blob: edcfe64eb085ce875fcadb48b668b250f29d28c2 [file] [log] [blame]
/****** global.h ********************************************************/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
extern char *strcpy();
extern int strcmp();
#define STRMAX 999 /* size of lexemes array */
#define SYMMAX 100 /* size of symtable */
#define BSIZE 128 /* buffer size */
#define NONE -1
#define EOS '\0' /* END OF STRING */
#define NUM 256 /* token for integers */
#define ID 259 /* token for identifiers */
#define DONE 260 /* token for end of file */
#define RNUM 2001 /* token for real numbers */
#define INT 2002 /* token for the string "int" */
#define FLOAT 2003 /* token for the string "float" */
#define POP 2004 /* token for poping to a labeled location */
#define PUSH_LABEL 2005 /* token for outputing push from labeled loc. */
#define ARRAY 2006 /* token for an array referance */
#define WHILE 2007 /* token for the keyword while */
#define IF 2008 /* token for the keyword if */
#define READ 2009 /* token for the keyword read */
#define WRITE 2010 /* token for the keyword write */
#define WRITELN 2011 /* token for the keyword writeln */
#define EQUAL 2012 /* token for == */
#define NEQUAL 2013 /* token for != */
#define LABEL_CODE 2014 /* emitter code to label an assemble stmt */
#define PUSH_CODE_LABEL 2015 /* emitter code to push code labels */
#define COMP 2016 /* emitter code for comp opcode */
#define BEQ 2017 /* emitter code for BEQ */
#define B 2018 /* emitter code for B */
#define STORE 2020 /* emitter code to output ST */
#define STH 2022 /* emitter code for STH command */
#define VAL 2023 /* emitter code for VAL command */
#define ELSE 2024 /* token for keyword else */
#define BNE 2025 /* emitter code for BNE command */
#define BEGIN 2026 /* emitter code: print special char at start prg*/
#define END 2027 /* emitter code: print special char at end prog */
#define IST 2028 /* emitter code for IST instruction */
#define ADD 2029 /* emitter code for ADD */
#define RADD 2030 /* emitter code for RADD */
#define SUB 2031 /* emitter code for SUB */
#define RSUB 2032 /* emitter code for RSUB */
#define MUL 2033 /* emitter code for MUL */
#define RMUL 2034 /* emitter code for RMUL */
#define DIV 2035 /* emitter code for DIV */
#define RDIV 2036 /* emitter code for RDIV */
#define SWAP 2037 /* emitter code for SWAP */
#define NEG 2038 /* emitter code for NEG */
#define RNEG 2039 /* emitter code for RNEG */
#define FIX 2040 /* emitter code for FIX */
#define PARAM 2041 /* code for parameters in symbol tables */
#define RETURN 2042 /* token for return keyword */
#define READF 2043 /* token for readf() */
#define READI 2044 /* token for readi() */
#define WRITEF 2045 /* token for writef() */
#define WRITEI 2046 /* token for writei() */
#define LOC_DECL 2047 /* emitter code for a local declaration */
#define GLO_DECL 2048 /* emitter code for a global declaration */
#define PUSH_LOC_VAR_ADDR 2049 /* emitter code to push the address of a
local variable */
#define PUSH_GLO_VAR_ADDR 2050 /* emitter code to push the address of a
global varialbe */
#define PUSH_LOC_VAR_VALUE 2051 /* emitter code to push value stored
in a local variable */
#define PUSH_GLO_VAR_VALUE 2052 /* emitter code to push value stored
in a global variable */
#define STHB 2053 /* emitter code for STHB */
#define LABEL_FUNC 2054 /* emitter code to insert function name in code */
#define ISTB 2055 /* emitter code for ISTB instruction */
#define STORE_RA 2056 /* emitter code to store return address */
#define SAVE_FRAMESIZE 2057 /* emitter code to save frame size */
#define PUSH_RA 2058 /* emitter code to push the return address */
#define PUSH_FRAMESIZE 2059 /* emitter code for pushing the frame size */
#define IB 2060 /* emitter code for ib */
#define DB 2061 /* emitter code for db */
#define NOTDEC 2062 /* emitter code for funtion not parsed */
#define VALB 2063 /* emitter code for VALB */
int lookahead; /* token code number */
int tokenval; /* value of token attribute */
float ftokenval; /* global for float RNUM attribute */
int FloatFlag; /* used as boolean, 1 if we doing float calcs. */
int ErrorFlag; /* 1 if an error has occured, 0 otherwise */
int DecCount; /* keeps track of memeory locations */
int offset; /* offset within an activation record, local var*/
int lineno; /* the current line number */
int LabelCounter; /* used to create new labels for the mach. code */
int NumberC; /* keeps track of number of commands emitted */
char lexbuf[BSIZE]; /* stores lexeme to be inserted into symtable */
int LocalIndex; /* value returned from lookup in loctable */
int GlobalIndex; /* value returned from lookup to glotable */
int NextLookahead; /* the next token of the input */
int NextTokenval; /* the tokenval associated with the next token */
float NextFtokenval; /* the ftokenval associated with the next token */
int PreviousLookahead; /* the token that was last matched */
int PreviousTokenval; /* tokenval associated with the previous token*/
float PreviousFtokenval; /* ftokenval associated with the previous token*/
int Scope; /* the label assoc. with the current function
to be used in the creation of unique labels */
int ReturnLabel; /* stores the label to jump out of a function
if a return is encountered */
int CallReturnAddr; /* return address of a function call */
int FuncNameIndex; /* stores the index of the current function
int ArrayParsed; /* flag set to 1 if PushArrayCellAddr() called
while lookahead is ARRAY */
struct entry { /* form of symbol table entry */
char *lexptr; /* ptr to lexeme */
int token; /* token: ID or ARRAY */
int type; /* type of entry: INT or FLOAT */
int size; /* size of entry: 1 for INT or FLOAT,
larger for arrays */
int function; /* non-zero if is a function.
field is > 0 if function called but not parsed,
field is < 0 if function body has been parsed*/
int functionlabel; /* stores the machine code label associated
with the function */
struct entry GlobalTable[SYMMAX]; /* Global symbol table */
struct entry LocalTable[SYMMAX]; /* Local symbol table */