Optimize ninja -d stats

-d stats enables instrumented profiling of key functions in ninja.
However, some of those functions are invoked 6+ million times in a NOP
build of Chromium and the cost of measuring those functions dwarfs the
cost of the functions. Here is typical -d stats output for a Chromium

metric                  count   avg (us)        total (ms)
.ninja parse            6580    4197.5          27619.5
canonicalize str        6240450 0.0             47.3
canonicalize path       6251390 0.0             33.5
lookup node             6339402 0.0             37.2
.ninja_log load         1       176226.0        176.2
.ninja_deps load        1       465407.0        465.4
node stat               168997  8.8             1482.9
depfile load            327     352.7           115.3

99% of the measurements are in three functions. The total measurement
cost (per ETW sampled profiling) is 700-1200 ms, which is many times
greater than the costs of the functions.

With this change typical output looks like this:

metric                  count   avg (us)        total (ms)
.ninja parse            6580    3526.3          23203.2
.ninja_log load         1       227305.0        227.3
.ninja_deps load        1       485693.0        485.7
node stat               168997  9.6             1615.0
depfile load            327     383.1           125.3

This resolves issue #1998.
2 files changed
tree: c9a6b3a43cf351f887a6ff2c5f9fa4352b661db9
  1. .github/
  2. doc/
  3. misc/
  4. src/
  5. windows/
  6. .clang-format
  7. .clang-tidy
  8. .editorconfig
  9. .gitignore
  10. appveyor.yml
  11. CMakeLists.txt
  12. configure.py
  15. README.md


Ninja is a small build system with a focus on speed. https://ninja-build.org/

See the manual or doc/manual.asciidoc included in the distribution for background and more details.

Binaries for Linux, Mac, and Windows are available at GitHub. Run ./ninja -h for Ninja help.

Installation is not necessary because the only required file is the resulting ninja binary. However, to enable features like Bash completion and Emacs and Vim editing modes, some files in misc/ must be copied to appropriate locations.

If you're interested in making changes to Ninja, read CONTRIBUTING.md first.

Building Ninja itself

You can either build Ninja via the custom generator script written in Python or via CMake. For more details see the wiki.


./configure.py --bootstrap

This will generate the ninja binary and a build.ninja file you can now use to build Ninja with itself.


cmake -Bbuild-cmake -H.
cmake --build build-cmake

The ninja binary will now be inside the build-cmake directory (you can choose any other name you like).

To run the unit tests:
