blob: b0bf02aa1ded41cafb3f0fcb6ab41f33402e6f31 [file] [log] [blame]
* Here we check for punpck* and unpck* intrinsics using masm.
#include "m512_test_util.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int verbose = 0;
__m512i i1;
__m512i i2;
__m512i i3;
__m512i i4;
__m512i i5;
volatile int vol = 0; /* To prevent optimizations */
void NOINLINE display_xmm_pi(const void *p, const char *banner) {
int i;
V512 *v = (V512 *)p;
if (banner) {
printf("%s", banner);
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
printf(" 0x%0.8x", v->s32[3 - i]);
void NOINLINE init() {
int i;
V512 *pi1 = (V512 *)&i1;
V512 *pi2 = (V512 *)&i2;
V512 *pi3 = (V512 *)&i3;
for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
pi1->u8[i] = 17 + ((i & 1) ? 1 : -1) * i + vol;
pi2->u8[i] = 100 + ((i & 3) == 3 ? 1 : -1) * i + vol;
pi3->u8[i] = 400 + ((i & 1) ? -1 : 1) * i + vol;
#define check_equal_xmm(vgot, vexpected, banner) \
check_equal_nd(vgot, vexpected, 4, banner, __LINE__)
#define check_equal_ymm(vgot, vexpected, banner) \
check_equal_nd(vgot, vexpected, 8, banner, __LINE__)
#define check_equal_zmm(vgot, vexpected, banner) \
check_equal_nd(vgot, vexpected, 16, banner, __LINE__)
void NOINLINE emulate_palignr(void *presult, const void *p1, const void *p2,
int shift, int num_lanes) {
int i, lane;
V512 *result = (V512 *)presult;
V512 *v1 = (V512 *)p1;
V512 *v2 = (V512 *)p2;
if (shift < 0 || shift > 31) {
/* Result is zero. */
for (lane = 0; lane < num_lanes; lane++) {
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
result->u32[4 * lane + i] = 0;
for (lane = 0; lane < num_lanes; lane++) {
for (i = 0; i < (16 - shift); i++) {
result->u8[16 * lane + i] = v2->u8[16 * lane + i + shift];
for (; i < 16 && (i + shift < 32); i++) {
result->u8[16 * lane + i] = v1->u8[16 * lane + i - (16 - shift)];
for (; i < 16; i++) {
result->u8[16 * lane + i] = 0;
void NOINLINE emulate_punpck_bw(void *presult, const void *p1, const void *p2,
int num_lanes, int high) {
int i, lane;
V512 *result = (V512 *)presult;
V512 *v1 = (V512 *)p1;
V512 *v2 = (V512 *)p2;
int offset = high ? 8 : 0;
for (lane = 0; lane < num_lanes; lane++) {
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
result->u8[16 * lane + 2 * i] = v1->u8[16 * lane + i + offset];
result->u8[16 * lane + 2 * i + 1] = v2->u8[16 * lane + i + offset];
#define emulate_punpckhbw(presult, p1, p2, num_lanes) \
emulate_punpck_bw(presult, p1, p2, num_lanes, 1)
#define emulate_punpcklbw(presult, p1, p2, num_lanes) \
emulate_punpck_bw(presult, p1, p2, num_lanes, 0)
void NOINLINE emulate_punpck_wd(void *presult, const void *p1, const void *p2,
int num_lanes, int high) {
int i, lane;
V512 *result = (V512 *)presult;
V512 *v1 = (V512 *)p1;
V512 *v2 = (V512 *)p2;
int offset = high ? 4 : 0;
for (lane = 0; lane < num_lanes; lane++) {
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
result->u16[8 * lane + 2 * i] = v1->u16[8 * lane + i + offset];
result->u16[8 * lane + 2 * i + 1] = v2->u16[8 * lane + i + offset];
#define emulate_punpckhwd(presult, p1, p2, num_lanes) \
emulate_punpck_wd(presult, p1, p2, num_lanes, 1)
#define emulate_punpcklwd(presult, p1, p2, num_lanes) \
emulate_punpck_wd(presult, p1, p2, num_lanes, 0)
void NOINLINE emulate_punpck_dq(void *presult, const void *p1, const void *p2,
int num_lanes, int high) {
int i, lane;
V512 *result = (V512 *)presult;
V512 *v1 = (V512 *)p1;
V512 *v2 = (V512 *)p2;
int offset = high ? 2 : 0;
for (lane = 0; lane < num_lanes; lane++) {
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
result->u32[4 * lane + 2 * i] = v1->u32[4 * lane + i + offset];
result->u32[4 * lane + 2 * i + 1] = v2->u32[4 * lane + i + offset];
#define emulate_punpckhdq(presult, p1, p2, num_lanes) \
emulate_punpck_dq(presult, p1, p2, num_lanes, 1)
#define emulate_punpckldq(presult, p1, p2, num_lanes) \
emulate_punpck_dq(presult, p1, p2, num_lanes, 0)
void NOINLINE emulate_punpck_qdq(void *presult, const void *p1, const void *p2,
int num_lanes, int high) {
int i, lane;
V512 *result = (V512 *)presult;
V512 *v1 = (V512 *)p1;
V512 *v2 = (V512 *)p2;
int offset = high ? 1 : 0;
for (lane = 0; lane < num_lanes; lane++) {
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
result->u64[2 * lane + 2 * i] = v1->u64[2 * lane + i + offset];
result->u64[2 * lane + 2 * i + 1] = v2->u64[2 * lane + i + offset];
#define emulate_punpckhqdq(presult, p1, p2, num_lanes) \
emulate_punpck_qdq(presult, p1, p2, num_lanes, 1)
#define emulate_punpcklqdq(presult, p1, p2, num_lanes) \
emulate_punpck_qdq(presult, p1, p2, num_lanes, 0)
void NOINLINE do_punpck_bw() {
void *p1 = &i1;
void *p2 = &i2;
void *p3 = &i3;
#define DO_XMM_REG_REG(opcode, reg1, reg2) \
__asm {\
__asm mov FULL_IREG(ax), [p1] \
__asm movaps reg2, [FULL_IREG(ax)] \
__asm mov FULL_IREG(ax), [p2] \
__asm movaps reg1, [FULL_IREG(ax)] \
__asm opcode reg1, reg2 \
__asm mov FULL_IREG(ax), [p3] \
__asm movaps [FULL_IREG(ax)], reg1 \
#define DO_V_REG_REG_REG(opcode, reg1, reg2, reg3) \
__asm { \
__asm mov FULL_IREG(ax), [p1] \
__asm vmovaps reg3, [FULL_IREG(ax)] \
__asm mov FULL_IREG(ax), [p2] \
__asm vmovaps reg2, [FULL_IREG(ax)] \
__asm opcode reg1, reg2, reg3 \
__asm mov FULL_IREG(ax), [p3] \
__asm vmovaps [FULL_IREG(ax)], reg1}
DO_XMM_REG_REG(punpckhbw, xmm6, xmm3)
emulate_punpckhbw(&i4, &i2, &i1, 1);
check_equal_xmm(&i4, &i3, "punpckhbw xmm6, xmm3");
if (verbose) {
printf("punpckhbw(i2, i1)\n");
display_xmm_pi(&i1, "i1: ");
display_xmm_pi(&i2, "i2: ");
display_xmm_pi(&i3, "got: ");
display_xmm_pi(&i4, "exp: ");
DO_XMM_REG_REG(punpcklbw, xmm2, xmm7)
emulate_punpcklbw(&i4, &i2, &i1, 1);
check_equal_xmm(&i4, &i3, "punpckhbw xmm2, xmm7");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG(vpunpckhbw, xmm1, xmm6, xmm5)
emulate_punpckhbw(&i4, &i2, &i1, 1);
check_equal_xmm(&i4, &i3, "vpunpckhbw xmm1, xmm6, xmm5");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG(vpunpckhbw, ymm4, ymm7, ymm5)
emulate_punpckhbw(&i4, &i2, &i1, 2);
check_equal_ymm(&i4, &i3, "vpunpckhbw ymm4, ymm7, ymm5");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG(vpunpcklbw, ymm7, ymm3, ymm1)
emulate_punpcklbw(&i4, &i2, &i1, 2);
check_equal_ymm(&i4, &i3, "vpunpcklbw ymm7, ymm3, ymm1");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG(vpunpckhbw, zmm4, zmm7, zmm5)
emulate_punpckhbw(&i4, &i2, &i1, 4);
check_equal_zmm(&i4, &i3, "vpunpckhbw zmm4, zmm4, zmm5");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG(vpunpcklbw, zmm7, zmm3, zmm1)
emulate_punpcklbw(&i4, &i2, &i1, 4);
check_equal_zmm(&i4, &i3, "vpunpcklbw zmm7, zmm3, zmm1");
#if defined(__x86_64) || defined(_M_X64)
DO_V_REG_REG_REG(vpunpckhbw, xmm19, xmm6, xmm5)
emulate_punpckhbw(&i4, &i2, &i1, 1);
check_equal_xmm(&i4, &i3, "vpunpckhbw xmm19, xmm6, xmm5");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG(vpunpckhbw, xmm6, xmm19, xmm5)
emulate_punpckhbw(&i4, &i2, &i1, 1);
check_equal_xmm(&i4, &i3, "vpunpckhbw xmm6, xmm19, xmm5");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG(vpunpckhbw, xmm6, xmm5, xmm19)
emulate_punpckhbw(&i4, &i2, &i1, 1);
check_equal_xmm(&i4, &i3, "vpunpckhbw xmm6, xmm5, xmm19");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG(vpunpckhbw, zmm19, zmm6, zmm5)
emulate_punpckhbw(&i4, &i2, &i1, 4);
check_equal_zmm(&i4, &i3, "vpunpckhbw zmm19, zmm6, zmm5");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG(vpunpckhbw, zmm6, zmm19, zmm5)
emulate_punpckhbw(&i4, &i2, &i1, 4);
check_equal_zmm(&i4, &i3, "vpunpckhbw zmm6, zmm19, zmm5");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG(vpunpckhbw, zmm6, zmm5, zmm19)
emulate_punpckhbw(&i4, &i2, &i1, 4);
check_equal_zmm(&i4, &i3, "vpunpckhbw zmm6, zmm5, zmm19");
#endif /* defined(__x86_64) || defined(_M_X64) */
void NOINLINE do_punpck_wd() {
void *p1 = &i1;
void *p2 = &i2;
void *p3 = &i3;
DO_XMM_REG_REG(punpckhwd, xmm6, xmm3)
emulate_punpckhwd(&i4, &i2, &i1, 1);
check_equal_xmm(&i4, &i3, "punpckhwd xmm6, xmm3");
if (verbose) {
printf("punpckhwd(i2, i1)\n");
display_xmm_pi(&i1, "i1: ");
display_xmm_pi(&i2, "i2: ");
display_xmm_pi(&i3, "got: ");
display_xmm_pi(&i4, "exp: ");
DO_XMM_REG_REG(punpcklwd, xmm2, xmm7)
emulate_punpcklwd(&i4, &i2, &i1, 1);
check_equal_xmm(&i4, &i3, "punpckhwd xmm2, xmm7");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG(vpunpckhwd, xmm1, xmm6, xmm5)
emulate_punpckhwd(&i4, &i2, &i1, 1);
check_equal_xmm(&i4, &i3, "vpunpckhwd xmm1, xmm6, xmm5");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG(vpunpckhwd, ymm4, ymm7, ymm5)
emulate_punpckhwd(&i4, &i2, &i1, 2);
check_equal_ymm(&i4, &i3, "vpunpckhwd ymm4, ymm7, ymm5");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG(vpunpcklwd, ymm7, ymm3, ymm1)
emulate_punpcklwd(&i4, &i2, &i1, 2);
check_equal_ymm(&i4, &i3, "vpunpcklwd ymm7, ymm3, ymm1");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG(vpunpckhwd, zmm4, zmm7, zmm5)
emulate_punpckhwd(&i4, &i2, &i1, 4);
check_equal_zmm(&i4, &i3, "vpunpckhwd zmm4, zmm4, zmm5");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG(vpunpcklwd, zmm7, zmm3, zmm1)
emulate_punpcklwd(&i4, &i2, &i1, 4);
check_equal_zmm(&i4, &i3, "vpunpcklwd zmm7, zmm3, zmm1");
#if defined(__x86_64) || defined(_M_X64)
DO_V_REG_REG_REG(vpunpckhwd, ymm19, ymm6, ymm5)
emulate_punpckhwd(&i4, &i2, &i1, 2);
check_equal_ymm(&i4, &i3, "vpunpckhwd ymm19, ymm6, ymm5");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG(vpunpckhwd, ymm6, ymm19, ymm5)
emulate_punpckhwd(&i4, &i2, &i1, 2);
check_equal_ymm(&i4, &i3, "vpunpckhwd ymm6, ymm19, ymm5");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG(vpunpckhwd, ymm6, ymm5, ymm19)
emulate_punpckhwd(&i4, &i2, &i1, 2);
check_equal_ymm(&i4, &i3, "vpunpckhwd ymm6, ymm5, ymm19");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG(vpunpckhwd, zmm19, zmm6, zmm5)
emulate_punpckhwd(&i4, &i2, &i1, 4);
check_equal_zmm(&i4, &i3, "vpunpckhwd zmm19, zmm6, zmm5");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG(vpunpckhwd, zmm6, zmm19, zmm5)
emulate_punpckhwd(&i4, &i2, &i1, 4);
check_equal_zmm(&i4, &i3, "vpunpckhwd zmm6, zmm19, zmm5");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG(vpunpckhwd, zmm6, zmm5, zmm19)
emulate_punpckhwd(&i4, &i2, &i1, 4);
check_equal_zmm(&i4, &i3, "vpunpckhwd zmm6, zmm5, zmm19");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG(vpunpckhwd, zmm26, zmm6, zmm5)
emulate_punpckhwd(&i4, &i2, &i1, 4);
check_equal_zmm(&i4, &i3, "vpunpckhwd zmm26, zmm6, zmm5");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG(vpunpckhwd, zmm6, zmm26, zmm5)
emulate_punpckhwd(&i4, &i2, &i1, 4);
check_equal_zmm(&i4, &i3, "vpunpckhwd zmm6, zmm26, zmm5");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG(vpunpckhwd, zmm6, zmm5, zmm26)
emulate_punpckhwd(&i4, &i2, &i1, 4);
check_equal_zmm(&i4, &i3, "vpunpckhwd zmm6, zmm5, zmm26");
#endif /* defined(__x86_64) || defined(_M_X64) */
#define DO_Z_REG_MASK_REG_REG(opcode, reg1, kreg, reg2, reg3) \
__asm { \
__asm mov FULL_IREG(ax), [p1] \
__asm vmovaps reg3, [FULL_IREG(ax)] \
__asm mov FULL_IREG(ax), [p2] \
__asm vmovaps reg2, [FULL_IREG(ax)] \
__asm kxnorw kreg, kreg, kreg \
__asm opcode reg1{kreg} \
, reg2, reg3 __asm mov FULL_IREG(ax), [p3] __asm vmovaps[FULL_IREG(ax)], \
reg1 \
void NOINLINE do_punpck_dq() {
void *p1 = &i1;
void *p2 = &i2;
void *p3 = &i3;
DO_XMM_REG_REG(punpckhdq, xmm6, xmm3)
emulate_punpckhdq(&i4, &i2, &i1, 1);
check_equal_xmm(&i4, &i3, "punpckhdq xmm6, xmm3");
if (verbose) {
printf("punpckhdq(i2, i1)\n");
display_xmm_pi(&i1, "i1: ");
display_xmm_pi(&i2, "i2: ");
display_xmm_pi(&i3, "got: ");
display_xmm_pi(&i4, "exp: ");
DO_XMM_REG_REG(punpckldq, xmm2, xmm7)
emulate_punpckldq(&i4, &i2, &i1, 1);
check_equal_xmm(&i4, &i3, "punpckhdq xmm2, xmm7");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG(vpunpckhdq, xmm1, xmm6, xmm5)
emulate_punpckhdq(&i4, &i2, &i1, 1);
check_equal_xmm(&i4, &i3, "vpunpckhdq xmm1, xmm6, xmm5");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG(vpunpckhdq, ymm4, ymm7, ymm5)
emulate_punpckhdq(&i4, &i2, &i1, 2);
check_equal_ymm(&i4, &i3, "vpunpckhdq ymm4, ymm7, ymm5");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG(vpunpckldq, ymm7, ymm3, ymm1)
emulate_punpckldq(&i4, &i2, &i1, 2);
check_equal_ymm(&i4, &i3, "vpunpckldq ymm7, ymm3, ymm1");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG(vpunpckhdq, zmm4, zmm7, zmm5)
emulate_punpckhdq(&i4, &i2, &i1, 4);
check_equal_zmm(&i4, &i3, "vpunpckhdq zmm4, zmm4, zmm5");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG(vpunpckldq, zmm7, zmm3, zmm1)
emulate_punpckldq(&i4, &i2, &i1, 4);
check_equal_zmm(&i4, &i3, "vpunpckldq zmm7, zmm3, zmm1");
#if defined(__x86_64) || defined(_M_X64)
DO_V_REG_REG_REG(vpunpckhdq, xmm23, xmm7, xmm5)
emulate_punpckhdq(&i4, &i2, &i1, 1);
check_equal_xmm(&i4, &i3, "vpunpckhdq xmm23, xmm7, xmm5");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG(vpunpckhdq, xmm7, xmm23, xmm5)
emulate_punpckhdq(&i4, &i2, &i1, 1);
check_equal_xmm(&i4, &i3, "vpunpckhdq xmm7, xmm23, xmm5");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG(vpunpckhdq, xmm7, xmm5, xmm23)
emulate_punpckhdq(&i4, &i2, &i1, 1);
check_equal_xmm(&i4, &i3, "vpunpckhdq xmm7, xmm5, xmm23");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG(vpunpckhdq, ymm23, ymm16, ymm5)
emulate_punpckhdq(&i4, &i2, &i1, 2);
check_equal_ymm(&i4, &i3, "vpunpckhdq ymm23, ymm16, ymm5");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG(vpunpckhdq, zmm23, zmm7, zmm5)
emulate_punpckhdq(&i4, &i2, &i1, 4);
check_equal_zmm(&i4, &i3, "vpunpckhdq zmm23, zmm7, zmm5");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG(vpunpckhdq, zmm7, zmm23, zmm5)
emulate_punpckhdq(&i4, &i2, &i1, 4);
check_equal_zmm(&i4, &i3, "vpunpckhdq zmm7, zmm23, zmm5");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG(vpunpckhdq, zmm7, zmm5, zmm23)
emulate_punpckhdq(&i4, &i2, &i1, 4);
check_equal_zmm(&i4, &i3, "vpunpckhdq zmm7, zmm5, zmm23");
DO_Z_REG_MASK_REG_REG(vpunpckhdq, zmm23, k4, zmm7, zmm5)
emulate_punpckhdq(&i4, &i2, &i1, 4);
check_equal_zmm(&i4, &i3, "vpunpckhdq zmm23{k4}, zmm7, zmm5");
#endif /* defined(__x86_64) || defined(_M_X64) */
void NOINLINE do_punpck_qdq() {
void *p1 = &i1;
void *p2 = &i2;
void *p3 = &i3;
DO_XMM_REG_REG(punpckhqdq, xmm6, xmm3)
emulate_punpckhqdq(&i4, &i2, &i1, 1);
check_equal_xmm(&i4, &i3, "punpckhqdq xmm6, xmm3");
if (verbose) {
printf("punpckhqdq(i2, i1)\n");
display_xmm_pi(&i1, "i1: ");
display_xmm_pi(&i2, "i2: ");
display_xmm_pi(&i3, "got: ");
display_xmm_pi(&i4, "exp: ");
DO_XMM_REG_REG(punpcklqdq, xmm2, xmm7)
emulate_punpcklqdq(&i4, &i2, &i1, 1);
check_equal_xmm(&i4, &i3, "punpckhqdq xmm2, xmm7");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG(vpunpckhqdq, xmm1, xmm6, xmm5)
emulate_punpckhqdq(&i4, &i2, &i1, 1);
check_equal_xmm(&i4, &i3, "vpunpckhqdq xmm1, xmm6, xmm5");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG(vpunpckhqdq, ymm4, ymm7, ymm5)
emulate_punpckhqdq(&i4, &i2, &i1, 2);
check_equal_ymm(&i4, &i3, "vpunpckhqdq ymm4, ymm7, ymm5");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG(vpunpcklqdq, ymm7, ymm3, ymm1)
emulate_punpcklqdq(&i4, &i2, &i1, 2);
check_equal_ymm(&i4, &i3, "vpunpcklqdq ymm7, ymm3, ymm1");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG(vpunpckhqdq, zmm4, zmm7, zmm5)
emulate_punpckhqdq(&i4, &i2, &i1, 4);
check_equal_zmm(&i4, &i3, "vpunpckhqdq zmm4, zmm4, zmm5");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG(vpunpcklqdq, zmm7, zmm3, zmm1)
emulate_punpcklqdq(&i4, &i2, &i1, 4);
check_equal_zmm(&i4, &i3, "vpunpcklqdq zmm7, zmm3, zmm1");
#if defined(__x86_64) || defined(_M_X64)
DO_Z_REG_MASK_REG_REG(vpunpcklqdq, zmm31, k6, zmm29, zmm27)
emulate_punpcklqdq(&i4, &i2, &i1, 4);
check_equal_zmm(&i4, &i3, "vpunpcklqdq zmm31{k6}, zmm29, zmm27");
#endif /* defined(__x86_64) || defined(_M_X64) */
void NOINLINE do_punpck_ps() {
void *p1 = &i1;
void *p2 = &i2;
void *p3 = &i3;
DO_XMM_REG_REG(unpckhps, xmm6, xmm3)
emulate_punpckhdq(&i4, &i2, &i1, 1);
check_equal_xmm(&i4, &i3, "unpckhps xmm6, xmm3");
if (verbose) {
printf("unpckhps(i2, i1)\n");
display_xmm_pi(&i1, "i1: ");
display_xmm_pi(&i2, "i2: ");
display_xmm_pi(&i3, "got: ");
display_xmm_pi(&i4, "exp: ");
DO_XMM_REG_REG(unpcklps, xmm2, xmm7)
emulate_punpckldq(&i4, &i2, &i1, 1);
check_equal_xmm(&i4, &i3, "unpckhps xmm2, xmm7");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG(vunpckhps, xmm1, xmm6, xmm5)
emulate_punpckhdq(&i4, &i2, &i1, 1);
check_equal_xmm(&i4, &i3, "vunpckhps xmm1, xmm6, xmm5");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG(vunpckhps, ymm4, ymm7, ymm5)
emulate_punpckhdq(&i4, &i2, &i1, 2);
check_equal_ymm(&i4, &i3, "vunpckhps ymm4, ymm7, ymm5");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG(vunpcklps, ymm7, ymm3, ymm1)
emulate_punpckldq(&i4, &i2, &i1, 2);
check_equal_ymm(&i4, &i3, "vunpcklps ymm7, ymm3, ymm1");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG(vunpckhps, zmm4, zmm7, zmm5)
emulate_punpckhdq(&i4, &i2, &i1, 4);
check_equal_zmm(&i4, &i3, "vunpckhps zmm4, zmm4, zmm5");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG(vunpcklps, zmm7, zmm3, zmm1)
emulate_punpckldq(&i4, &i2, &i1, 4);
check_equal_zmm(&i4, &i3, "vunpcklps zmm7, zmm3, zmm1");
#if defined(__x86_64) || defined(_M_X64)
DO_Z_REG_MASK_REG_REG(vunpcklps, zmm30, k5, zmm28, zmm26)
emulate_punpckldq(&i4, &i2, &i1, 4);
check_equal_zmm(&i4, &i3, "vunpcklps zmm30{k5}, zmm28, zmm26");
#endif /* defined(__x86_64) || defined(_M_X64) */
void NOINLINE do_palignr() {
void *p1 = &i1;
void *p2 = &i2;
void *p3 = &i3;
#define DO_XMM_REG_REG_IMM(opcode, reg1, reg2, imm) \
__asm {\
__asm mov FULL_IREG(ax), [p1] \
__asm movaps reg2, [FULL_IREG(ax)] \
__asm mov FULL_IREG(ax), [p2] \
__asm movaps reg1, [FULL_IREG(ax)] \
__asm opcode reg1, reg2, imm \
__asm mov FULL_IREG(ax), [p3] \
__asm movaps [FULL_IREG(ax)], reg1 \
#define DO_V_REG_REG_REG_IMM(opcode, reg1, reg2, reg3, imm) \
__asm { \
__asm mov FULL_IREG(ax), [p1] \
__asm vmovaps reg3, [FULL_IREG(ax)] \
__asm mov FULL_IREG(ax), [p2] \
__asm vmovaps reg2, [FULL_IREG(ax)] \
__asm opcode reg1, reg2, reg3, imm \
__asm mov FULL_IREG(ax), [p3] \
__asm vmovaps [FULL_IREG(ax)], reg1}
DO_XMM_REG_REG_IMM(palignr, xmm6, xmm3, 19)
emulate_palignr(&i4, &i2, &i1, 19, 1);
check_equal_xmm(&i4, &i3, "palignr xmm6, xmm3, 19");
if (verbose) {
printf("palignr(i2, i1)\n");
display_xmm_pi(&i1, "i1: ");
display_xmm_pi(&i2, "i2: ");
display_xmm_pi(&i3, "got: ");
display_xmm_pi(&i4, "exp: ");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG_IMM(vpalignr, xmm6, xmm7, xmm3, 19)
emulate_palignr(&i4, &i2, &i1, 19, 1);
check_equal_xmm(&i4, &i3, "palignr xmm6, xmm7, xmm3, 19");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG_IMM(vpalignr, ymm6, ymm7, ymm3, 19)
emulate_palignr(&i4, &i2, &i1, 19, 2);
check_equal_ymm(&i4, &i3, "palignr ymm6, ymm7, ymm3, 19");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG_IMM(vpalignr, zmm4, zmm7, zmm5, 12)
emulate_palignr(&i4, &i2, &i1, 12, 4);
check_equal_zmm(&i4, &i3, "vpalignr zmm4, zmm4, zmm5, 12");
#if defined(__x86_64) || defined(_M_X64)
DO_V_REG_REG_REG_IMM(vpalignr, ymm27, ymm5, ymm3, 18)
emulate_palignr(&i4, &i2, &i1, 18, 4);
check_equal_ymm(&i4, &i3, "vpalignr ymm27, ymm5, ymm3, 18");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG_IMM(vpalignr, zmm3, zmm5, zmm27, 9)
emulate_palignr(&i4, &i2, &i1, 9, 4);
check_equal_zmm(&i4, &i3, "vpalignr zmm3, zmm5, zmm27, 9");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG_IMM(vpalignr, zmm27, zmm5, zmm3, 22)
emulate_palignr(&i4, &i2, &i1, 22, 4);
check_equal_zmm(&i4, &i3, "vpalignr zmm27, zmm5, zmm3, 22");
DO_V_REG_REG_REG_IMM(vpalignr, zmm5, zmm27, zmm3, 13)
emulate_palignr(&i4, &i2, &i1, 13, 4);
check_equal_zmm(&i4, &i3, "vpalignr zmm5, zmm27, zmm3, 13");
#endif /* defined(__x86_64) || defined(_M_X64) */
i3 = _mm512_alignr_epi8(i2, i1, 6);
emulate_palignr(&i4, &i2, &i1, 6, 4);
check_equal_zmm(&i4, &i3, "_mm512_alignr_epi8");
void NOINLINE compare_reg_reg_vs_reg_mem() {
/* Check that zmm-memory operand forms are parsed and encoded properly. */
void *p1 = &i1;
void *p2 = &i2;
void *p3 = &i3;
void *p4 = &i4;
void *p5 = &i5;
__asm {
__asm mov FULL_IREG(ax), [p1]
__asm vmovaps zmm1, [FULL_IREG(ax)]
__asm mov FULL_IREG(ax), [p2]
__asm vmovaps zmm2, [FULL_IREG(ax)]
__asm mov FULL_IREG(ax), [p3]
__asm vmovaps zmm3, [FULL_IREG(ax)]
__asm vpxord zmm6, zmm6, zmm6
__asm vpxord zmm7, zmm7, zmm7
/* vpunpckhbw */
__asm vmovaps zmm4, zmm1
__asm vmovaps zmm5, zmm1
__asm vpunpckhbw zmm4, zmm2, zmm3
__asm mov FULL_IREG(ax), [p3]
__asm vpunpckhbw zmm5, zmm2, [FULL_IREG(ax)]
__asm vpsubd zmm6, zmm4, zmm5
__asm vpord zmm7, zmm7, zmm6
/* vpunpcklbw */
__asm vmovaps zmm4, zmm1
__asm vmovaps zmm5, zmm1
__asm vpunpcklbw zmm4, zmm2, zmm3
__asm mov FULL_IREG(ax), [p3]
__asm vpunpcklbw zmm5, zmm2, [FULL_IREG(ax)]
__asm vpsubd zmm6, zmm4, zmm5
__asm vpord zmm7, zmm7, zmm6
/* vpunpckhwd */
__asm vmovaps zmm4, zmm1
__asm vmovaps zmm5, zmm1
__asm vpunpckhwd zmm4, zmm2, zmm3
__asm mov FULL_IREG(ax), [p3]
__asm vpunpckhwd zmm5, zmm2, [FULL_IREG(ax)]
__asm vpsubd zmm6, zmm4, zmm5
__asm vpord zmm7, zmm7, zmm6
/* vpunpcklwd */
__asm vmovaps zmm4, zmm1
__asm vmovaps zmm5, zmm1
__asm vpunpcklwd zmm4, zmm2, zmm3
__asm mov FULL_IREG(ax), [p3]
__asm vpunpcklwd zmm5, zmm2, [FULL_IREG(ax)]
__asm vpsubd zmm6, zmm4, zmm5
__asm vpord zmm7, zmm7, zmm6
/* vpunpckhdq */
__asm vmovaps zmm4, zmm1
__asm vmovaps zmm5, zmm1
__asm vpunpckhdq zmm4, zmm2, zmm3
__asm mov FULL_IREG(ax), [p3]
__asm vpunpckhdq zmm5, zmm2, [FULL_IREG(ax)]
__asm vpsubd zmm6, zmm4, zmm5
__asm vpord zmm7, zmm7, zmm6
__asm mov FULL_IREG(ax), [p3]
__asm vpunpcklqdq zmm5, zmm2, [FULL_IREG(ax)]{1to8}
/* vpunpckldq */
__asm vmovaps zmm4, zmm1
__asm vmovaps zmm5, zmm1
__asm vpunpckldq zmm4, zmm2, zmm3
__asm mov FULL_IREG(ax), [p3]
__asm vpunpckldq zmm5, zmm2, [FULL_IREG(ax)]
__asm vpsubd zmm6, zmm4, zmm5
__asm vpord zmm7, zmm7, zmm6
/* vunpckhps */
__asm vmovaps zmm4, zmm1
__asm vmovaps zmm5, zmm1
__asm vunpckhps zmm4, zmm2, zmm3
__asm mov FULL_IREG(ax), [p3]
__asm vunpckhps zmm5, zmm2, [FULL_IREG(ax)]
__asm vpsubd zmm6, zmm4, zmm5
__asm vpord zmm7, zmm7, zmm6
/* vunpcklps */
__asm vmovaps zmm4, zmm1
__asm vmovaps zmm5, zmm1
__asm vunpcklps zmm4, zmm2, zmm3
__asm mov FULL_IREG(ax), [p3]
__asm vunpcklps zmm5, zmm2, [FULL_IREG(ax)]
__asm vpsubd zmm6, zmm4, zmm5
__asm vpord zmm7, zmm7, zmm6
/* vunpckhpd */
__asm vmovaps zmm4, zmm1
__asm vmovaps zmm5, zmm1
__asm vunpckhpd zmm4, zmm2, zmm3
__asm mov FULL_IREG(ax), [p3]
__asm vunpckhpd zmm5, zmm2, [FULL_IREG(ax)]
__asm vpsubd zmm6, zmm4, zmm5
__asm vpord zmm7, zmm7, zmm6
/* vunpcklpd */
__asm vmovaps zmm4, zmm1
__asm vmovaps zmm5, zmm1
__asm vunpcklpd zmm4, zmm2, zmm3
__asm mov FULL_IREG(ax), [p3]
__asm vunpcklpd zmm5, zmm2, [FULL_IREG(ax)]
__asm vpsubd zmm6, zmm4, zmm5
__asm vpord zmm7, zmm7, zmm6
/* vpermilps reg */
__asm vmovaps zmm4, zmm1
__asm vmovaps zmm5, zmm1
__asm vpermilps zmm4, zmm2, zmm3
__asm mov FULL_IREG(ax), [p3]
__asm vpermilps zmm5, zmm2, [FULL_IREG(ax)]
__asm vpsubd zmm6, zmm4, zmm5
__asm vpord zmm7, zmm7, zmm6
/* vpermilps imm */
__asm vmovaps zmm4, zmm1
__asm vmovaps zmm5, zmm1
__asm vpermilps zmm4, zmm2, 0x35
__asm mov FULL_IREG(ax), [p2]
__asm vpermilps zmm5, [FULL_IREG(ax)], 0x35
__asm vpsubd zmm6, zmm4, zmm5
__asm vpord zmm7, zmm7, zmm6
/* vshufps */
/* __asm mov FULL_IREG(ax), [p3] */
/* __asm vbroadcastf32x4 zmm5, [FULL_IREG(ax)] */
/* __asm vshufps zmm4, zmm2, zmm5, 0x65 */
__asm vshufps zmm4, zmm2, zmm3, 0x65
__asm mov FULL_IREG(ax), [p3]
__asm vshufps zmm5, zmm2, [FULL_IREG(ax)], 0x65
/* __asm vshufps zmm5, zmm2, [FULL_IREG(ax)]{4to16}, 0x65 */
__asm vpsubd zmm6, zmm4, zmm5
__asm vpord zmm7, zmm7, zmm6
/* vpalignr */
__asm vpalignr zmm4, zmm2, zmm3, 0xd
__asm mov FULL_IREG(ax), [p3]
__asm vpalignr zmm5, zmm2, [FULL_IREG(ax)], 0xd
__asm vpsubd zmm6, zmm4, zmm5
__asm vpord zmm7, zmm7, zmm6
/* Cumulative difference from zero is in zmm7, save this in i5. */
__asm mov FULL_IREG(ax), [p5]
__asm vmovaps[FULL_IREG(ax)], zmm7
/* Expected difference is zero, put zero in i4. */
__asm vpxord zmm7, zmm7, zmm7
__asm mov FULL_IREG(ax), [p4]
__asm vmovaps[FULL_IREG(ax)], zmm7
check_equal_zmm(&i5, &i4, "various 512-bit reg-reg vs reg-mem");
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if (argc > 1 && argv[1][0] == '-' && argv[1][1] == 'v' &&
argv[1][2] == '\0') {
verbose = 1;
if (n_errs != 0) {
return 1;
return 0;