blob: 5c109b97ab89371316284e36196191504457924b [file] [log] [blame]
* program: Graph partition via Kernighan-Lin, modified
* Kernighan-Lin, or Kernighan-Schweikert
* author: Todd M. Austin
* ECE 756
* date: Thursday, February 25, 1993
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "KS.h"
NetPtr modules[G_SZ]; /* all modules -> nets */
unsigned long numModules;
ModulePtr nets[G_SZ]; /* all nets -> modules */
unsigned long numNets;
ModuleList groupA, groupB; /* current A, B */
ModuleList swapToA, swapToB; /* swapped from A,B, ordered */
float GP[G_SZ]; /* GPs, ordered */
Groups moduleToGroup[G_SZ]; /* current inverse mapping */
float D[G_SZ]; /* module costs */
float cost[G_SZ]; /* net costs */
/* read the netlist into the nets[] structure */
ReadNetList(char *fname)
FILE *inFile;
char line[BUF_LEN];
char *tok;
unsigned long net, dest;
ModulePtr node, prev, head;
TRY(inFile = fopen(fname, "r"),
inFile != NULL, "ReadData",
"unable to open input file [%s]", inFile, 0, 0,
TRY(fgets(line, BUF_LEN, inFile),
sscanf(line, "%lu %lu", &numNets, &numModules) == 2, "ReadData",
"unable to parse header in file [%s]", inFile, 0, 0,
for (net = 0; net < numNets; net++) {
fgets(line, BUF_LEN, inFile);
/* net connections for "dest" */
dest = atol(strtok(line, " \t\n"))-1;
/* parse out all the net module connections */
TRY(head = prev = (Module *)malloc(sizeof(Module)),
prev != NULL, "ReadData",
"unable to allocate a module list node", 0, 0, 0,
(*prev).module = atol(strtok(NULL, " \t\n"))-1;
(*prev).next = NULL;
while ((tok = strtok(NULL, " \t\n")) != NULL) {
TRY(node = (Module *)malloc(sizeof(Module)),
node != NULL, "ReadData",
"unable to allocate a module list node", 0, 0, 0,
(*node).module = atol(tok)-1;
(*node).next = NULL;
(*prev).next = node;
prev = node;
nets[dest] = head;
/* invert the previously read nets, into a module to net structure */
unsigned long net, mod;
ModulePtr modNode;
NetPtr netNode;
for (mod = 0; mod<numModules; mod++)
modules[mod] = NULL;
for (net=0; net<numNets; net++) {
for (modNode = nets[net]; modNode != NULL; modNode = (*modNode).next) {
TRY(netNode = (Net *)malloc(sizeof(Net)),
netNode != NULL, "NetsToModules",
"unable to allocate net list node", 0, 0, 0,
(*netNode).net = net;
(*netNode).next = modules[(*modNode).module];
modules[(*modNode).module] = netNode;
/* compute the net edge costs, based on the weighting strategy */
ModulePtr nn;
unsigned long count;
#endif /* WEIGHTED */
unsigned long i;
for (i=0; i<numNets; i++) {
#ifndef WEIGHTED
cost[i] = 1.0;
count = 0;
for (nn = nets[i]; nn != NULL; nn = (*nn).next)
cost[i] = 1.0/((float)count - 1.0);
#endif /* WEIGHTED */
/* set up the initial groups, just split down the middle */
unsigned long p;
ModuleRecPtr mr;
groupA.head = groupA.tail = NULL;
groupB.head = groupB.tail = NULL;
/* for all modules */
for (p = 0; p<numModules/2; p++) {
/* build the group A module list */
TRY(mr = (ModuleRec *)malloc(sizeof(ModuleRec)),
mr != NULL, "main",
"unable to allocate ModuleRec", 0, 0, 0,
(*mr).module = p;
if (groupA.head == NULL) {
/* first item */
groupA.head = groupA.tail = mr;
(*mr).next = NULL;
else {
/* add to tail */
(*mr).next = NULL;
(*groupA.tail).next = mr;
groupA.tail = mr;
moduleToGroup[p] = GroupA;
/* build the group B module list */
TRY(mr = (ModuleRec *)malloc(sizeof(ModuleRec)),
mr != NULL, "main",
"unable to allocate ModuleRec", 0, 0, 0,
(*mr).module = (numModules/2) + p;
if (groupB.head == NULL) {
/* first item */
groupB.head = groupB.tail = mr;
(*mr).next = NULL;
else {
/* add to tail */
(*mr).next = NULL;
(*groupB.tail).next = mr;
groupB.tail = mr;
moduleToGroup[(numModules/2) + p] = GroupB;
/* initially clear the swap chains */
swapToA.head = swapToA.tail = NULL;
swapToB.head = swapToB.tail = NULL;
/* compute the cost of switching every node in group to the other group */
ComputeDs(ModuleListPtr group, Groups myGroup, Groups mySwap)
#ifdef KS_MODE
NetPtr netNode;
ModulePtr modNode;
ModuleRecPtr groupNode;
unsigned long numInG, numInNet;
ModulePtr oneInG;
/* for all modules in group */
for (groupNode = (*group).head;
groupNode != NULL;
groupNode = (*groupNode).next) {
assert(moduleToGroup[(*groupNode).module] == myGroup);
/* for all nets on this module, check if groupNode move unifies net */
for (netNode = modules[(*groupNode).module];
netNode != NULL;
netNode = (*netNode).next) {
/* look for single node nets, or single partition nets */
numInG = numInNet = 0;
oneInG = NULL;
/* for all modules on this net */
for (modNode = nets[(*netNode).net];
modNode != NULL;
modNode = (*modNode).next) {
if ((moduleToGroup[(*modNode).module] == myGroup) ||
(moduleToGroup[(*modNode).module] == mySwap)) {
oneInG = modNode;
/* single node net? */
if ((numInG == 1) && ((*oneInG).module == (*groupNode).module))
D[(*groupNode).module] = D[(*groupNode).module] + 1;
/* single partition net? */
if (numInG == numInNet)
D[(*groupNode).module] = D[(*groupNode).module] - 1;
#else /* !KS_MODE */
float I, E;
NetPtr netNode;
ModulePtr modNode;
ModuleRecPtr groupNode;
/* for all modules in group */
for (groupNode = (*group).head;
groupNode != NULL;
groupNode = (*groupNode).next) {
assert(moduleToGroup[(*groupNode).module] == myGroup);
/* initial conditions */
I = E = 0.0;
/* for all nets on this module */
for (netNode = modules[(*groupNode).module];
netNode != NULL;
netNode = (*netNode).next) {
/* for all modules on this net */
for (modNode = nets[(*netNode).net];
modNode != NULL;
modNode = (*modNode).next) {
/* only check nodes other than self, and not swapped */
if (((*modNode).module != (*groupNode).module) &&
(moduleToGroup[(*modNode).module] < SwappedToA)) {
if (moduleToGroup[(*modNode).module] == myGroup)
I = I + cost[(*netNode).net]; /* internal */
E = E + cost[(*netNode).net]; /* external */
D[(*groupNode).module] = E - I;
#endif /* !KS_MODE */