Optimize passing contiguous nocopy buffers to tcp_write

While TCP_OVERSIZE works only when tcp_write() is used with
TCP_WRITE_FLAG_COPY, this new code achieves
similar benefits for the use case that the caller manages their own
send buffers and passes successive chunks of those to tcp_write()

In particular, if a buffer is passed to
tcp_write() that is adjacent in memory to the previously passed
buffer, it will be combined into the previous ROM pbuf reference
whenever possible, thus extending that ROM pbuf rather than allocating
a new ROM pbuf.

For the aforementioned use case, the advantages of this code are
1) fewer ROM pbufs need to be allocated to send the same data, and,
2) the MAC layer gets outgoing TCP packets with shorter pbuf chains.

Original patch by Ambroz Bizjak <ambrop7@gmail.com>
Edited by David van Moolenbroek <david@minix3.org>
Signed-off-by: goldsimon <goldsimon@gmx.de>
2 files changed