blob: 887a88b5a4baf3572d17d023f4f1fc04195608c9 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "values.h"
#include "horners.h"
#include <stdio.h>
double newton (int N,double P[],double A,double B)
double T_DOUBLE; /* for temporary storage */
double Xk,Xk1; /* the kth and k+1rst quess at the root */
int K = 0; /* number of iterations so far */
/* make sure that A is lower bound of the interval and B is the upper bound */
if (B < A) {
A = B;
printf(" NEWTON Called on interval [%g,%g]\n",A,B);
Xk = A;
Xk1 = (A + B)/2; /* initial quess is the midpoint of the interval */
while ( (d_abs(Xk1-Xk)/d_abs(Xk1) > Episolon_n) && K <= MAX_1 ) {
printf(" X[%d] = %g\n",K+1,Xk1);
Xk = Xk1;
Xk1 = Xk1 - HORNERS(N,P,Xk1)/DERIV_X;
K ++;
printf("ROOT: %g (approx.)\n\n",Xk1);
return Xk1;