blob: 20b34582e5a2817ba7afc5fe4ecc0be98e5947f1 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "geo.h"
extern int TWsignal ;
void gentwf(void)
FILE *fp2 , *fp1 ;
char filename[1024] , c2[4] , c3[4] , c4[4] ,c5[12] , c6[4] ;
char pname[128] , nname[128] ;
int x , y , cell , PorE , offset , channel , hit ;
int node1 , node2 , min , edge , loc , ecount , max ;
FLAREPTR ifptr , ofptr , savefptr ;
sprintf( filename, "", cktName ) ;
fp1 = fopen( filename , "r" ) ;
sprintf( filename, "%s.twf", cktName ) ;
fp2 = fopen( filename , "w" ) ;
while( fscanf(fp1," %s ", c6) == 1 ) {
if( strcmp( c6 , "net" ) == 0 ) {
fscanf(fp1, " %s ", nname ) ;
fprintf(fp2,"\nnet %s\n", nname);
} else if( strcmp( c6 , "pin" ) == 0 ) {
fscanf(fp1,"%s %s %d %s %d %s %d %s %d", pname ,
c2 , &x , c3 , &y , c4 , &cell , c5 , &PorE) ;
if( PorE == 1 ) {
fprintf(fp2," pin %s nodes ", pname);
} else {
fprintf(fp2," equiv %s nodes ", pname);
min = 1000000 ;
ifptr = xNodules[cell].inList ;
for( ; ifptr != (FLAREPTR) NULL ; ifptr = ifptr->next ) {
edge = ifptr->fixEdge ;
loc = edgeList[edge].loc ;
if( ABS(loc - x) < min ) {
if( y <= rectArray[
eArray[ ifptr->eindex[1] ].index2 ].yc &&
y >= rectArray[
eArray[ ifptr->eindex[1] ].index1 ].yc ) {
min = ABS(loc - x) ;
savefptr = ifptr ;
hit = 1 ;
ofptr = xNodules[cell].outList ;
for( ; ofptr != (FLAREPTR) NULL ; ofptr = ofptr->next ) {
edge = ofptr->fixEdge ;
loc = edgeList[edge].loc ;
if( ABS(loc - x) < min ) {
if( y <= rectArray[
eArray[ ofptr->eindex[1] ].index2 ].yc &&
y >= rectArray[
eArray[ ofptr->eindex[1] ].index1 ].yc ) {
min = ABS(loc - x) ;
savefptr = ofptr ;
hit = 1 ;
ifptr = yNodules[cell].inList ;
for( ; ifptr != (FLAREPTR) NULL ; ifptr = ifptr->next ) {
edge = ifptr->fixEdge ;
loc = edgeList[edge].loc ;
if( ABS(loc - y) < min ) {
if( x <= rectArray[
eArray[ ifptr->eindex[1] ].index2 ].xc &&
x >= rectArray[
eArray[ ifptr->eindex[1] ].index1 ].xc ) {
min = ABS(loc - y) ;
savefptr = ifptr ;
hit = 2 ;
ofptr = yNodules[cell].outList ;
for( ; ofptr != (FLAREPTR) NULL ; ofptr = ofptr->next ) {
edge = ofptr->fixEdge ;
loc = edgeList[edge].loc ;
if( ABS(loc - y) < min ) {
if( x <= rectArray[
eArray[ ofptr->eindex[1] ].index2 ].xc &&
x >= rectArray[
eArray[ ofptr->eindex[1] ].index1 ].xc ) {
min = ABS(loc - y) ;
savefptr = ofptr ;
hit = 2 ;
ecount = 0 ;
do {
channel = savefptr->eindex[++ecount] ;
} while( eArray[channel].notActive == 1 ) ;
node1 = eArray[channel].index1 ;
node2 = eArray[channel].index2 ;
if( hit == 1 ) {
offset = y - rectArray[node1].yc ;
max = rectArray[node2].yc - rectArray[node1].yc ;
} else {
offset = x - rectArray[node1].xc ;
max = rectArray[node2].xc - rectArray[node1].xc ;
if( offset < 0 ) {
printf("Pin: %s has location outside the range\n",
pname );
printf("of the edge: %d %d to which it was assigned\n",
node1, node2 ) ;
printf("by an amount: %d\n", offset ) ;
offset = 0 ;
TWsignal = 1 ;
} else if( offset > max ) {
printf("Pin: %s has location outside the range\n",
pname );
printf("of the edge: %d %d to which it was assigned\n",
node1, node2 ) ;
printf("by an amount: %d\n", offset - max ) ;
offset = max ;
TWsignal = 1 ;
fprintf(fp2,"%d %d at %d\n", node1 , node2 , offset ) ;
fclose(fp1) ;
fclose(fp2) ;
return ;