blob: 83d19656de1333ffe7aced95422191f4dbecb233 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright © 2018 Valve Corporation
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next
* paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the
* Software.
#include "aco_ir.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <bitset>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
namespace aco {
namespace {
struct ra_ctx;
unsigned get_subdword_operand_stride(amd_gfx_level gfx_level, const aco_ptr<Instruction>& instr,
unsigned idx, RegClass rc);
void add_subdword_operand(ra_ctx& ctx, aco_ptr<Instruction>& instr, unsigned idx, unsigned byte,
RegClass rc);
std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>
get_subdword_definition_info(Program* program, const aco_ptr<Instruction>& instr, RegClass rc);
void add_subdword_definition(Program* program, aco_ptr<Instruction>& instr, PhysReg reg);
struct assignment {
PhysReg reg;
RegClass rc;
union {
struct {
bool assigned : 1;
bool vcc : 1;
uint8_t _ = 0;
uint32_t affinity = 0;
assignment() = default;
assignment(PhysReg reg_, RegClass rc_) : reg(reg_), rc(rc_), assigned(-1) {}
void set(const Definition& def)
assigned = true;
reg = def.physReg();
rc = def.regClass();
struct ra_ctx {
Program* program;
Block* block = NULL;
std::vector<assignment> assignments;
std::vector<std::unordered_map<unsigned, Temp>> renames;
std::vector<uint32_t> loop_header;
std::unordered_map<unsigned, Temp> orig_names;
std::unordered_map<unsigned, Instruction*> vectors;
std::unordered_map<unsigned, Instruction*> split_vectors;
aco_ptr<Instruction> pseudo_dummy;
aco_ptr<Instruction> phi_dummy;
uint16_t max_used_sgpr = 0;
uint16_t max_used_vgpr = 0;
uint16_t sgpr_limit;
uint16_t vgpr_limit;
std::bitset<512> war_hint;
ra_test_policy policy;
ra_ctx(Program* program_, ra_test_policy policy_)
: program(program_), assignments(program->peekAllocationId()),
renames(program->blocks.size()), policy(policy_)
create_instruction<Instruction>(aco_opcode::p_parallelcopy, Format::PSEUDO, 0, 0));
create_instruction<Instruction>(aco_opcode::p_linear_phi, Format::PSEUDO, 0, 0));
sgpr_limit = get_addr_sgpr_from_waves(program, program->min_waves);
vgpr_limit = get_addr_vgpr_from_waves(program, program->min_waves);
/* Iterator type for making PhysRegInterval compatible with range-based for */
struct PhysRegIterator {
using difference_type = int;
using value_type = unsigned;
using reference = const unsigned&;
using pointer = const unsigned*;
using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag;
PhysReg reg;
PhysReg operator*() const { return reg; }
PhysRegIterator& operator++()
reg.reg_b += 4;
return *this;
PhysRegIterator& operator--()
reg.reg_b -= 4;
return *this;
bool operator==(PhysRegIterator oth) const { return reg == oth.reg; }
bool operator!=(PhysRegIterator oth) const { return reg != oth.reg; }
bool operator<(PhysRegIterator oth) const { return reg < oth.reg; }
/* Half-open register interval used in "sliding window"-style for-loops */
struct PhysRegInterval {
PhysReg lo_;
unsigned size;
/* Inclusive lower bound */
PhysReg lo() const { return lo_; }
/* Exclusive upper bound */
PhysReg hi() const { return PhysReg{lo() + size}; }
PhysRegInterval& operator+=(uint32_t stride)
lo_ = PhysReg{lo_.reg() + stride};
return *this;
bool operator!=(const PhysRegInterval& oth) const { return lo_ != oth.lo_ || size != oth.size; }
/* Construct a half-open interval, excluding the end register */
static PhysRegInterval from_until(PhysReg first, PhysReg end) { return {first, end - first}; }
bool contains(PhysReg reg) const { return lo() <= reg && reg < hi(); }
bool contains(const PhysRegInterval& needle) const
return needle.lo() >= lo() && needle.hi() <= hi();
PhysRegIterator begin() const { return {lo_}; }
PhysRegIterator end() const { return {PhysReg{lo_ + size}}; }
intersects(const PhysRegInterval& a, const PhysRegInterval& b)
return a.hi() > b.lo() && b.hi() > a.lo();
/* Gets the stride for full (non-subdword) registers */
get_stride(RegClass rc)
if (rc.type() == RegType::vgpr) {
return 1;
} else {
uint32_t size = rc.size();
if (size == 2) {
return 2;
} else if (size >= 4) {
return 4;
} else {
return 1;
get_reg_bounds(Program* program, RegType type)
if (type == RegType::vgpr) {
return {PhysReg{256}, (unsigned)program->max_reg_demand.vgpr};
} else {
return {PhysReg{0}, (unsigned)program->max_reg_demand.sgpr};
struct DefInfo {
PhysRegInterval bounds;
uint8_t size;
uint8_t stride;
RegClass rc;
DefInfo(ra_ctx& ctx, aco_ptr<Instruction>& instr, RegClass rc_, int operand) : rc(rc_)
size = rc.size();
stride = get_stride(rc);
bounds = get_reg_bounds(ctx.program, rc.type());
if (rc.is_subdword() && operand >= 0) {
/* stride in bytes */
stride = get_subdword_operand_stride(ctx.program->gfx_level, instr, operand, rc);
} else if (rc.is_subdword()) {
std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> info = get_subdword_definition_info(ctx.program, instr, rc);
stride = info.first;
if (info.second > rc.bytes()) {
rc = RegClass::get(rc.type(), info.second);
size = rc.size();
/* we might still be able to put the definition in the high half,
* but that's only useful for affinities and this information isn't
* used for them */
stride = align(stride, info.second);
if (!rc.is_subdword())
stride = DIV_ROUND_UP(stride, 4);
assert(stride > 0);
} else if (instr->isMIMG() && instr->mimg().d16 && ctx.program->gfx_level <= GFX9) {
/* Workaround GFX9 hardware bug for D16 image instructions: FeatureImageGather4D16Bug
* The register use is not calculated correctly, and the hardware assumes a
* full dword per component. Don't use the last registers of the register file.
* Otherwise, the instruction will be skipped.
bool imageGather4D16Bug = operand == -1 && rc == v2 && instr->mimg().dmask != 0xF;
assert(ctx.program->gfx_level == GFX9 && "Image D16 on GFX8 not supported.");
if (imageGather4D16Bug)
bounds.size -= rc.bytes() / 4;
class RegisterFile {
RegisterFile() { regs.fill(0); }
std::array<uint32_t, 512> regs;
std::map<uint32_t, std::array<uint32_t, 4>> subdword_regs;
const uint32_t& operator[](PhysReg index) const { return regs[index]; }
uint32_t& operator[](PhysReg index) { return regs[index]; }
unsigned count_zero(PhysRegInterval reg_interval)
unsigned res = 0;
for (PhysReg reg : reg_interval)
res += !regs[reg];
return res;
/* Returns true if any of the bytes in the given range are allocated or blocked */
bool test(PhysReg start, unsigned num_bytes)
for (PhysReg i = start; i.reg_b < start.reg_b + num_bytes; i = PhysReg(i + 1)) {
assert(i <= 511);
if (regs[i] & 0x0FFFFFFF)
return true;
if (regs[i] == 0xF0000000) {
assert(subdword_regs.find(i) != subdword_regs.end());
for (unsigned j = i.byte(); i * 4 + j < start.reg_b + num_bytes && j < 4; j++) {
if (subdword_regs[i][j])
return true;
return false;
void block(PhysReg start, RegClass rc)
if (rc.is_subdword())
fill_subdword(start, rc.bytes(), 0xFFFFFFFF);
fill(start, rc.size(), 0xFFFFFFFF);
bool is_blocked(PhysReg start)
if (regs[start] == 0xFFFFFFFF)
return true;
if (regs[start] == 0xF0000000) {
for (unsigned i = start.byte(); i < 4; i++)
if (subdword_regs[start][i] == 0xFFFFFFFF)
return true;
return false;
bool is_empty_or_blocked(PhysReg start)
/* Empty is 0, blocked is 0xFFFFFFFF, so to check both we compare the
* incremented value to 1 */
if (regs[start] == 0xF0000000) {
return subdword_regs[start][start.byte()] + 1 <= 1;
return regs[start] + 1 <= 1;
void clear(PhysReg start, RegClass rc)
if (rc.is_subdword())
fill_subdword(start, rc.bytes(), 0);
fill(start, rc.size(), 0);
void fill(Operand op)
if (op.regClass().is_subdword())
fill_subdword(op.physReg(), op.bytes(), op.tempId());
fill(op.physReg(), op.size(), op.tempId());
void clear(Operand op) { clear(op.physReg(), op.regClass()); }
void fill(Definition def)
if (def.regClass().is_subdword())
fill_subdword(def.physReg(), def.bytes(), def.tempId());
fill(def.physReg(), def.size(), def.tempId());
void clear(Definition def) { clear(def.physReg(), def.regClass()); }
unsigned get_id(PhysReg reg)
return regs[reg] == 0xF0000000 ? subdword_regs[reg][reg.byte()] : regs[reg];
void fill(PhysReg start, unsigned size, uint32_t val)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; i++)
regs[start + i] = val;
void fill_subdword(PhysReg start, unsigned num_bytes, uint32_t val)
fill(start, DIV_ROUND_UP(num_bytes, 4), 0xF0000000);
for (PhysReg i = start; i.reg_b < start.reg_b + num_bytes; i = PhysReg(i + 1)) {
/* emplace or get */
std::array<uint32_t, 4>& sub =
subdword_regs.emplace(i, std::array<uint32_t, 4>{0, 0, 0, 0}).first->second;
for (unsigned j = i.byte(); i * 4 + j < start.reg_b + num_bytes && j < 4; j++)
sub[j] = val;
if (sub == std::array<uint32_t, 4>{0, 0, 0, 0}) {
regs[i] = 0;
std::vector<unsigned> find_vars(ra_ctx& ctx, RegisterFile& reg_file,
const PhysRegInterval reg_interval);
/* helper function for debugging */
print_reg(const RegisterFile& reg_file, PhysReg reg, bool has_adjacent_variable)
if (reg_file[reg] == 0xFFFFFFFF) {
printf((const char*)u8"☐");
} else if (reg_file[reg]) {
const bool show_subdword_alloc = (reg_file[reg] == 0xF0000000);
if (show_subdword_alloc) {
auto block_chars = {
// clang-format off
u8"?", u8"▘", u8"▝", u8"▀",
u8"▖", u8"▌", u8"▞", u8"▛",
u8"▗", u8"▚", u8"▐", u8"▜",
u8"▄", u8"▙", u8"▟", u8"▉"
// clang-format on
unsigned index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
if ([i]) {
index |= 1 << i;
printf("%s", (const char*)(block_chars.begin()[index]));
} else {
/* Indicate filled register slot */
if (!has_adjacent_variable) {
printf((const char*)u8"█");
} else {
/* Use a slightly shorter box to leave a small gap between adjacent variables */
printf((const char*)u8"▉");
} else {
printf((const char*)u8"·");
/* helper function for debugging */
print_regs(ra_ctx& ctx, bool vgprs, RegisterFile& reg_file)
PhysRegInterval regs = get_reg_bounds(ctx.program, vgprs ? RegType::vgpr : RegType::sgpr);
char reg_char = vgprs ? 'v' : 's';
const int max_regs_per_line = 64;
/* print markers */
printf(" ");
for (int i = 0; i < std::min<int>(max_regs_per_line, ROUND_DOWN_TO(regs.size, 4)); i += 4) {
printf("%-3.2u ", i);
/* print usage */
auto line_begin_it = regs.begin();
while (line_begin_it != regs.end()) {
const int regs_in_line =
std::min<int>(max_regs_per_line, std::distance(line_begin_it, regs.end()));
if (line_begin_it == regs.begin()) {
printf("%cgprs: ", reg_char);
} else {
printf(" %+4d ", std::distance(regs.begin(), line_begin_it));
const auto line_end_it = std::next(line_begin_it, regs_in_line);
for (auto reg_it = line_begin_it; reg_it != line_end_it; ++reg_it) {
bool has_adjacent_variable =
(std::next(reg_it) != line_end_it &&
reg_file[*reg_it] != reg_file[*std::next(reg_it)] && reg_file[*std::next(reg_it)]);
print_reg(reg_file, *reg_it, has_adjacent_variable);
line_begin_it = line_end_it;
const unsigned free_regs =
std::count_if(regs.begin(), regs.end(), [&](auto reg) { return !reg_file[reg]; });
printf("%u/%u used, %u/%u free\n", regs.size - free_regs, regs.size, free_regs, regs.size);
/* print assignments ordered by registers */
std::map<PhysReg, std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>>
regs_to_vars; /* maps to byte size and temp id */
for (unsigned id : find_vars(ctx, reg_file, regs)) {
const assignment& var = ctx.assignments[id];
PhysReg reg = var.reg;
ASSERTED auto inserted = regs_to_vars.emplace(reg, std::make_pair(var.rc.bytes(), id));
for (const auto& reg_and_var : regs_to_vars) {
const auto& first_reg = reg_and_var.first;
const auto& size_id = reg_and_var.second;
printf("%%%u ", size_id.second);
if (ctx.orig_names.count(size_id.second) &&
ctx.orig_names[size_id.second].id() != size_id.second) {
printf("(was %%%d) ", ctx.orig_names[size_id.second].id());
printf("= %c[%d", reg_char, first_reg.reg() - regs.lo());
PhysReg last_reg = first_reg.advance(size_id.first - 1);
if (first_reg.reg() != last_reg.reg()) {
assert(first_reg.byte() == 0 && last_reg.byte() == 3);
printf("-%d", last_reg.reg() - regs.lo());
if (first_reg.byte() != 0 || last_reg.byte() != 3) {
printf("[%d:%d]", first_reg.byte() * 8, (last_reg.byte() + 1) * 8);
get_subdword_operand_stride(amd_gfx_level gfx_level, const aco_ptr<Instruction>& instr,
unsigned idx, RegClass rc)
if (instr->isPseudo()) {
/* v_readfirstlane_b32 cannot use SDWA */
if (instr->opcode == aco_opcode::p_as_uniform)
return 4;
else if (gfx_level >= GFX8)
return rc.bytes() % 2 == 0 ? 2 : 1;
return 4;
assert(rc.bytes() <= 2);
if (instr->isVALU() || instr->isVINTERP_INREG()) {
if (can_use_SDWA(gfx_level, instr, false))
return rc.bytes();
if (can_use_opsel(gfx_level, instr->opcode, idx))
return 2;
if (instr->format == Format::VOP3P)
return 2;
switch (instr->opcode) {
case aco_opcode::v_cvt_f32_ubyte0: return 1;
case aco_opcode::ds_write_b8:
case aco_opcode::ds_write_b16: return gfx_level >= GFX9 ? 2 : 4;
case aco_opcode::buffer_store_byte:
case aco_opcode::buffer_store_short:
case aco_opcode::buffer_store_format_d16_x:
case aco_opcode::flat_store_byte:
case aco_opcode::flat_store_short:
case aco_opcode::scratch_store_byte:
case aco_opcode::scratch_store_short:
case aco_opcode::global_store_byte:
case aco_opcode::global_store_short: return gfx_level >= GFX9 ? 2 : 4;
default: return 4;
add_subdword_operand(ra_ctx& ctx, aco_ptr<Instruction>& instr, unsigned idx, unsigned byte,
RegClass rc)
amd_gfx_level gfx_level = ctx.program->gfx_level;
if (instr->isPseudo() || byte == 0)
assert(rc.bytes() <= 2);
if (instr->isVALU() || instr->isVINTERP_INREG()) {
/* check if we can use opsel */
if (instr->format == Format::VOP3) {
assert(byte == 2);
instr->vop3().opsel |= 1 << idx;
if (instr->isVINTERP_INREG()) {
assert(byte == 2);
instr->vinterp_inreg().opsel |= 1 << idx;
if (instr->isVOP3P()) {
assert(byte == 2 && !(instr->vop3p().opsel_lo & (1 << idx)));
instr->vop3p().opsel_lo |= 1 << idx;
instr->vop3p().opsel_hi |= 1 << idx;
if (instr->opcode == aco_opcode::v_cvt_f32_ubyte0) {
switch (byte) {
case 0: instr->opcode = aco_opcode::v_cvt_f32_ubyte0; break;
case 1: instr->opcode = aco_opcode::v_cvt_f32_ubyte1; break;
case 2: instr->opcode = aco_opcode::v_cvt_f32_ubyte2; break;
case 3: instr->opcode = aco_opcode::v_cvt_f32_ubyte3; break;
/* use SDWA */
assert(can_use_SDWA(gfx_level, instr, false));
convert_to_SDWA(gfx_level, instr);
assert(byte == 2);
if (instr->opcode == aco_opcode::ds_write_b8)
instr->opcode = aco_opcode::ds_write_b8_d16_hi;
else if (instr->opcode == aco_opcode::ds_write_b16)
instr->opcode = aco_opcode::ds_write_b16_d16_hi;
else if (instr->opcode == aco_opcode::buffer_store_byte)
instr->opcode = aco_opcode::buffer_store_byte_d16_hi;
else if (instr->opcode == aco_opcode::buffer_store_short)
instr->opcode = aco_opcode::buffer_store_short_d16_hi;
else if (instr->opcode == aco_opcode::buffer_store_format_d16_x)
instr->opcode = aco_opcode::buffer_store_format_d16_hi_x;
else if (instr->opcode == aco_opcode::flat_store_byte)
instr->opcode = aco_opcode::flat_store_byte_d16_hi;
else if (instr->opcode == aco_opcode::flat_store_short)
instr->opcode = aco_opcode::flat_store_short_d16_hi;
else if (instr->opcode == aco_opcode::scratch_store_byte)
instr->opcode = aco_opcode::scratch_store_byte_d16_hi;
else if (instr->opcode == aco_opcode::scratch_store_short)
instr->opcode = aco_opcode::scratch_store_short_d16_hi;
else if (instr->opcode == aco_opcode::global_store_byte)
instr->opcode = aco_opcode::global_store_byte_d16_hi;
else if (instr->opcode == aco_opcode::global_store_short)
instr->opcode = aco_opcode::global_store_short_d16_hi;
unreachable("Something went wrong: Impossible register assignment.");
/* minimum_stride, bytes_written */
std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>
get_subdword_definition_info(Program* program, const aco_ptr<Instruction>& instr, RegClass rc)
amd_gfx_level gfx_level = program->gfx_level;
if (instr->isPseudo()) {
if (instr->opcode == aco_opcode::p_interp_gfx11)
return std::make_pair(4u, 4u);
else if (gfx_level >= GFX8)
return std::make_pair(rc.bytes() % 2 == 0 ? 2 : 1, rc.bytes());
return std::make_pair(4, rc.size() * 4u);
if (instr->isVALU() || instr->isVINTRP() || instr->isVINTERP_INREG()) {
assert(rc.bytes() <= 2);
if (can_use_SDWA(gfx_level, instr, false))
return std::make_pair(rc.bytes(), rc.bytes());
unsigned bytes_written = 4u;
if (instr_is_16bit(gfx_level, instr->opcode))
bytes_written = 2u;
unsigned stride = 4u;
if (instr->opcode == aco_opcode::v_fma_mixlo_f16 ||
can_use_opsel(gfx_level, instr->opcode, -1))
stride = 2u;
return std::make_pair(stride, bytes_written);
switch (instr->opcode) {
/* D16 loads with _hi version */
case aco_opcode::ds_read_u8_d16:
case aco_opcode::ds_read_i8_d16:
case aco_opcode::ds_read_u16_d16:
case aco_opcode::flat_load_ubyte_d16:
case aco_opcode::flat_load_sbyte_d16:
case aco_opcode::flat_load_short_d16:
case aco_opcode::global_load_ubyte_d16:
case aco_opcode::global_load_sbyte_d16:
case aco_opcode::global_load_short_d16:
case aco_opcode::scratch_load_ubyte_d16:
case aco_opcode::scratch_load_sbyte_d16:
case aco_opcode::scratch_load_short_d16:
case aco_opcode::buffer_load_ubyte_d16:
case aco_opcode::buffer_load_sbyte_d16:
case aco_opcode::buffer_load_short_d16:
case aco_opcode::buffer_load_format_d16_x: {
assert(gfx_level >= GFX9);
if (!program->dev.sram_ecc_enabled)
return std::make_pair(2u, 2u);
return std::make_pair(2u, 4u);
/* 3-component D16 loads */
case aco_opcode::buffer_load_format_d16_xyz:
case aco_opcode::tbuffer_load_format_d16_xyz: {
assert(gfx_level >= GFX9);
if (!program->dev.sram_ecc_enabled)
return std::make_pair(4u, 6u);
default: break;
if (instr->isMIMG() && instr->mimg().d16 && !program->dev.sram_ecc_enabled) {
assert(gfx_level >= GFX9);
return std::make_pair(4u, rc.bytes());
return std::make_pair(4, rc.size() * 4u);
add_subdword_definition(Program* program, aco_ptr<Instruction>& instr, PhysReg reg)
if (instr->isPseudo())
if (instr->isVALU() || instr->isVINTERP_INREG()) {
amd_gfx_level gfx_level = program->gfx_level;
assert(instr->definitions[0].bytes() <= 2);
if (reg.byte() == 0 && instr_is_16bit(gfx_level, instr->opcode))
/* check if we can use opsel */
if (instr->format == Format::VOP3) {
assert(reg.byte() == 2);
assert(can_use_opsel(gfx_level, instr->opcode, -1));
instr->vop3().opsel |= (1 << 3); /* dst in high half */
} else if (instr->isVINTERP_INREG()) {
assert(reg.byte() == 2);
assert(can_use_opsel(gfx_level, instr->opcode, -1));
instr->vinterp_inreg().opsel |= (1 << 3); /* dst in high half */
if (instr->opcode == aco_opcode::v_fma_mixlo_f16) {
instr->opcode = aco_opcode::v_fma_mixhi_f16;
/* use SDWA */
assert(can_use_SDWA(gfx_level, instr, false));
convert_to_SDWA(gfx_level, instr);
if (reg.byte() == 0)
else if (instr->opcode == aco_opcode::buffer_load_ubyte_d16)
instr->opcode = aco_opcode::buffer_load_ubyte_d16_hi;
else if (instr->opcode == aco_opcode::buffer_load_sbyte_d16)
instr->opcode = aco_opcode::buffer_load_sbyte_d16_hi;
else if (instr->opcode == aco_opcode::buffer_load_short_d16)
instr->opcode = aco_opcode::buffer_load_short_d16_hi;
else if (instr->opcode == aco_opcode::buffer_load_format_d16_x)
instr->opcode = aco_opcode::buffer_load_format_d16_hi_x;
else if (instr->opcode == aco_opcode::flat_load_ubyte_d16)
instr->opcode = aco_opcode::flat_load_ubyte_d16_hi;
else if (instr->opcode == aco_opcode::flat_load_sbyte_d16)
instr->opcode = aco_opcode::flat_load_sbyte_d16_hi;
else if (instr->opcode == aco_opcode::flat_load_short_d16)
instr->opcode = aco_opcode::flat_load_short_d16_hi;
else if (instr->opcode == aco_opcode::scratch_load_ubyte_d16)
instr->opcode = aco_opcode::scratch_load_ubyte_d16_hi;
else if (instr->opcode == aco_opcode::scratch_load_sbyte_d16)
instr->opcode = aco_opcode::scratch_load_sbyte_d16_hi;
else if (instr->opcode == aco_opcode::scratch_load_short_d16)
instr->opcode = aco_opcode::scratch_load_short_d16_hi;
else if (instr->opcode == aco_opcode::global_load_ubyte_d16)
instr->opcode = aco_opcode::global_load_ubyte_d16_hi;
else if (instr->opcode == aco_opcode::global_load_sbyte_d16)
instr->opcode = aco_opcode::global_load_sbyte_d16_hi;
else if (instr->opcode == aco_opcode::global_load_short_d16)
instr->opcode = aco_opcode::global_load_short_d16_hi;
else if (instr->opcode == aco_opcode::ds_read_u8_d16)
instr->opcode = aco_opcode::ds_read_u8_d16_hi;
else if (instr->opcode == aco_opcode::ds_read_i8_d16)
instr->opcode = aco_opcode::ds_read_i8_d16_hi;
else if (instr->opcode == aco_opcode::ds_read_u16_d16)
instr->opcode = aco_opcode::ds_read_u16_d16_hi;
unreachable("Something went wrong: Impossible register assignment.");
adjust_max_used_regs(ra_ctx& ctx, RegClass rc, unsigned reg)
uint16_t max_addressible_sgpr = ctx.sgpr_limit;
unsigned size = rc.size();
if (rc.type() == RegType::vgpr) {
assert(reg >= 256);
uint16_t hi = reg - 256 + size - 1;
assert(hi <= 255);
ctx.max_used_vgpr = std::max(ctx.max_used_vgpr, hi);
} else if (reg + rc.size() <= max_addressible_sgpr) {
uint16_t hi = reg + size - 1;
ctx.max_used_sgpr = std::max(ctx.max_used_sgpr, std::min(hi, max_addressible_sgpr));
enum UpdateRenames {
rename_not_killed_ops = 0x1,
fill_killed_ops = 0x2,
rename_precolored_ops = 0x4,
update_renames(ra_ctx& ctx, RegisterFile& reg_file,
std::vector<std::pair<Operand, Definition>>& parallelcopies,
aco_ptr<Instruction>& instr, UpdateRenames flags)
/* clear operands */
for (std::pair<Operand, Definition>& copy : parallelcopies) {
/* the definitions with id are not from this function and already handled */
if (copy.second.isTemp())
/* allocate id's and rename operands: this is done transparently here */
auto it = parallelcopies.begin();
while (it != parallelcopies.end()) {
if (it->second.isTemp()) {
/* check if we moved a definition: change the register and remove copy */
bool is_def = false;
for (Definition& def : instr->definitions) {
if (def.isTemp() && def.getTemp() == it->first.getTemp()) {
// FIXME: ensure that the definition can use this reg
ctx.assignments[def.tempId()].reg = def.physReg();
it = parallelcopies.erase(it);
is_def = true;
if (is_def)
/* check if we moved another parallelcopy definition */
for (std::pair<Operand, Definition>& other : parallelcopies) {
if (!other.second.isTemp())
if (it->first.getTemp() == other.second.getTemp()) {
ctx.assignments[other.second.tempId()].reg = other.second.physReg();
it = parallelcopies.erase(it);
is_def = true;
/* check if we moved an operand, again */
bool fill = true;
for (Operand& op : instr->operands) {
if (op.isTemp() && op.tempId() == other.second.tempId()) {
// FIXME: ensure that the operand can use this reg
fill = (flags & fill_killed_ops) || !op.isKillBeforeDef();
if (fill)
if (is_def)
std::pair<Operand, Definition>& copy = *it;
ctx.assignments.emplace_back(copy.second.physReg(), copy.second.regClass());
assert(ctx.assignments.size() == ctx.program->peekAllocationId());
/* check if we moved an operand */
bool first = true;
bool fill = true;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < instr->operands.size(); i++) {
Operand& op = instr->operands[i];
if (!op.isTemp())
if (op.tempId() == copy.first.tempId()) {
/* only rename precolored operands if the copy-location matches */
if ((flags & rename_precolored_ops) && op.isFixed() &&
op.physReg() != copy.second.physReg())
bool omit_renaming = !(flags & rename_not_killed_ops) && !op.isKillBeforeDef();
for (std::pair<Operand, Definition>& pc : parallelcopies) {
PhysReg def_reg = pc.second.physReg();
omit_renaming &= def_reg > copy.first.physReg()
? (copy.first.physReg() + copy.first.size() <= def_reg.reg())
: (def_reg + pc.second.size() <= copy.first.physReg().reg());
if (omit_renaming) {
if (first)
first = false;
fill = (flags & fill_killed_ops) || !op.isKillBeforeDef();
if (fill)
std::pair<PhysReg, bool>
get_reg_simple(ra_ctx& ctx, RegisterFile& reg_file, DefInfo info)
const PhysRegInterval& bounds = info.bounds;
uint32_t size = info.size;
uint32_t stride = info.rc.is_subdword() ? DIV_ROUND_UP(info.stride, 4) : info.stride;
RegClass rc = info.rc;
DefInfo new_info = info;
new_info.rc = RegClass(rc.type(), size);
for (unsigned new_stride = 16; new_stride > stride; new_stride /= 2) {
if (size % new_stride)
new_info.stride = new_stride;
std::pair<PhysReg, bool> res = get_reg_simple(ctx, reg_file, new_info);
if (res.second)
return res;
auto is_free = [&](PhysReg reg_index)
{ return reg_file[reg_index] == 0 && !ctx.war_hint[reg_index]; };
if (stride == 1) {
/* best fit algorithm: find the smallest gap to fit in the variable */
PhysRegInterval best_gap{PhysReg{0}, UINT_MAX};
const unsigned max_gpr =
(rc.type() == RegType::vgpr) ? (256 + ctx.max_used_vgpr) : ctx.max_used_sgpr;
PhysRegIterator reg_it = bounds.begin();
const PhysRegIterator end_it =
std::min(bounds.end(), std::max(PhysRegIterator{PhysReg{max_gpr + 1}}, reg_it));
while (reg_it != bounds.end()) {
/* Find the next chunk of available register slots */
reg_it = std::find_if(reg_it, end_it, is_free);
auto next_nonfree_it = std::find_if_not(reg_it, end_it, is_free);
if (reg_it == bounds.end()) {
if (next_nonfree_it == end_it) {
/* All registers past max_used_gpr are free */
next_nonfree_it = bounds.end();
PhysRegInterval gap = PhysRegInterval::from_until(*reg_it, *next_nonfree_it);
/* early return on exact matches */
if (size == gap.size) {
adjust_max_used_regs(ctx, rc, gap.lo());
return {gap.lo(), true};
/* check if it fits and the gap size is smaller */
if (size < gap.size && gap.size < best_gap.size) {
best_gap = gap;
/* Move past the processed chunk */
reg_it = next_nonfree_it;
if (best_gap.size == UINT_MAX)
return {{}, false};
/* find best position within gap by leaving a good stride for other variables*/
unsigned buffer = best_gap.size - size;
if (buffer > 1) {
if (((best_gap.lo() + size) % 8 != 0 && (best_gap.lo() + buffer) % 8 == 0) ||
((best_gap.lo() + size) % 4 != 0 && (best_gap.lo() + buffer) % 4 == 0) ||
((best_gap.lo() + size) % 2 != 0 && (best_gap.lo() + buffer) % 2 == 0))
best_gap = {PhysReg{best_gap.lo() + buffer}, best_gap.size - buffer};
adjust_max_used_regs(ctx, rc, best_gap.lo());
return {best_gap.lo(), true};
for (PhysRegInterval reg_win = {bounds.lo(), size}; reg_win.hi() <= bounds.hi();
reg_win += stride) {
if (reg_file[reg_win.lo()] != 0) {
bool is_valid = std::all_of(std::next(reg_win.begin()), reg_win.end(), is_free);
if (is_valid) {
adjust_max_used_regs(ctx, rc, reg_win.lo());
return {reg_win.lo(), true};
/* do this late because using the upper bytes of a register can require
* larger instruction encodings or copies
* TODO: don't do this in situations where it doesn't benefit */
if (rc.is_subdword()) {
for (std::pair<const uint32_t, std::array<uint32_t, 4>>& entry : reg_file.subdword_regs) {
assert(reg_file[PhysReg{entry.first}] == 0xF0000000);
if (!bounds.contains({PhysReg{entry.first}, rc.size()}))
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 4; i += info.stride) {
/* check if there's a block of free bytes large enough to hold the register */
bool reg_found =
std::all_of(&entry.second[i], &entry.second[std::min(4u, i + rc.bytes())],
[](unsigned v) { return v == 0; });
/* check if also the neighboring reg is free if needed */
if (reg_found && i + rc.bytes() > 4)
reg_found = (reg_file[PhysReg{entry.first + 1}] == 0);
if (reg_found) {
PhysReg res{entry.first};
res.reg_b += i;
adjust_max_used_regs(ctx, rc, entry.first);
return {res, true};
return {{}, false};
/* collect variables from a register area */
find_vars(ra_ctx& ctx, RegisterFile& reg_file, const PhysRegInterval reg_interval)
std::vector<unsigned> vars;
for (PhysReg j : reg_interval) {
if (reg_file.is_blocked(j))
if (reg_file[j] == 0xF0000000) {
for (unsigned k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
unsigned id = reg_file.subdword_regs[j][k];
if (id && (vars.empty() || id != vars.back()))
} else {
unsigned id = reg_file[j];
if (id && (vars.empty() || id != vars.back()))
return vars;
/* collect variables from a register area and clear reg_file
* variables are sorted in decreasing size and
* increasing assigned register
collect_vars(ra_ctx& ctx, RegisterFile& reg_file, const PhysRegInterval reg_interval)
std::vector<unsigned> ids = find_vars(ctx, reg_file, reg_interval);
std::sort(ids.begin(), ids.end(),
[&](unsigned a, unsigned b)
assignment& var_a = ctx.assignments[a];
assignment& var_b = ctx.assignments[b];
return var_a.rc.bytes() > var_b.rc.bytes() ||
(var_a.rc.bytes() == var_b.rc.bytes() && var_a.reg < var_b.reg);
for (unsigned id : ids) {
assignment& var = ctx.assignments[id];
reg_file.clear(var.reg, var.rc);
return ids;
std::pair<PhysReg, bool>
get_reg_for_create_vector_copy(ra_ctx& ctx, RegisterFile& reg_file,
std::vector<std::pair<Operand, Definition>>& parallelcopies,
aco_ptr<Instruction>& instr, const PhysRegInterval def_reg,
DefInfo info, unsigned id)
PhysReg reg = def_reg.lo();
/* dead operand: return position in vector */
for (unsigned i = 0; i < instr->operands.size(); i++) {
if (instr->operands[i].isTemp() && instr->operands[i].tempId() == id &&
instr->operands[i].isKillBeforeDef()) {
assert(!reg_file.test(reg, instr->operands[i].bytes()));
return {reg, info.rc.is_subdword() || reg.byte() == 0};
reg.reg_b += instr->operands[i].bytes();
if (ctx.program->gfx_level <= GFX8)
return {PhysReg(), false};
/* check if the previous position was in vector */
assignment& var = ctx.assignments[id];
if (def_reg.contains(PhysRegInterval{var.reg, info.size})) {
reg = def_reg.lo();
/* try to use the previous register of the operand */
for (unsigned i = 0; i < instr->operands.size(); i++) {
if (reg != var.reg) {
reg.reg_b += instr->operands[i].bytes();
/* check if we can swap positions */
if (instr->operands[i].isTemp() && instr->operands[i].isFirstKill() &&
instr->operands[i].regClass() == info.rc) {
assignment& op = ctx.assignments[instr->operands[i].tempId()];
/* if everything matches, create parallelcopy for the killed operand */
if (!intersects(def_reg, PhysRegInterval{op.reg, op.rc.size()}) &&
op.reg != scc && reg_file.get_id(op.reg) == instr->operands[i].tempId()) {
Definition pc_def = Definition(reg, info.rc);
parallelcopies.emplace_back(instr->operands[i], pc_def);
return {op.reg, true};
return {PhysReg(), false};
return {PhysReg(), false};
get_regs_for_copies(ra_ctx& ctx, RegisterFile& reg_file,
std::vector<std::pair<Operand, Definition>>& parallelcopies,
const std::vector<unsigned>& vars, aco_ptr<Instruction>& instr,
const PhysRegInterval def_reg)
/* Variables are sorted from large to small and with increasing assigned register */
for (unsigned id : vars) {
assignment& var = ctx.assignments[id];
PhysRegInterval bounds = get_reg_bounds(ctx.program, var.rc.type());
DefInfo info = DefInfo(ctx, ctx.pseudo_dummy, var.rc, -1);
uint32_t size = info.size;
/* check if this is a dead operand, then we can re-use the space from the definition
* also use the correct stride for sub-dword operands */
bool is_dead_operand = false;
std::pair<PhysReg, bool> res{PhysReg(), false};
if (instr->opcode == aco_opcode::p_create_vector) {
res =
get_reg_for_create_vector_copy(ctx, reg_file, parallelcopies, instr, def_reg, info, id);
} else {
for (unsigned i = 0; !is_phi(instr) && i < instr->operands.size(); i++) {
if (instr->operands[i].isTemp() && instr->operands[i].tempId() == id) {
info = DefInfo(ctx, instr, var.rc, i);
if (instr->operands[i].isKillBeforeDef()) {
info.bounds = def_reg;
res = get_reg_simple(ctx, reg_file, info);
is_dead_operand = true;
if (!res.second && !def_reg.size) {
/* If this is before definitions are handled, def_reg may be an empty interval. */
info.bounds = bounds;
res = get_reg_simple(ctx, reg_file, info);
} else if (!res.second) {
/* Try to find space within the bounds but outside of the definition */
info.bounds = PhysRegInterval::from_until(bounds.lo(), MIN2(def_reg.lo(), bounds.hi()));
res = get_reg_simple(ctx, reg_file, info);
if (!res.second && def_reg.hi() <= bounds.hi()) {
unsigned lo = (def_reg.hi() + info.stride - 1) & ~(info.stride - 1);
info.bounds = PhysRegInterval::from_until(PhysReg{lo}, bounds.hi());
res = get_reg_simple(ctx, reg_file, info);
if (res.second) {
/* mark the area as blocked */
reg_file.block(res.first, var.rc);
/* create parallelcopy pair (without definition id) */
Temp tmp = Temp(id, var.rc);
Operand pc_op = Operand(tmp);
Definition pc_def = Definition(res.first, pc_op.regClass());
parallelcopies.emplace_back(pc_op, pc_def);
PhysReg best_pos = bounds.lo();
unsigned num_moves = 0xFF;
unsigned num_vars = 0;
/* we use a sliding window to find potential positions */
unsigned stride = var.rc.is_subdword() ? 1 : info.stride;
for (PhysRegInterval reg_win{bounds.lo(), size}; reg_win.hi() <= bounds.hi();
reg_win += stride) {
if (!is_dead_operand && intersects(reg_win, def_reg))
/* second, check that we have at most k=num_moves elements in the window
* and no element is larger than the currently processed one */
unsigned k = 0;
unsigned n = 0;
unsigned last_var = 0;
bool found = true;
for (PhysReg j : reg_win) {
if (reg_file[j] == 0 || reg_file[j] == last_var)
if (reg_file.is_blocked(j) || k > num_moves) {
found = false;
if (reg_file[j] == 0xF0000000) {
k += 1;
/* we cannot split live ranges of linear vgprs inside control flow */
if (!(ctx.block->kind & block_kind_top_level) &&
ctx.assignments[reg_file[j]].rc.is_linear_vgpr()) {
found = false;
bool is_kill = false;
for (const Operand& op : instr->operands) {
if (op.isTemp() && op.isKillBeforeDef() && op.tempId() == reg_file[j]) {
is_kill = true;
if (!is_kill && ctx.assignments[reg_file[j]].rc.size() >= size) {
found = false;
k += ctx.assignments[reg_file[j]].rc.size();
last_var = reg_file[j];
if (k > num_moves || (k == num_moves && n <= num_vars)) {
found = false;
if (found) {
best_pos = reg_win.lo();
num_moves = k;
num_vars = n;
/* FIXME: we messed up and couldn't find space for the variables to be copied */
if (num_moves == 0xFF)
return false;
PhysRegInterval reg_win{best_pos, size};
/* collect variables and block reg file */
std::vector<unsigned> new_vars = collect_vars(ctx, reg_file, reg_win);
/* mark the area as blocked */
reg_file.block(reg_win.lo(), var.rc);
adjust_max_used_regs(ctx, var.rc, reg_win.lo());
if (!get_regs_for_copies(ctx, reg_file, parallelcopies, new_vars, instr, def_reg))
return false;
/* create parallelcopy pair (without definition id) */
Temp tmp = Temp(id, var.rc);
Operand pc_op = Operand(tmp);
Definition pc_def = Definition(reg_win.lo(), pc_op.regClass());
parallelcopies.emplace_back(pc_op, pc_def);
return true;
std::pair<PhysReg, bool>
get_reg_impl(ra_ctx& ctx, RegisterFile& reg_file,
std::vector<std::pair<Operand, Definition>>& parallelcopies, const DefInfo& info,
aco_ptr<Instruction>& instr)
const PhysRegInterval& bounds = info.bounds;
uint32_t size = info.size;
uint32_t stride = info.stride;
RegClass rc = info.rc;
/* check how many free regs we have */
unsigned regs_free = reg_file.count_zero(bounds);
/* mark and count killed operands */
unsigned killed_ops = 0;
std::bitset<256> is_killed_operand; /* per-register */
for (unsigned j = 0; !is_phi(instr) && j < instr->operands.size(); j++) {
Operand& op = instr->operands[j];
if (op.isTemp() && op.isFirstKillBeforeDef() && bounds.contains(op.physReg()) &&
!reg_file.test(PhysReg{op.physReg().reg()}, align(op.bytes() + op.physReg().byte(), 4))) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < op.size(); ++i) {
is_killed_operand[(op.physReg() & 0xff) + i] = true;
killed_ops += op.getTemp().size();
assert(regs_free >= size);
/* we might have to move dead operands to dst in order to make space */
unsigned op_moves = 0;
if (size > (regs_free - killed_ops))
op_moves = size - (regs_free - killed_ops);
/* find the best position to place the definition */
PhysRegInterval best_win = {bounds.lo(), size};
unsigned num_moves = 0xFF;
unsigned num_vars = 0;
/* we use a sliding window to check potential positions */
for (PhysRegInterval reg_win = {bounds.lo(), size}; reg_win.hi() <= bounds.hi();
reg_win += stride) {
/* first check if the register window starts in the middle of an
* allocated variable: this is what we have to fix to allow for
* num_moves > size */
if (reg_win.lo() > bounds.lo() && !reg_file.is_empty_or_blocked(reg_win.lo()) &&
reg_file.get_id(reg_win.lo()) == reg_file.get_id(reg_win.lo().advance(-1)))
if (reg_win.hi() < bounds.hi() && !reg_file.is_empty_or_blocked(reg_win.hi().advance(-1)) &&
reg_file.get_id(reg_win.hi().advance(-1)) == reg_file.get_id(reg_win.hi()))
/* second, check that we have at most k=num_moves elements in the window
* and no element is larger than the currently processed one */
unsigned k = op_moves;
unsigned n = 0;
unsigned remaining_op_moves = op_moves;
unsigned last_var = 0;
bool found = true;
bool aligned = rc == RegClass::v4 && reg_win.lo() % 4 == 0;
for (const PhysReg j : reg_win) {
/* dead operands effectively reduce the number of estimated moves */
if (is_killed_operand[j & 0xFF]) {
if (remaining_op_moves) {
if (reg_file[j] == 0 || reg_file[j] == last_var)
if (reg_file[j] == 0xF0000000) {
k += 1;
if (ctx.assignments[reg_file[j]].rc.size() >= size) {
found = false;
/* we cannot split live ranges of linear vgprs inside control flow */
// TODO: ensure that live range splits inside control flow are never necessary
if (!(ctx.block->kind & block_kind_top_level) &&
ctx.assignments[reg_file[j]].rc.is_linear_vgpr()) {
found = false;
k += ctx.assignments[reg_file[j]].rc.size();
last_var = reg_file[j];
if (!found || k > num_moves)
if (k == num_moves && n < num_vars)
if (!aligned && k == num_moves && n == num_vars)
if (found) {
best_win = reg_win;
num_moves = k;
num_vars = n;
if (num_moves == 0xFF)
return {{}, false};
/* now, we figured the placement for our definition */
RegisterFile tmp_file(reg_file);
/* p_create_vector: also re-place killed operands in the definition space */
if (instr->opcode == aco_opcode::p_create_vector) {
for (Operand& op : instr->operands) {
if (op.isTemp() && op.isFirstKillBeforeDef())
std::vector<unsigned> vars = collect_vars(ctx, tmp_file, best_win);
/* re-enable killed operands */
if (!is_phi(instr) && instr->opcode != aco_opcode::p_create_vector) {
for (Operand& op : instr->operands) {
if (op.isTemp() && op.isFirstKillBeforeDef())
std::vector<std::pair<Operand, Definition>> pc;
if (!get_regs_for_copies(ctx, tmp_file, pc, vars, instr, best_win))
return {{}, false};
parallelcopies.insert(parallelcopies.end(), pc.begin(), pc.end());
adjust_max_used_regs(ctx, rc, best_win.lo());
return {best_win.lo(), true};
get_reg_specified(ra_ctx& ctx, RegisterFile& reg_file, RegClass rc, aco_ptr<Instruction>& instr,
PhysReg reg)
/* catch out-of-range registers */
if (reg >= PhysReg{512})
return false;
std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> sdw_def_info;
if (rc.is_subdword())
sdw_def_info = get_subdword_definition_info(ctx.program, instr, rc);
if (rc.is_subdword() && reg.byte() % sdw_def_info.first)
return false;
if (!rc.is_subdword() && reg.byte())
return false;
if (rc.type() == RegType::sgpr && reg % get_stride(rc) != 0)
return false;
PhysRegInterval reg_win = {reg, rc.size()};
PhysRegInterval bounds = get_reg_bounds(ctx.program, rc.type());
PhysRegInterval vcc_win = {vcc, 2};
/* VCC is outside the bounds */
bool is_vcc = rc.type() == RegType::sgpr && vcc_win.contains(reg_win) && ctx.program->needs_vcc;
bool is_m0 = rc == s1 && reg == m0;
if (!bounds.contains(reg_win) && !is_vcc && !is_m0)
return false;
if (rc.is_subdword()) {
PhysReg test_reg;
test_reg.reg_b = reg.reg_b & ~(sdw_def_info.second - 1);
if (reg_file.test(test_reg, sdw_def_info.second))
return false;
} else {
if (reg_file.test(reg, rc.bytes()))
return false;
adjust_max_used_regs(ctx, rc, reg_win.lo());
return true;
increase_register_file(ra_ctx& ctx, RegType type)
if (type == RegType::vgpr && ctx.program->max_reg_demand.vgpr < ctx.vgpr_limit) {
update_vgpr_sgpr_demand(ctx.program, RegisterDemand(ctx.program->max_reg_demand.vgpr + 1,
} else if (type == RegType::sgpr && ctx.program->max_reg_demand.sgpr < ctx.sgpr_limit) {
update_vgpr_sgpr_demand(ctx.program, RegisterDemand(ctx.program->max_reg_demand.vgpr,
ctx.program->max_reg_demand.sgpr + 1));
} else {
return false;
return true;
struct IDAndRegClass {
IDAndRegClass(unsigned id_, RegClass rc_) : id(id_), rc(rc_) {}
unsigned id;
RegClass rc;
struct IDAndInfo {
IDAndInfo(unsigned id_, DefInfo info_) : id(id_), info(info_) {}
unsigned id;
DefInfo info;
/* Reallocates vars by sorting them and placing each variable after the previous
* one. If one of the variables has 0xffffffff as an ID, the register assigned
* for that variable will be returned.
compact_relocate_vars(ra_ctx& ctx, const std::vector<IDAndRegClass>& vars,
std::vector<std::pair<Operand, Definition>>& parallelcopies, PhysReg start)
/* This function assumes RegisterDemand/live_var_analysis rounds up sub-dword
* temporary sizes to dwords.
std::vector<IDAndInfo> sorted;
for (IDAndRegClass var : vars) {
DefInfo info(ctx, ctx.pseudo_dummy, var.rc, -1);
sorted.emplace_back(, info);
sorted.begin(), sorted.end(),
[&ctx](const IDAndInfo& a, const IDAndInfo& b)
unsigned a_stride = * ( ? 1 : 4);
unsigned b_stride = * ( ? 1 : 4);
if (a_stride > b_stride)
return true;
if (a_stride < b_stride)
return false;
if ( == 0xffffffff || == 0xffffffff)
return ==
0xffffffff; /* place 0xffffffff before others if possible, not for any reason */
return ctx.assignments[].reg < ctx.assignments[].reg;
PhysReg next_reg = start;
PhysReg space_reg;
for (IDAndInfo& var : sorted) {
unsigned stride = ? : * 4;
next_reg.reg_b = align(next_reg.reg_b, MAX2(stride, 4));
/* 0xffffffff is a special variable ID used reserve a space for killed
* operands and definitions.
if ( != 0xffffffff) {
if (next_reg != ctx.assignments[].reg) {
RegClass rc = ctx.assignments[].rc;
Temp tmp(, rc);
Operand pc_op(tmp);
Definition pc_def(next_reg, rc);
parallelcopies.emplace_back(pc_op, pc_def);
} else {
space_reg = next_reg;
adjust_max_used_regs(ctx,, next_reg);
next_reg = next_reg.advance( * 4);
return space_reg;
is_mimg_vaddr_intact(ra_ctx& ctx, RegisterFile& reg_file, Instruction* instr)
PhysReg first{512};
for (unsigned i = 0; i < instr->operands.size() - 3u; i++) {
Operand op = instr->operands[i + 3];
if (ctx.assignments[op.tempId()].assigned) {
PhysReg reg = ctx.assignments[op.tempId()].reg;
if (first.reg() == 512) {
PhysRegInterval bounds = get_reg_bounds(ctx.program, RegType::vgpr);
first = reg.advance(i * -4);
PhysRegInterval vec = PhysRegInterval{first, instr->operands.size() - 3u};
if (!bounds.contains(vec)) /* not enough space for other operands */
return false;
} else {
if (reg != first.advance(i * 4)) /* not at the best position */
return false;
} else {
/* If there's an unexpected temporary, this operand is unlikely to be
* placed in the best position.
if (first.reg() != 512 && reg_file.test(first.advance(i * 4), 4))
return false;
return true;
std::pair<PhysReg, bool>
get_reg_vector(ra_ctx& ctx, RegisterFile& reg_file, Temp temp, aco_ptr<Instruction>& instr)
Instruction* vec = ctx.vectors[];
unsigned first_operand = vec->format == Format::MIMG ? 3 : 0;
unsigned our_offset = 0;
for (unsigned i = first_operand; i < vec->operands.size(); i++) {
Operand& op = vec->operands[i];
if (op.isTemp() && op.tempId() ==
our_offset += op.bytes();
if (vec->format != Format::MIMG || is_mimg_vaddr_intact(ctx, reg_file, vec)) {
unsigned their_offset = 0;
/* check for every operand of the vector
* - whether the operand is assigned and
* - we can use the register relative to that operand
for (unsigned i = first_operand; i < vec->operands.size(); i++) {
Operand& op = vec->operands[i];
if (op.isTemp() && op.tempId() != && op.getTemp().type() == temp.type() &&
ctx.assignments[op.tempId()].assigned) {
PhysReg reg = ctx.assignments[op.tempId()].reg;
reg.reg_b += (our_offset - their_offset);
if (get_reg_specified(ctx, reg_file, temp.regClass(), instr, reg))
return {reg, true};
/* return if MIMG vaddr components don't remain vector-aligned */
if (vec->format == Format::MIMG)
return {{}, false};
their_offset += op.bytes();
/* We didn't find a register relative to other vector operands.
* Try to find new space which fits the whole vector.
RegClass vec_rc = RegClass::get(temp.type(), their_offset);
DefInfo info(ctx, ctx.pseudo_dummy, vec_rc, -1);
std::pair<PhysReg, bool> res = get_reg_simple(ctx, reg_file, info);
PhysReg reg = res.first;
if (res.second) {
reg.reg_b += our_offset;
/* make sure to only use byte offset if the instruction supports it */
if (get_reg_specified(ctx, reg_file, temp.regClass(), instr, reg))
return {reg, true};
return {{}, false};
get_reg(ra_ctx& ctx, RegisterFile& reg_file, Temp temp,
std::vector<std::pair<Operand, Definition>>& parallelcopies, aco_ptr<Instruction>& instr,
int operand_index = -1)
auto split_vec = ctx.split_vectors.find(;
if (split_vec != ctx.split_vectors.end()) {
unsigned offset = 0;
for (Definition def : split_vec->second->definitions) {
if (ctx.assignments[def.tempId()].affinity) {
assignment& affinity = ctx.assignments[ctx.assignments[def.tempId()].affinity];
if (affinity.assigned) {
PhysReg reg = affinity.reg;
reg.reg_b -= offset;
if (get_reg_specified(ctx, reg_file, temp.regClass(), instr, reg))
return reg;
offset += def.bytes();
if (ctx.assignments[].affinity) {
assignment& affinity = ctx.assignments[ctx.assignments[].affinity];
if (affinity.assigned) {
if (get_reg_specified(ctx, reg_file, temp.regClass(), instr, affinity.reg))
return affinity.reg;
if (ctx.assignments[].vcc) {
if (get_reg_specified(ctx, reg_file, temp.regClass(), instr, vcc))
return vcc;
std::pair<PhysReg, bool> res;
if (ctx.vectors.find( != ctx.vectors.end()) {
res = get_reg_vector(ctx, reg_file, temp, instr);
if (res.second)
return res.first;
DefInfo info(ctx, instr, temp.regClass(), operand_index);
if (!ctx.policy.skip_optimistic_path) {
/* try to find space without live-range splits */
res = get_reg_simple(ctx, reg_file, info);
if (res.second)
return res.first;
/* try to find space with live-range splits */
res = get_reg_impl(ctx, reg_file, parallelcopies, info, instr);
if (res.second)
return res.first;
/* try using more registers */
/* We should only fail here because keeping under the limit would require
* too many moves. */
assert(reg_file.count_zero(info.bounds) >= info.size);
if (!increase_register_file(ctx, info.rc.type())) {
/* fallback algorithm: reallocate all variables at once */
unsigned def_size = info.rc.size();
for (Definition def : instr->definitions) {
if (ctx.assignments[def.tempId()].assigned && def.regClass().type() == info.rc.type())
def_size += def.regClass().size();
unsigned killed_op_size = 0;
for (Operand op : instr->operands) {
if (op.isTemp() && op.isKillBeforeDef() && op.regClass().type() == info.rc.type())
killed_op_size += op.regClass().size();
const PhysRegInterval regs = get_reg_bounds(ctx.program, info.rc.type());
/* reallocate passthrough variables and non-killed operands */
std::vector<IDAndRegClass> vars;
for (unsigned id : find_vars(ctx, reg_file, regs))
vars.emplace_back(id, ctx.assignments[id].rc);
vars.emplace_back(0xffffffff, RegClass(info.rc.type(), MAX2(def_size, killed_op_size)));
PhysReg space = compact_relocate_vars(ctx, vars, parallelcopies, regs.lo());
/* reallocate killed operands */
std::vector<IDAndRegClass> killed_op_vars;
for (Operand op : instr->operands) {
if (op.isKillBeforeDef() && op.regClass().type() == info.rc.type())
killed_op_vars.emplace_back(op.tempId(), op.regClass());
compact_relocate_vars(ctx, killed_op_vars, parallelcopies, space);
/* reallocate definitions */
std::vector<IDAndRegClass> def_vars;
for (Definition def : instr->definitions) {
if (ctx.assignments[def.tempId()].assigned && def.regClass().type() == info.rc.type())
def_vars.emplace_back(def.tempId(), def.regClass());
def_vars.emplace_back(0xffffffff, info.rc);
return compact_relocate_vars(ctx, def_vars, parallelcopies, space);
return get_reg(ctx, reg_file, temp, parallelcopies, instr, operand_index);
get_reg_create_vector(ra_ctx& ctx, RegisterFile& reg_file, Temp temp,
std::vector<std::pair<Operand, Definition>>& parallelcopies,
aco_ptr<Instruction>& instr)
RegClass rc = temp.regClass();
/* create_vector instructions have different costs w.r.t. register coalescing */
uint32_t size = rc.size();
uint32_t bytes = rc.bytes();
uint32_t stride = get_stride(rc);
PhysRegInterval bounds = get_reg_bounds(ctx.program, rc.type());
// TODO: improve p_create_vector for sub-dword vectors
PhysReg best_pos{0xFFF};
unsigned num_moves = 0xFF;
bool best_avoid = true;
uint32_t correct_pos_mask = 0;
/* test for each operand which definition placement causes the least shuffle instructions */
for (unsigned i = 0, offset = 0; i < instr->operands.size();
offset += instr->operands[i].bytes(), i++) {
// TODO: think about, if we can alias live operands on the same register
if (!instr->operands[i].isTemp() || !instr->operands[i].isKillBeforeDef() ||
instr->operands[i].getTemp().type() != rc.type())
if (offset > instr->operands[i].physReg().reg_b)
unsigned reg_lower = instr->operands[i].physReg().reg_b - offset;
if (reg_lower % 4)
PhysRegInterval reg_win = {PhysReg{reg_lower / 4}, size};
unsigned k = 0;
/* no need to check multiple times */
if (reg_win.lo() == best_pos)
/* check borders */
// TODO: this can be improved */
if (!bounds.contains(reg_win) || reg_win.lo() % stride != 0)
if (reg_win.lo() > bounds.lo() && reg_file[reg_win.lo()] != 0 &&
reg_file.get_id(reg_win.lo()) == reg_file.get_id(reg_win.lo().advance(-1)))
if (reg_win.hi() < bounds.hi() && reg_file[reg_win.hi().advance(-4)] != 0 &&
reg_file.get_id(reg_win.hi().advance(-1)) == reg_file.get_id(reg_win.hi()))
/* count variables to be moved and check "avoid" */
bool avoid = false;
bool linear_vgpr = false;
for (PhysReg j : reg_win) {
if (reg_file[j] != 0) {
if (reg_file[j] == 0xF0000000) {
PhysReg reg;
reg.reg_b = j * 4;
unsigned bytes_left = bytes - ((unsigned)j - reg_win.lo()) * 4;
for (unsigned byte_idx = 0; byte_idx < MIN2(bytes_left, 4); byte_idx++, reg.reg_b++)
k += reg_file.test(reg, 1);
} else {
k += 4;
linear_vgpr |= ctx.assignments[reg_file[j]].rc.is_linear_vgpr();
avoid |= ctx.war_hint[j];
if (linear_vgpr) {
/* we cannot split live ranges of linear vgprs inside control flow */
if (ctx.block->kind & block_kind_top_level)
avoid = true;
if (avoid && !best_avoid)
/* count operands in wrong positions */
uint32_t correct_pos_mask_new = 0;
for (unsigned j = 0, offset2 = 0; j < instr->operands.size();
offset2 += instr->operands[j].bytes(), j++) {
Operand& op = instr->operands[j];
if (op.isTemp() && op.physReg().reg_b == reg_win.lo() * 4 + offset2)
correct_pos_mask_new |= 1 << j;
k += op.bytes();
bool aligned = rc == RegClass::v4 && reg_win.lo() % 4 == 0;
if (k > num_moves || (!aligned && k == num_moves))
best_pos = reg_win.lo();
num_moves = k;
best_avoid = avoid;
correct_pos_mask = correct_pos_mask_new;
/* too many moves: try the generic get_reg() function */
if (num_moves >= 2 * bytes) {
return get_reg(ctx, reg_file, temp, parallelcopies, instr);
} else if (num_moves > bytes) {
DefInfo info(ctx, instr, rc, -1);
std::pair<PhysReg, bool> res = get_reg_simple(ctx, reg_file, info);
if (res.second)
return res.first;
/* re-enable killed operands which are in the wrong position */
RegisterFile tmp_file(reg_file);
for (Operand& op : instr->operands) {
if (op.isTemp() && op.isFirstKillBeforeDef())
for (unsigned i = 0; i < instr->operands.size(); i++) {
if ((correct_pos_mask >> i) & 1u && instr->operands[i].isKill())
/* collect variables to be moved */
std::vector<unsigned> vars = collect_vars(ctx, tmp_file, PhysRegInterval{best_pos, size});
bool success = false;
std::vector<std::pair<Operand, Definition>> pc;
success = get_regs_for_copies(ctx, tmp_file, pc, vars, instr, PhysRegInterval{best_pos, size});
if (!success) {
if (!increase_register_file(ctx, temp.type())) {
/* use the fallback algorithm in get_reg() */
return get_reg(ctx, reg_file, temp, parallelcopies, instr);
return get_reg_create_vector(ctx, reg_file, temp, parallelcopies, instr);
parallelcopies.insert(parallelcopies.end(), pc.begin(), pc.end());
adjust_max_used_regs(ctx, rc, best_pos);
return best_pos;
handle_pseudo(ra_ctx& ctx, const RegisterFile& reg_file, Instruction* instr)
if (instr->format != Format::PSEUDO)
/* all instructions which use handle_operands() need this information */
switch (instr->opcode) {
case aco_opcode::p_extract_vector:
case aco_opcode::p_create_vector:
case aco_opcode::p_split_vector:
case aco_opcode::p_parallelcopy:
case aco_opcode::p_wqm: break;
default: return;
bool writes_linear = false;
/* if all definitions are logical vgpr, no need to care for SCC */
for (Definition& def : instr->definitions) {
if (def.getTemp().regClass().is_linear())
writes_linear = true;
/* if all operands are constant, no need to care either */
bool reads_linear = false;
bool reads_subdword = false;
for (Operand& op : instr->operands) {
if (op.isTemp() && op.getTemp().regClass().is_linear())
reads_linear = true;
if (op.isTemp() && op.regClass().is_subdword())
reads_subdword = true;
bool needs_scratch_reg = (writes_linear && reads_linear && reg_file[scc]) ||
(ctx.program->gfx_level <= GFX7 && reads_subdword);
if (!needs_scratch_reg)
instr->pseudo().tmp_in_scc = reg_file[scc];
int reg = ctx.max_used_sgpr;
for (; reg >= 0 && reg_file[PhysReg{(unsigned)reg}]; reg--)
if (reg < 0) {
reg = ctx.max_used_sgpr + 1;
for (; reg < ctx.program->max_reg_demand.sgpr && reg_file[PhysReg{(unsigned)reg}]; reg++)
if (reg == ctx.program->max_reg_demand.sgpr) {
assert(reads_subdword && reg_file[m0] == 0);
reg = m0;
adjust_max_used_regs(ctx, s1, reg);
instr->pseudo().scratch_sgpr = PhysReg{(unsigned)reg};
operand_can_use_reg(amd_gfx_level gfx_level, aco_ptr<Instruction>& instr, unsigned idx, PhysReg reg,
RegClass rc)
bool is_writelane = instr->opcode == aco_opcode::v_writelane_b32 ||
instr->opcode == aco_opcode::v_writelane_b32_e64;
if (gfx_level <= GFX9 && is_writelane && idx <= 1) {
/* v_writelane_b32 can take two sgprs but only if one is m0. */
bool is_other_sgpr =
instr->operands[!idx].isTemp() &&
(!instr->operands[!idx].isFixed() || instr->operands[!idx].physReg() != m0);
if (is_other_sgpr && instr->operands[!idx].tempId() != instr->operands[idx].tempId()) {
return reg == m0;
if (reg.byte()) {
unsigned stride = get_subdword_operand_stride(gfx_level, instr, idx, rc);
if (reg.byte() % stride)
return false;
switch (instr->format) {
case Format::SMEM:
return reg != scc && reg != exec &&
(reg != m0 || idx == 1 || idx == 3) && /* offset can be m0 */
(reg != vcc || (instr->definitions.empty() && idx == 2) ||
gfx_level >= GFX10); /* sdata can be vcc */
// TODO: there are more instructions with restrictions on registers
return true;
handle_fixed_operands(ra_ctx& ctx, RegisterFile& register_file,
std::vector<std::pair<Operand, Definition>>& parallelcopy,
aco_ptr<Instruction>& instr)
assert(instr->operands.size() <= 64);
RegisterFile tmp_file(register_file);
uint64_t mask = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < instr->operands.size(); i++) {
Operand& op = instr->operands[i];
if (!op.isTemp() || !op.isFixed())
PhysReg src = ctx.assignments[op.tempId()].reg;
if (op.physReg() == src) {
tmp_file.block(op.physReg(), op.regClass());
bool found = false;
u_foreach_bit64 (j, mask) {
if (instr->operands[j].tempId() == op.tempId() &&
instr->operands[j].physReg() == op.physReg()) {
found = true;
if (found)
continue; /* the copy is already added to the list */
/* clear from register_file so fixed operands are not collected be collect_vars() */
tmp_file.clear(src, op.regClass()); // TODO: try to avoid moving block vars to src
mask |= (uint64_t)1 << i;
Operand pc_op(instr->operands[i].getTemp(), src);
Definition pc_def = Definition(op.physReg(), pc_op.regClass());
parallelcopy.emplace_back(pc_op, pc_def);
if (!mask)
std::vector<unsigned> blocking_vars;
u_foreach_bit64 (i, mask) {
Operand& op = instr->operands[i];
PhysRegInterval target{op.physReg(), op.size()};
std::vector<unsigned> blocking_vars2 = collect_vars(ctx, tmp_file, target);
blocking_vars.insert(blocking_vars.end(), blocking_vars2.begin(), blocking_vars2.end());
/* prevent get_regs_for_copies() from using these registers */
tmp_file.block(op.physReg(), op.regClass());
get_regs_for_copies(ctx, tmp_file, parallelcopy, blocking_vars, instr, PhysRegInterval());
update_renames(ctx, register_file, parallelcopy, instr,
rename_not_killed_ops | fill_killed_ops | rename_precolored_ops);
get_reg_for_operand(ra_ctx& ctx, RegisterFile& register_file,
std::vector<std::pair<Operand, Definition>>& parallelcopy,
aco_ptr<Instruction>& instr, Operand& operand, unsigned operand_index)
/* clear the operand in case it's only a stride mismatch */
PhysReg src = ctx.assignments[operand.tempId()].reg;
register_file.clear(src, operand.regClass());
PhysReg dst = get_reg(ctx, register_file, operand.getTemp(), parallelcopy, instr, operand_index);
Operand pc_op = operand;
Definition pc_def = Definition(dst, pc_op.regClass());
parallelcopy.emplace_back(pc_op, pc_def);
update_renames(ctx, register_file, parallelcopy, instr, rename_not_killed_ops | fill_killed_ops);
get_reg_phi(ra_ctx& ctx, IDSet& live_in, RegisterFile& register_file,
std::vector<aco_ptr<Instruction>>& instructions, Block& block,
aco_ptr<Instruction>& phi, Temp tmp)
std::vector<std::pair<Operand, Definition>> parallelcopy;
PhysReg reg = get_reg(ctx, register_file, tmp, parallelcopy, phi);
update_renames(ctx, register_file, parallelcopy, phi, rename_not_killed_ops);
/* process parallelcopy */
for (std::pair<Operand, Definition> pc : parallelcopy) {
/* see if it's a copy from a different phi */
// TODO: prefer moving some previous phis over live-ins
// TODO: somehow prevent phis fixed before the RA from being updated (shouldn't be a
// problem in practice since they can only be fixed to exec)
Instruction* prev_phi = NULL;
std::vector<aco_ptr<Instruction>>::iterator phi_it;
for (phi_it = instructions.begin(); phi_it != instructions.end(); ++phi_it) {
if ((*phi_it)->definitions[0].tempId() == pc.first.tempId())
prev_phi = phi_it->get();
if (prev_phi) {
/* if so, just update that phi's register */
ctx.assignments[prev_phi->definitions[0].tempId()] = {pc.second.physReg(),
/* rename */
std::unordered_map<unsigned, Temp>::iterator orig_it = ctx.orig_names.find(pc.first.tempId());
Temp orig = orig_it != ctx.orig_names.end() ? orig_it->second : pc.first.getTemp();
ctx.orig_names[pc.second.tempId()] = orig;
ctx.renames[block.index][] = pc.second.getTemp();
/* otherwise, this is a live-in and we need to create a new phi
* to move it in this block's predecessors */
aco_opcode opcode =
pc.first.getTemp().is_linear() ? aco_opcode::p_linear_phi : aco_opcode::p_phi;
std::vector<unsigned>& preds =
pc.first.getTemp().is_linear() ? block.linear_preds : block.logical_preds;
aco_ptr<Instruction> new_phi{
create_instruction<Pseudo_instruction>(opcode, Format::PSEUDO, preds.size(), 1)};
new_phi->definitions[0] = pc.second;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < preds.size(); i++)
new_phi->operands[i] = Operand(pc.first);
/* Remove from live_in, because handle_loop_phis() would re-create this phi later if this is
* a loop header.
return reg;
get_regs_for_phis(ra_ctx& ctx, Block& block, RegisterFile& register_file,
std::vector<aco_ptr<Instruction>>& instructions, IDSet& live_in)
/* move all phis to instructions */
for (aco_ptr<Instruction>& phi : block.instructions) {
if (!is_phi(phi))
if (!phi->definitions[0].isKill())
/* assign phis with all-matching registers to that register */
for (aco_ptr<Instruction>& phi : instructions) {
Definition& definition = phi->definitions[0];
if (definition.isFixed())
if (!phi->operands[0].isTemp())
PhysReg reg = phi->operands[0].physReg();
auto OpsSame = [=](const Operand& op) -> bool
{ return op.isTemp() && (!op.isFixed() || op.physReg() == reg); };
bool all_same = std::all_of(phi->operands.cbegin() + 1, phi->operands.cend(), OpsSame);
if (!all_same)
if (!get_reg_specified(ctx, register_file, definition.regClass(), phi, reg))
/* try to find a register that is used by at least one operand */
for (aco_ptr<Instruction>& phi : instructions) {
Definition& definition = phi->definitions[0];
if (definition.isFixed())
/* use affinity if available */
if (ctx.assignments[definition.tempId()].affinity &&
ctx.assignments[ctx.assignments[definition.tempId()].affinity].assigned) {
assignment& affinity = ctx.assignments[ctx.assignments[definition.tempId()].affinity];
assert(affinity.rc == definition.regClass());
if (get_reg_specified(ctx, register_file, definition.regClass(), phi, affinity.reg)) {
/* by going backwards, we aim to avoid copies in else-blocks */
for (int i = phi->operands.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const Operand& op = phi->operands[i];
if (!op.isTemp() || !op.isFixed())
PhysReg reg = op.physReg();
if (get_reg_specified(ctx, register_file, definition.regClass(), phi, reg)) {
/* find registers for phis where the register was blocked or no operand was assigned */
/* Don't use iterators because get_reg_phi() can add phis to the end of the vector. */
for (unsigned i = 0; i < instructions.size(); i++) {
aco_ptr<Instruction>& phi = instructions[i];
Definition& definition = phi->definitions[0];
if (definition.isFixed())
get_reg_phi(ctx, live_in, register_file, instructions, block, phi, definition.getTemp()));
read_variable(ra_ctx& ctx, Temp val, unsigned block_idx)
std::unordered_map<unsigned, Temp>::iterator it = ctx.renames[block_idx].find(;
if (it == ctx.renames[block_idx].end())
return val;
return it->second;
handle_live_in(ra_ctx& ctx, Temp val, Block* block)
std::vector<unsigned>& preds = val.is_linear() ? block->linear_preds : block->logical_preds;
if (preds.size() == 0)
return val;
if (preds.size() == 1) {
/* if the block has only one predecessor, just look there for the name */
return read_variable(ctx, val, preds[0]);
/* there are multiple predecessors and the block is sealed */
Temp* const ops = (Temp*)alloca(preds.size() * sizeof(Temp));
/* get the rename from each predecessor and check if they are the same */
Temp new_val;
bool needs_phi = false;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < preds.size(); i++) {
ops[i] = read_variable(ctx, val, preds[i]);
if (i == 0)
new_val = ops[i];
needs_phi |= !(new_val == ops[i]);
if (needs_phi) {
/* the variable has been renamed differently in the predecessors: we need to insert a phi */
aco_opcode opcode = val.is_linear() ? aco_opcode::p_linear_phi : aco_opcode::p_phi;
aco_ptr<Instruction> phi{
create_instruction<Pseudo_instruction>(opcode, Format::PSEUDO, preds.size(), 1)};
new_val = ctx.program->allocateTmp(val.regClass());
phi->definitions[0] = Definition(new_val);
assert(ctx.assignments.size() == ctx.program->peekAllocationId());
for (unsigned i = 0; i < preds.size(); i++) {
/* update the operands so that it uses the new affinity */
phi->operands[i] = Operand(ops[i]);
assert(ops[i].regClass() == new_val.regClass());
block->instructions.insert(block->instructions.begin(), std::move(phi));
return new_val;
handle_loop_phis(ra_ctx& ctx, const IDSet& live_in, uint32_t loop_header_idx,
uint32_t loop_exit_idx)
Block& loop_header = ctx.program->blocks[loop_header_idx];
std::unordered_map<unsigned, Temp> renames;
/* create phis for variables renamed during the loop */
for (unsigned t : live_in) {
Temp val = Temp(t, ctx.program->temp_rc[t]);
Temp prev = read_variable(ctx, val, loop_header_idx - 1);
Temp renamed = handle_live_in(ctx, val, &loop_header);
if (renamed == prev)
/* insert additional renames at block end, but don't overwrite */
renames[] = renamed;
ctx.orig_names[] = val;
for (unsigned idx = loop_header_idx; idx < loop_exit_idx; idx++) {
auto it = ctx.renames[idx].emplace(, renamed);
/* if insertion is unsuccessful, update if necessary */
if (!it.second && it.first->second == prev)
it.first->second = renamed;
/* update loop-carried values of the phi created by handle_live_in() */
for (unsigned i = 1; i < loop_header.instructions[0]->operands.size(); i++) {
Operand& op = loop_header.instructions[0]->operands[i];
if (op.getTemp() == prev)
/* use the assignment from the loop preheader and fix def reg */
assignment& var = ctx.assignments[];
ctx.assignments[] = var;
/* rename loop carried phi operands */
for (unsigned i = renames.size(); i < loop_header.instructions.size(); i++) {
aco_ptr<Instruction>& phi = loop_header.instructions[i];
if (!is_phi(phi))
const std::vector<unsigned>& preds =
phi->opcode == aco_opcode::p_phi ? loop_header.logical_preds : loop_header.linear_preds;
for (unsigned j = 1; j < phi->operands.size(); j++) {
Operand& op = phi->operands[j];
if (!op.isTemp())
/* Find the original name, since this operand might not use the original name if the phi
* was created after init_reg_file().
std::unordered_map<unsigned, Temp>::iterator it = ctx.orig_names.find(op.tempId());
Temp orig = it != ctx.orig_names.end() ? it->second : op.getTemp();
op.setTemp(read_variable(ctx, orig, preds[j]));
/* return early if no new phi was created */
if (renames.empty())
/* propagate new renames through loop */
for (unsigned idx = loop_header_idx; idx < loop_exit_idx; idx++) {
Block& current = ctx.program->blocks[idx];
/* rename all uses in this block */
for (aco_ptr<Instruction>& instr : current.instructions) {
/* phis are renamed after RA */
if (idx == loop_header_idx && is_phi(instr))
for (Operand& op : instr->operands) {
if (!op.isTemp())
auto rename = renames.find(op.tempId());
if (rename != renames.end()) {
* This function serves the purpose to correctly initialize the register file
* at the beginning of a block (before any existing phis).
* In order to do so, all live-in variables are entered into the RegisterFile.
* Reg-to-reg moves (renames) from previous blocks are taken into account and
* the SSA is repaired by inserting corresponding phi-nodes.
init_reg_file(ra_ctx& ctx, const std::vector<IDSet>& live_out_per_block, Block& block)
if (block.kind & block_kind_loop_exit) {
uint32_t header = ctx.loop_header.back();
handle_loop_phis(ctx, live_out_per_block[header], header, block.index);
RegisterFile register_file;
const IDSet& live_in = live_out_per_block[block.index];
assert(block.index != 0 || live_in.empty());
if (block.kind & block_kind_loop_header) {
/* already rename phis incoming value */
for (aco_ptr<Instruction>& instr : block.instructions) {
if (!is_phi(instr))
Operand& operand = instr->operands[0];
if (operand.isTemp()) {
operand.setTemp(read_variable(ctx, operand.getTemp(), block.index - 1));
for (unsigned t : live_in) {
Temp val = Temp(t, ctx.program->temp_rc[t]);
Temp renamed = read_variable(ctx, val, block.index - 1);
if (renamed != val)
ctx.renames[block.index][] = renamed;
assignment& var = ctx.assignments[];
register_file.fill(Definition(, var.reg, var.rc));
} else {
/* rename phi operands */
for (aco_ptr<Instruction>& instr : block.instructions) {
if (!is_phi(instr))
const std::vector<unsigned>& preds =
instr->opcode == aco_opcode::p_phi ? block.logical_preds : block.linear_preds;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < instr->operands.size(); i++) {
Operand& operand = instr->operands[i];
if (!operand.isTemp())
operand.setTemp(read_variable(ctx, operand.getTemp(), preds[i]));
for (unsigned t : live_in) {
Temp val = Temp(t, ctx.program->temp_rc[t]);
Temp renamed = handle_live_in(ctx, val, &block);
assignment& var = ctx.assignments[];
/* due to live-range splits, the live-in might be a phi, now */
if (var.assigned) {
register_file.fill(Definition(, var.reg, var.rc));
if (renamed != val) {
ctx.renames[block.index].emplace(t, renamed);
ctx.orig_names[] = val;
return register_file;
get_affinities(ra_ctx& ctx, std::vector<IDSet>& live_out_per_block)
std::vector<std::vector<Temp>> phi_ressources;
std::unordered_map<unsigned, unsigned> temp_to_phi_ressources;
for (auto block_rit = ctx.program->blocks.rbegin(); block_rit != ctx.program->blocks.rend();
block_rit++) {
Block& block = *block_rit;
/* first, compute the death points of all live vars within the block */
IDSet& live = live_out_per_block[block.index];
std::vector<aco_ptr<Instruction>>::reverse_iterator rit;
for (rit = block.instructions.rbegin(); rit != block.instructions.rend(); ++rit) {
aco_ptr<Instruction>& instr = *rit;
if (is_phi(instr))
/* add vector affinities */
if (instr->opcode == aco_opcode::p_create_vector) {
for (const Operand& op : instr->operands) {
if (op.isTemp() && op.isFirstKill() &&
op.getTemp().type() == instr->definitions[0].getTemp().type())
ctx.vectors[op.tempId()] = instr.get();
} else if (instr->format == Format::MIMG && instr->operands.size() > 4) {
for (unsigned i = 3; i < instr->operands.size(); i++)
ctx.vectors[instr->operands[i].tempId()] = instr.get();
} else if (instr->opcode == aco_opcode::p_split_vector &&
instr->operands[0].isFirstKillBeforeDef()) {
ctx.split_vectors[instr->operands[0].tempId()] = instr.get();
} else if (instr->isVOPC() && !instr->isVOP3()) {
if (!instr->isSDWA() || ctx.program->gfx_level == GFX8)
ctx.assignments[instr->definitions[0].tempId()].vcc = true;
} else if (instr->isVOP2() && !instr->isVOP3()) {
if (instr->operands.size() == 3 && instr->operands[2].isTemp() &&
instr->operands[2].regClass().type() == RegType::sgpr)
ctx.assignments[instr->operands[2].tempId()].vcc = true;
if (instr->definitions.size() == 2)
ctx.assignments[instr->definitions[1].tempId()].vcc = true;
} else if (instr->opcode == aco_opcode::s_and_b32 ||
instr->opcode == aco_opcode::s_and_b64) {
/* If SCC is used by a branch, we might be able to use
* s_cbranch_vccz/s_cbranch_vccnz if the operand is VCC.
if (!instr->definitions[1].isKill() && instr->operands[0].isTemp() &&
instr->operands[1].isFixed() && instr->operands[1].physReg() == exec)
ctx.assignments[instr->operands[0].tempId()].vcc = true;
/* add operands to live variables */
for (const Operand& op : instr->operands) {
if (op.isTemp())
/* erase definitions from live */
for (unsigned i = 0; i < instr->definitions.size(); i++) {
const Definition& def = instr->definitions[i];
if (!def.isTemp())
/* mark last-seen phi operand */
std::unordered_map<unsigned, unsigned>::iterator it =
if (it != temp_to_phi_ressources.end() &&
def.regClass() == phi_ressources[it->second][0].regClass()) {
phi_ressources[it->second][0] = def.getTemp();
/* try to coalesce phi affinities with parallelcopies */
Operand op = Operand();
switch (instr->opcode) {
case aco_opcode::p_parallelcopy: op = instr->operands[i]; break;
case aco_opcode::v_interp_p2_f32:
case aco_opcode::v_writelane_b32:
case aco_opcode::v_writelane_b32_e64: op = instr->operands[2]; break;
case aco_opcode::v_fma_f32:
case aco_opcode::v_fma_f16:
case aco_opcode::v_pk_fma_f16:
if (ctx.program->gfx_level < GFX10)
case aco_opcode::v_mad_f32:
case aco_opcode::v_mad_f16:
if (instr->usesModifiers())
op = instr->operands[2];
case aco_opcode::v_mad_legacy_f32:
case aco_opcode::v_fma_legacy_f32: