blob: a480da22a302a80303c70894d62026aa0b0aad09 [file] [log] [blame]
* program: Graph partition via Kernighan-Lin, modified
* Kernighan-Lin, or Kernighan-Schweikert
* author: Todd M. Austin
* ECE 756
* date: Thursday, February 25, 1993
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
* module configuration
/* define WEIGHTED for 1/(1-n) weighted node cost matrix, otherwise 1 */
/* #define WEIGHTED */
/* define KS_MODE to execute with Kernighan-Schweikert algorithm, rather
than the Kernighan-Lin algorithm */
/* #undef KS_MODE */
#define BUF_LEN 1024 /* maximum line length */
#define G_SZ 1024 /* maximum group size */
/* simple exception handler */
#define TRY(exp, accpt_tst, fn, fail_fmt, arg1, arg2, arg3, fail_action) { \
(exp); \
if (!(accpt_tst)) { \
fprintf(stderr, "(%s:%s():%d): ", __FILE__, fn, __LINE__); \
fprintf(stderr, fail_fmt, arg1, arg2, arg3); \
fprintf(stderr, "\n"); \
fail_action; \
} \
* the network, first the modules, then the nets
/* modular view */
typedef struct _Net {
struct _Net * next;
unsigned long net;
} Net;
typedef Net * NetPtr;
extern NetPtr modules[G_SZ]; /* all modules -> nets */
extern unsigned long numModules;
/* net-ular view */
typedef struct _Module {
struct _Module * next;
unsigned long module;
} Module;
typedef Module * ModulePtr;
extern ModulePtr nets[G_SZ]; /* all nets -> modules */
extern unsigned long numNets;
typedef struct _ModuleRec {
struct _ModuleRec * next;
unsigned long module;
} ModuleRec;
typedef ModuleRec * ModuleRecPtr;
typedef struct _ModuleList {
ModuleRecPtr head;
ModuleRecPtr tail;
} ModuleList;
typedef ModuleList * ModuleListPtr;
extern ModuleList groupA, groupB; /* current A, B */
extern ModuleList swapToA, swapToB; /* swapped from A,B, ordered */
extern float GP[G_SZ]; /* GPs, ordered */
typedef enum { GroupA, GroupB, SwappedToA, SwappedToB } Groups;
extern Groups moduleToGroup[G_SZ]; /* current inverse mapping */
extern float D[G_SZ]; /* module costs */
extern float cost[G_SZ]; /* net costs */
void ReadNetList(char *fname);
void NetsToModules(void);
void ComputeNetCosts(void);
void InitLists(void);
void ComputeDs(ModuleListPtr group, Groups myGroup, Groups mySwap);
float CAiBj(ModuleRecPtr mrA, ModuleRecPtr mrB);
void SwapNode(ModuleRecPtr maxPrev, ModuleRecPtr max,
ModuleListPtr group, ModuleListPtr swapTo);
void UpdateDs(ModuleRecPtr max, Groups group);
float FindMaxGpAndSwap();
void SwapSubsetAndReset(unsigned long iMax);
void PrintResults(int verbose);
int main(int argc, char **argv);