blob: 1d2180c3f28410002ed954da236ec774e397f2e7 [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef lint
static char *sccsid = "@(#)alias.c 2.5 (smail) 9/15/87";
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include "defs.h"
#include <ctype.h>
extern enum edebug debug; /* verbose and debug modes */
extern char hostdomain[];
extern char hostname[];
extern char *aliasfile;
** Picture of the alias graph structure
** head
** |
** v
** maps -> mark -> gjm -> mel -> NNULL
** |
** v
** sys -> root -> ron -> NNULL
** |
** v
** root -> mark -> chris -> lda -> NNULL
** |
** v
typedef struct alias_node node;
static struct alias_node {
char *string;
node *horz;
node *vert;
#ifndef SENDMAIL
static node aliases = {"", 0, 0}; /* this is the 'dummy header' */
#endif /* not SENDMAIL */
** lint free forms of NULL
#define NNULL ((node *) 0)
#define CNULL ('\0')
** string parsing macros
#define SKIPWORD(Z) while(*Z!=' ' && *Z!='\t' && *Z!='\n' && *Z!=',') Z++;
#define SKIPSPACE(Z) while(*Z==' ' || *Z=='\t' || *Z=='\n' || *Z==',') Z++;
static int nargc = 0;
static char *nargv[MAXARGS];
void add_horz();
void load_alias(), strip_comments();
int recipients();
node *pop();
#ifndef SENDMAIL
node *v_search(), *h_search();
char *tilde();
#endif /* not SENDMAIL */
int strncmpic();
int strcmpic();
int islocal();
/* our horizontal linked list looks like a stack */
#define push add_horz
#define escape(s) ((*s != '\\') ? (s) : (s+1))
char **alias(int *pargc,char **argv)
** alias the addresses
int i;
char domain[SMLBUF], ubuf[SMLBUF], *user;
node *addr, addrstk;
node *flist, fliststk, *u;
#ifndef SENDMAIL
FILE *fp;
node *a;
char *home, buf[SMLBUF];
int aliased;
struct stat st;
#endif /* not SENDMAIL */
char *res_fname(); /* Does fullname processing */
addr = &addrstk;
flist = &fliststk;
user = ubuf;
addr->horz = NNULL;
flist->horz = NNULL;
** push all of the addresses onto a stack
for(i=0; i < *pargc; i++) {
push(addr, argv[i]);
** for each adress, check for included files, aliases,
** full name mapping, and .forward files
while((nargc < MAXARGS) && ((u = pop(addr)) != NNULL)) {
#ifndef SENDMAIL
if(strncmpic(u->string, ":include:", 9) == 0) {
** make sure it's a full path name
** don't allow multiple sourcing
** of a given include file
char *p = u->string + 9;
if((*p == '/')
&& (h_search(flist, p) == NULL)) {
push(flist, p);
if((stat(p, &st) >= 0)
&&((st.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG)
&&((fp = fopen(p, "r")) != NULL)) {
while(fgets(buf, sizeof buf, fp)) {
(void) recipients(addr, buf);
(void) fclose(fp);
#endif /* not SENDMAIL */
** parse the arg to see if it's to be aliased
if(islocal(u->string, domain, ubuf) == 0) {
goto aliasing_complete;
** local form - try to alias user
** aliases file takes precedence over ~user/.forward
** since that's the way that sendmail does it.
/* squish 'user' into lower case */
for(user = ubuf; *user ; user++) {
*user = lower(*user);
user = escape(ubuf);
(void) strcpy(u->string, user); /* local => elide domain */
#ifndef SENDMAIL
** check for alias - all this complication is necessary
** to handle perverted aliases like these:
** # mail to 's' resolves to 't' 'm' and 'rmt!j'
** s t,g,j,m
** g j,m
** j rmt!j
** # mail to 'a' resolves to 'rmt!d'
** a b c
** b c
** c rmt!d
** # mail to x resolves to 'x'
** x local!x
** # mail to 'y' resolves to 'y' and 'z'
** y \y z
if(((a = v_search(user)) != NNULL)) {
char dtmpb[SMLBUF], utmpb[SMLBUF], *ut;
int user_inalias = 0;
node *t = a;
for(a = a->horz; a != NNULL; a=a->horz) {
if(islocal(a->string, dtmpb, utmpb)) {
/* squish 'utmpb' into lower case */
for(ut = utmpb; *ut ; ut++) {
*ut = lower(*ut);
ut = escape(utmpb);
if(strcmp(ut, user) == 0)
if(strcmpic(ut, user) == 0)
user_inalias = 1;
} else {
push(addr, a->string);
} else {
push(addr, a->string);
t->horz = NNULL; /* truncate horz list of aliases */
if(user_inalias == 0) {
if((home = tilde(user)) != NULL) {
/* don't allow multiple sourcing
** of a given .forward file
if((h_search(flist, home) != NULL)) {
push(flist, home);
** check for ~user/.forward file
** must be a regular, readable file
(void) sprintf(buf, "%s/%s", home, ".forward");
if((stat(buf, &st) >= 0)
&&((st.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG)
&&((st.st_mode & 0444) == 0444)
&&((fp = fopen(buf, "r")) != NULL)) {
aliased = 0;
while(fgets(buf, sizeof buf, fp)) {
aliased |= recipients(addr, buf);
(void) fclose(fp);
if(aliased) {
#endif /* not SENDMAIL */
** Do possible fullname substitution.
#ifdef DOT_REQD
if (index(user, '.') != NULL)
static char t_dom[SMLBUF], t_unam[SMLBUF];
char *t_user = res_fname(user);
if (t_user != NULL) {
if(islocal(t_user, t_dom, t_unam) == 0) {
/* aliased to non-local address */
push(addr, t_user);
if(strcmp(t_unam, user) != 0) {
/* aliased to different local address */
push(addr, t_unam);
user = escape(u->string);
for(i=0; i < nargc; i++) {
if(strcmpic(nargv[i], user) == 0) {
if(i == nargc) {
nargv[nargc++] = user;
*pargc = nargc;
#ifndef SENDMAIL
** v_search
** given an string, look for its alias in
** the 'vertical' linked list of aliases.
node *v_search(char *user)
node *head;
node *a;
static int loaded = 0;
head = &aliases;
if(loaded == 0) {
load_alias(head, aliasfile);
loaded = 1;
for(a = head->vert; a != NNULL; a = a->vert) {
if(strcmp(a->string, user) == 0)
if(strcmpic(a->string, user) == 0)
if(a == NNULL) { /* not in graph */
** h_search
** given an string, look for it in
** a 'horizontal' linked list of strings.
node *h_search(node *head,char *str)
node *a;
for(a = head->horz; a != NNULL; a = a->horz) {
if(strcmp(a->string, str) == 0)
if(strcmpic(a->string, str) == 0)
#endif /* not SENDMAIL */
** load_alias
** parse an 'aliases' file and add the aliases to the alias graph.
** Handle inclusion of other 'aliases' files.
void load_alias(node *head,char *filename)
FILE *fp;
node *v, *h, *add_vert();
char domain[SMLBUF], user[SMLBUF];
char *p, *b, buf[SMLBUF];
if((fp = fopen(filename,"r")) == NULL) {
DEBUG("load_alias open('%s') failed\n", filename);
while(fgets(buf, sizeof buf, fp) != NULL) {
p = buf;
if((*p == '#') || (*p == '\n')) {
** include another file of aliases
if(strncmp(p, ":include:", 9) == 0) {
char *nl;
p += 9;
if((nl = index(p, '\n')) != NULL) {
*nl = CNULL;
DEBUG("load_alias '%s' includes file '%s'\n", filename, p);
load_alias(head, p);
** if the first char on the line is a space or tab
** then it's a continuation line. Otherwise,
** we start a new alias.
if(*p != ' ' && *p != '\t') {
b = p;
*p++ = CNULL;
** be sure that the alias is in local form
if(islocal(b, domain, user) == 0) {
** non-local alias format - skip it
** add the alias to the (vertical) list of aliases
if((h = add_vert(head, user)) == NNULL) {
DEBUG("load_alias for '%s' failed\n", b);
** Next on the line is the list of recipents.
** Strip out each word and add it to the
** horizontal linked list.
(void) recipients(h, p);
(void) fclose(fp);
** strip out aliases which have no members
for(v = head; v->vert != NNULL; ) {
if(v->vert->horz == NNULL) {
v->vert = v->vert->vert;
} else {
v = v->vert;
** add each word in a string (*p) of recipients
** to the (horizontal) linked list associated with 'h'
int recipients(node *h,char *p)
char *b, d[SMLBUF], u[SMLBUF];
int ret = 0;
strip_comments(p); /* strip out stuff in ()'s */
SKIPSPACE(p); /* skip leading whitespace on line */
while((*p != NULL) && (*p != '#')) {
b = p;
if(*b == '"') {
if((p = index(++b, '"')) == NULL) {
/* syntax error - no matching quote */
/* skip the rest of the line */
} else {
if(*p != CNULL) {
*p++ = CNULL;
/* don't allow aliases of the form
** a a
if((islocal(b, d, u) == 0)
|| (strcmpic(h->string, u) != 0)) {
add_horz(h, b);
ret = 1;
** some aliases may have comments on the line like:
** moderators moderator@somehost.domain (Moderator's Name)
** moderator@anotherhost.domain (Another Moderator's Name)
** strip out the stuff in ()'s
void strip_comments(char *p)
char *b;
while((p = index(p, '(')) != NULL) {
b = p++; /*
** save pointer to open parenthesis
if((p = index(p, ')')) != NULL) {/* look for close paren */
(void) strcpy(b, ++p); /* slide string left */
} else {
*b = CNULL; /* no paren, skip rest of line */
** add_vert - add a (vertical) link to the chain of aliases.
node *add_vert(node *head,char *str)
char *p;
/* void free(); */
node *new;
** strip colons off the end of alias names
if((p = index(str, ':')) != NULL) {
*p = CNULL;
if((new = (node *) malloc(sizeof(node))) != NNULL) {
if((new->string = malloc((unsigned) strlen(str)+1)) == NULL) {
new = NNULL;
} else {
(void) strcpy(new->string, str);
new->vert = head->vert;
new->horz = NNULL;
head->vert = new;
/*DEBUG("add_vert %s->%s\n", head->string, new->string);/* */
** add_horz - add a (horizontal) link to the chain of recipients.
void add_horz(node *head,char *str)
node *new;
if((new = (node *) malloc(sizeof(node))) != NNULL) {
if((new->string = malloc((unsigned) strlen(str)+1)) == NULL) {
new = NNULL;
} else {
(void) strcpy(new->string, str);
new->horz = head->horz;
new->vert = NNULL;
head->horz = new;
/*DEBUG("add_horz %s->%s\n", head->string, new->string);/* */
node *pop(node *head)
node *ret = NNULL;
if(head != NNULL) {
ret = head->horz;
if(ret != NNULL) {
head->horz = ret->horz;