OpenThread on NXP(Freescale) Kinetis MKW41Z512 Example

This directory contains example platform drivers for the NXP(Freescale) Kinetis MKW41Z512 based on FRDM-KW41Z hardware platform.

The example platform drivers are intended to present the minimal code necessary to support OpenThread. As a result, the example platform drivers do not necessarily highlight the platform's full capabilities.


Download and install the GNU toolchain for ARM Cortex-M.

In a Bash terminal, follow these instructions to install the GNU toolchain and other dependencies.

$ cd <path-to-openthread>
$ ./script/bootstrap

Build Examples

$ cd <path-to-openthread>
$ ./bootstrap
$ make -f examples/Makefile-kw41z

After a successful build, the elf files are found in <path-to-openthread>/output/kw41z/bin. You can convert them to bin files using arm-none-eabi-objcopy:

$ arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O binary ot-cli-ftd ot-cli-ftd.bin

Flash Binaries

Compiled binaries may be flashed onto the MKW41Z512 using drag-and-drop into the board's MSD Bootloader or the NXP(Freescale) Test Tool or JTAG interface. The NXP(Freescale) Test Tool provides a convenient method for flashing a MKW41Z512 via the J-Link.

Running the example

  1. Prepare two boards with the flashed CLI Example (as shown above).

  2. The CLI example uses UART connection. To view raw UART output, start a terminal emulator like PuTTY and connect to the used COM port with the following UART settings:

    • Baud rate: 115200
    • 8 data bits
    • 1 stop bit
    • No parity
    • No flow control
  3. Open a terminal connection on the first board and start a new Thread network.

    > dataset init new
    > dataset
    Active Timestamp: 1
    Channel: 13
    Channel Mask: 07fff800
    Ext PAN ID: d63e8e3e495ebbc3
    Mesh Local Prefix: fd3d:b50b:f96d:722d/64
    Master Key: dfd34f0f05cad978ec4e32b0413038ff
    Network Name: OpenThread-8f28
    PAN ID: 0x8f28
    PSKc: c23a76e98f1a6483639b1ac1271e2e27
    Security Policy: 0, onrcb
    > dataset commit active
    > ifconfig up
    > thread start
  4. After a couple of seconds the node will become a Leader of the network.

    > state
  5. Open a terminal connection on the second board and attach a node to the network.

    > dataset masterkey dfd34f0f05cad978ec4e32b0413038ff
    > dataset commit active
    > ifconfig up
    > thread start
  6. After a couple of seconds the second node will attach and become a Child.

    > state
  7. List all IPv6 addresses of the first board.

    > ipaddr
  8. Choose one of them and send an ICMPv6 ping from the second board.

    > ping fd3d:b50b:f96d:722d:7a73:bff6:9093:9117
    16 bytes from fd3d:b50b:f96d:722d:558:f56b:d688:799: icmp_seq=1 hlim=64 time=24ms

For a list of all available commands, visit OpenThread CLI Reference