnostic get fdde:ad00:beef:0:0:ff:fe00:f400 0 1 6 DIAG_GET.rsp: 00088e18ad17a24b0b740102f400060841dcb82d40bac63d > networkdiagnostic get ff02::1 0 1 DIAG_GET.rsp: 0008567e31a79667a8cc0102f000 DIAG_GET.rsp: 0008aaa7e584759e4e6401025400
Send network diagnostic request to reset <addr>'s tlv of <type>s. Currently only MAC Counters
(9) is supported.
> diagnostic reset fd00:db8::ff:fe00:0 9 Done
Get the NETWORK_ID_TIMEOUT parameter used in the Router role.
> networkidtimeout 120 Done
Set the NETWORK_ID_TIMEOUT parameter used in the Router role.
> networkidtimeout 120 Done
Get the Thread Network Name.
> networkname OpenThread Done
Set the Thread Network Name.
> networkname OpenThread Done
Get the IEEE 802.15.4 PAN ID value.
> panid 0xdead Done
Set the IEEE 802.15.4 PAN ID value.
> panid 0xdead Done
Get the diagnostic information for a Thread Router as parent.
Note: When operating as a Thread Router, this command will return the cached information from when the device was previously attached as a Thread Child. Returning cached information is necessary to support the Thread Test Harness - Test Scenario 8.2.x requests the former parent (i.e. Joiner Router's) MAC address even if the device has already promoted to a router.
> parent Ext Addr: be1857c6c21dce55 Rloc: 5c00 Link Quality In: 3 Link Quality Out: 3 Age: 20 Done
Get the assigned parent priority value, -2 means not assigned.
> parentpriority 1 Done
Set the assigned parent priority value: 1, 0, -1 or -2.
> parentpriority 1 Done
Send an ICMPv6 Echo Request.
.> ping fdde:ad00:beef:0:558:f56b:d688:799 16 bytes from fdde:ad00:beef:0:558:f56b:d688:799: icmp_seq=1 hlim=64 time=28ms
Stop sending ICMPv6 Echo Requests.
> ping stop Done
Get the customized data poll period of sleepy end device (milliseconds). Only for certification test
> pollperiod 0 Done
Set the customized data poll period for sleepy end device (milliseconds >= 10ms). Only for certification test
> pollperiod 10 Done
Get the prefix list in the local Network Data.
> prefix 2001:dead:beef:cafe::/64 paros med Done
Add a valid prefix to the Network Data.
> prefix add 2001:dead:beef:cafe::/64 paros med Done
Invalidate a prefix in the Network Data.
> prefix remove 2001:dead:beef:cafe::/64 Done
Get radio promiscuous property.
> promiscuous Disabled Done
Enable radio promiscuous operation and print raw packet content.
> promiscuous enable Done
Disable radio promiscuous operation.
> promiscuous disable Done
Release a Router ID that has been allocated by the device in the Leader role.
> releaserouterid 16 Done
Signal a platform reset.
> reset
Get the Thread RLOC16 value.
> rloc16 0xdead Done
Get the external route list in the local Network Data.
> route 2001:dead:beef:cafe::/64 s med Done
Add a valid external route to the Network Data.
> route add 2001:dead:beef:cafe::/64 s med Done
Invalidate a external route in the Network Data.
> route remove 2001:dead:beef:cafe::/64 Done
List allocated Router IDs.
> router list 8 24 50 Done
Print table of routers.
> router table | ID | RLOC16 | Next Hop | Path Cost | LQ In | LQ Out | Age | Extended MAC | +----+--------+----------+-----------+-------+--------+-----+------------------+ | 21 | 0x5400 | 21 | 0 | 3 | 3 | 5 | d28d7f875888fccb | | 56 | 0xe000 | 56 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 182 | f2d92a82c8d8fe43 | Done
Print diagnostic information for a Thread Router. The id
may be a Router ID or an RLOC16.
> router 50 Alloc: 1 Router ID: 50 Rloc: c800 Next Hop: c800 Link: 1 Ext Addr: e2b3540590b0fd87 Cost: 0 Link Quality In: 3 Link Quality Out: 3 Age: 3 Done
> router 0xc800 Alloc: 1 Router ID: 50 Rloc: c800 Next Hop: c800 Link: 1 Ext Addr: e2b3540590b0fd87 Cost: 0 Link Quality In: 3 Link Quality Out: 3 Age: 7 Done
> routerdowngradethreshold 23 Done
> routerdowngradethreshold 23 Done
Indicates whether the router role is enabled or disabled.
> routerrole Enabled Done
Enable the router role.
> routerrole enable Done
Disable the router role.
> routerrole disable Done
> routerselectionjitter 120 Done
> routerselectionjitter 120 Done
> routerupgradethreshold 16 Done
> routerupgradethreshold 16 Done
Perform an IEEE 802.15.4 Active Scan.
> scan | J | Network Name | Extended PAN | PAN | MAC Address | Ch | dBm | LQI | +---+------------------+------------------+------+------------------+----+-----+-----+ | 0 | OpenThread | dead00beef00cafe | ffff | f1d92a82c8d8fe43 | 11 | -20 | 0 | Done
Perform an IEEE 802.15.4 Energy Scan.
> scan energy 10 | Ch | RSSI | +----+------+ | 11 | -59 | | 12 | -62 | | 13 | -67 | | 14 | -61 | | 15 | -87 | | 16 | -86 | | 17 | -86 | | 18 | -52 | | 19 | -58 | | 20 | -82 | | 21 | -76 | | 22 | -82 | | 23 | -74 | | 24 | -81 | | 25 | -88 | | 26 | -71 | Done
Return true when there are no other nodes in the network, otherwise return false.
> singleton true or false Done
Send SNTP Query to obtain current unix epoch time (from 1st January 1970). The latter two parameters have following default values:
> sntp query > SNTP response - Unix time: 1540894725 (era: 0)
You can use NAT64 of OpenThread Border Router to reach e.g. Google IPv4 NTP Server:
> sntp query 64:ff9b::d8ef:2308 > SNTP response - Unix time: 1540898611 (era: 0)
Return state of current state.
> state offline, disabled, detached, child, router or leader Done
Try to switch to state detached
, child
, router
or leader
> state leader Done
Enable Thread protocol operation and attach to a Thread network.
> thread start Done
Disable Thread protocol operation and detach from a Thread network.
> thread stop Done
Get the Thread Version number.
> thread version 2 Done
Get the transmit power in dBm.
> txpower -10 dBm Done
Set the transmit power.
> txpower -10 Done
Print the build version information.
> version OPENTHREAD/gf4f2f04; Jul 1 2016 17:00:09 Done
Get the number of direct TX retries on the MAC layer.
> mac retries direct 3 Done
Set the number of direct TX retries on the MAC layer.
> mac retries direct 5 Done
Get the number of indirect TX retries on the MAC layer.
> mac retries indirect 3 Done
Set the number of indirect TX retries on the MAC layer.
> mac retries indirect 5 Done
List the macfilter status, including address and received signal strength filter settings.
> macfilter Address Mode: Whitelist 0f6127e33af6b403 : rss -95 (lqi 1) 0f6127e33af6b402 RssIn List: 0f6127e33af6b403 : rss -95 (lqi 1) Default rss : -50 (lqi 3) Done
List the address filter status.
> macfilter addr Whitelist 0f6127e33af6b403 : rss -95 (lqi 1) 0f6127e33af6b402 Done
Disable address filter mode.
> macfilter addr disable Done
Enable whitelist address filter mode.
> macfilter addr whitelist Done
Enable blacklist address filter mode.
> macfilter addr blacklist Done
Add an IEEE 802.15.4 Extended Address to the address filter, and fixed the received singal strength for the messages from the address if rss is specified.
> macfilter addr add 0f6127e33af6b403 -95 Done
> macfilter addr add 0f6127e33af6b402 Done
Remove the IEEE802.15.4 Extended Address from the address filter.
> macfilter addr remove 0f6127e33af6b402 Done
Clear all the IEEE802.15.4 Extended Addresses from the address filter.
> macfilter addr clear Done
List the rss filter status
> macfilter rss 0f6127e33af6b403 : rss -95 (lqi 1) Default rss: -50 (lqi 3) Done
Set the received signal strength for the messages from the IEEE802.15.4 Extended Address. If extaddr is *, default received signal strength for all received messages would be set.
> macfilter rss add * -50 Done
> macfilter rss add 0f6127e33af6b404 -85 Done
Set the received link quality for the messages from the IEEE802.15.4 Extended Address. Valid lqi range [0,3] If extaddr is *, default received link quality for all received messages would be set. Equivalent with ‘filter rss add’ with similar usage
> macfilter rss add-lqi * 3 Done
> macfilter rss add 0f6127e33af6b404 2 Done
Removes the received signal strength or received link quality setting on the Extended Address. If extaddr is *, default received signal strength or link quality for all received messages would be unset.
> macfilter rss remove * Done
> macfilter rss remove 0f6127e33af6b404 Done
Clear all the received signal strength or received link quality settings.
> macfilter rss clear Done
Factory Diagnostics module is enabled only when building OpenThread with OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_DIAG_ENABLE=1
option. Go diagnostics module for more information.
Module for controlling service registration in Network Data. Each change in service registration must be sent to leader by netdataregister
command before taking effect.
Add service to the Network Data.
> service add 44970 foo bar Done > ipaddr fdde:ad00:beef:0:0:ff:fe00:fc10 fdde:ad00:beef:0:0:ff:fe00:fc00 fdde:ad00:beef:0:0:ff:fe00:7c00 fe80:0:0:0:1486:2f57:3c:6e10 fdde:ad00:beef:0:8ca4:19ed:217a:eff9 Done
Remove service from Network Data.
> service remove 44970 foo Done