blob: d7643c904fcd82fd3f3ea3aacdedd3f16023b4d3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Name: initMetricsData
* Input: Metrics structure
* Output: none
* Return: void
* Description: This routine initializes the Metrics module by setting the
* appropriate values and/or flags for later metric collection.
* The timing information for total execution time, input time,
* and output time are set to the current system time returned
* as timing marks for later processing.
* The individual command metric data are also initialized to
* either logical values (number of commands, sum of command
* times, sum of squares of command times) or to "highly
* unlikely" values (worst, best, average, deviation) which
* should be easily noticed if output.
* The routine updateMetricsData() uses the value of the
* lastCommand field to determine which command metric to
* update. The first time through, there is no command so an
* initial value of NONE is placed in the field. The
* updateMetricsData() routine should interpret this value so as
* not to update any command metrics structure for that call.
* Calls: getTime()
* initTime()
* System:
* Author: M.L.Rivas
* Revision History:
* Date Name Revision
* ------- --------------- ------------------------------
* 27May99 Matthew Rivas Created
* Copyright 1999, Atlantic Aerospace Electronics Corp.
#include <assert.h> /* for assert() */
#include "dataManagement.h" /* for primitive type definitions */
#include "metrics.h" /* for Metrics definition */
* Function prototypes
extern void initTime( void );
extern Time getTime( void );
void initMetricsData( Metrics *metrics ) /* metrics struct to initialize */
{ /* begin initMetricsData() */
Time temp; /* variable used to find current time */
assert( metrics );
* Initialize timer
* Setup timing marks for metric collection
temp = getTime();
metrics->totalTime = temp;
metrics->inputTime = temp;
metrics->outputTime = temp;
* Set initial values for each command metric. The statistical values for
* the worst, best, average, and standard deviation values are set to
* "impossible" values which should be easily noticed if unchanged and
* output as a metric result.
metrics->insertCommandMetric.lastTimeMark = MINIMUM_VALUE_OF_TIME;
metrics->insertCommandMetric.numOfCommands = 0;
metrics->insertCommandMetric.sum = 0.0;
metrics->insertCommandMetric.sumSquares = 0.0;
metrics->insertCommandMetric.worst = MINIMUM_VALUE_OF_TIME;
metrics->insertCommandMetric.avg = MINIMUM_VALUE_OF_FLOAT;
metrics->insertCommandMetric.deviation = MINIMUM_VALUE_OF_FLOAT;
metrics->queryCommandMetric.lastTimeMark = MINIMUM_VALUE_OF_TIME;
metrics->queryCommandMetric.numOfCommands = 0;
metrics->queryCommandMetric.sum = 0.0;
metrics->queryCommandMetric.sumSquares = 0.0;
metrics->queryCommandMetric.worst = MINIMUM_VALUE_OF_TIME;
metrics->queryCommandMetric.avg = MINIMUM_VALUE_OF_FLOAT;
metrics->queryCommandMetric.deviation = MINIMUM_VALUE_OF_FLOAT;
metrics->deleteCommandMetric.lastTimeMark = MINIMUM_VALUE_OF_TIME;
metrics->deleteCommandMetric.numOfCommands = 0;
metrics->deleteCommandMetric.sum = 0.0;
metrics->deleteCommandMetric.sumSquares = 0.0;
metrics->deleteCommandMetric.worst = MINIMUM_VALUE_OF_TIME;
metrics->deleteCommandMetric.avg = MINIMUM_VALUE_OF_FLOAT;
metrics->deleteCommandMetric.deviation = MINIMUM_VALUE_OF_FLOAT;
* The routine updateMetricsData() expects the lastCommand field of the
* Metric structure to indicate which command metric should be updated.
* The value is set to INVALID for initialization, but should be set before
* the first call to updateMetricsData().
metrics->lastCommand = INVALID;
} /* end of initMetricsData() */