Implement Vulkan API for reading the display's size

 * magma: Add Magma APIs for reading the display size.  Add public API
   in magma.h and add driver API in msd.h.  Add IPC plumbing (an
   ioctl) for reading the display size.

 * drivers/gpu/msd-intel-gen: Implement the driver API by reading the
   display size from the register state.

 * third_party/mesa: Implement the Vulkan API --
   vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfacePresentModesKHR() -- in terms of the
   Magma public API.

Note that the vkcube demo already uses that Vulkan API, so it will
start using the actual display size (rather than a default) after this


Change-Id: Ifc0e75104205d16eb1e0c968d0624c21c5e0484d
5 files changed