blob: 3bf6486d036dc14b8ceaed1a7f5af3d95d79d09c [file] [log] [blame]
#include "custom.h"
extern double Tsave ;
int upin( CELLBOXPTR acellptr , int UCpin , int seq , int firstNewSite ,
int lastNewSite )
DIMBOXPTR dimptr ;
NETBOXPTR netptr ;
TILEBOXPTR atileptr ;
int tm , site , cost , newOverFill , capacity , count ;
int x , y , newsite ;
int excess ;
int axcenter , aycenter ;
double Tscale ;
Tscale = Tsave / 100000.0 ;
axcenter = acellptr->xcenter ;
aycenter = acellptr->ycenter ;
atileptr = acellptr->config[ acellptr->orient ] ;
UCptr = acellptr->unComTerms ;
SCptr = acellptr->siteContent ;
SLptr = atileptr->siteLocArray ;
newOverFill = overfill ;
First we must refresh the 'newContents' field of the
array pointed to by SCptr
for( site = firstNewSite ; site <= lastNewSite ; site++ ) {
SCptr[ site ].newContents = SCptr[ site ].contents ;
for( site = UCptr[ UCpin ].site ;
site <= UCptr[ UCpin + seq - 1 ].site ; site++ ) {
SCptr[ site ].newContents = SCptr[ site ].contents ;
for( tm = UCpin ; tm < UCpin + seq ; tm++ ) {
site = UCptr[ tm ].site ;
excess = SCptr[ site ].newContents-- - SCptr[ site ].capacity ;
if( excess > 0 ) {
if( excess == 1 ) {
newOverFill -= (int)( Tscale * 10.0 ) ;
} else {
newOverFill -= (int)( Tscale * 10.0 *
( (double)(excess * excess)) ) -
(int)( Tscale * 10.0 *
( (double)((excess - 1) * (excess - 1)))) ;
site = firstNewSite - 1 ;
capacity = 0 ;
count = 0 ;
for( tm = UCpin ; tm < UCpin + seq ; tm++ ) {
count++ ;
if( count > capacity ) {
site++ ;
count = 1 ;
capacity = SCptr[ site ].capacity ;
excess = ++SCptr[ site ].newContents - capacity ;
if( excess > 0 ) {
if( excess == 1 ) {
newOverFill += (int)( Tscale * 10.0 ) ;
} else {
newOverFill += (int)( Tscale * 10.0 *
( (double)(excess * excess)) ) -
(int)( Tscale * 10.0 *
( (double)((excess - 1) * (excess - 1)))) ;
UCptr[tm].newsite = site ;
for( tm = UCpin ; tm < UCpin + seq ; tm++ ) {
newsite = UCptr[ tm ].newsite ;
x = SLptr[ newsite ].xpos + axcenter ;
y = SLptr[ newsite ].ypos + aycenter ;
tmptr = termarray[ UCptr[tm].terminal ] ;
netarray[ tmptr->net ]->flag = 1 ;
tmptr->termptr->flag = 1 ;
tmptr->termptr->newx = x ;
tmptr->termptr->newy = y ;
cost = funccost ;
for( tm = UCpin ; tm < UCpin + seq ; tm++ ) {
tmptr = termarray[ UCptr[tm].terminal ] ;
dimptr = netarray[ tmptr->net ] ;
if( dimptr->flag == 0 || dimptr->skip == 1 ) {
continue ;
dimptr->flag = 0 ;
netptr = dimptr->netptr ;
for( ; ; netptr = netptr->nextterm ) {
if( netptr == NETNULL ) {
break ;
if( netptr->skip == 1 ) {
continue ;
if( netptr->flag == 1 ) {
dimptr->newxmin = dimptr->newxmax = netptr->newx ;
dimptr->newymin = dimptr->newymax = netptr->newy ;
netptr->flag = 0 ;
} else {
dimptr->newxmin = dimptr->newxmax = netptr->xpos ;
dimptr->newymin = dimptr->newymax = netptr->ypos ;
netptr = netptr->nextterm ;
break ;
for( ; netptr != NETNULL ; netptr = netptr->nextterm ) {
if( netptr->skip == 1 ) {
continue ;
if( netptr->flag == 1 ) {
x = netptr->newx ;
y = netptr->newy ;
netptr->flag = 0 ;
} else {
x = netptr->xpos ;
y = netptr->ypos ;
if( x < dimptr->newxmin ) {
dimptr->newxmin = x ;
} else if( x > dimptr->newxmax ) {
dimptr->newxmax = x ;
if( y < dimptr->newymin ) {
dimptr->newymin = y ;
} else if( y > dimptr->newymax ) {
dimptr->newymax = y ;
cost += ((int)( dimptr->Hweight *
(double)(dimptr->newxmax - dimptr->newxmin))) -
((int)( dimptr->Hweight *
(double)(dimptr->xmax - dimptr->xmin))) +
((int)( dimptr->Vweight *
(double)( dimptr->newymax - dimptr->newymin))) -
((int)( dimptr->Vweight *
(double)( dimptr->ymax - dimptr->ymin)));
if( ( cost + newOverFill <= funccost + overfill ) ||
(exp( (double)( funccost + overfill - cost - newOverFill) /
T) > ( (double) RAND / (double)0x7fffffff ) ) ){
for( tm = UCpin ; tm < UCpin + seq ; tm++ ) {
tmptr = termarray[ UCptr[tm].terminal ] ;
dimptr = netarray[ tmptr->net ] ;
dimptr->xmin = dimptr->newxmin ;
dimptr->xmax = dimptr->newxmax ;
dimptr->ymin = dimptr->newymin ;
dimptr->ymax = dimptr->newymax ;
tmptr->termptr->xpos = tmptr->termptr->newx ;
tmptr->termptr->ypos = tmptr->termptr->newy ;
for( site = firstNewSite ; site <= lastNewSite ; site++ ) {
SCptr[ site ].contents = SCptr[ site ].newContents ;
for( site = UCptr[ UCpin ].site ;
site <= UCptr[ UCpin + seq - 1 ].site ; site++ ) {
SCptr[ site ].contents = SCptr[ site ].newContents ;
for( tm = UCpin ; tm < UCpin + seq ; tm++ ) {
UCptr[ tm ].site = UCptr[ tm ].newsite ;
funccost = cost ;
overfill = newOverFill ;
return (1) ;
} else {
return (0) ;