blob: f963cb7cfcd22904aef0e6a37431205f10c98191 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "custom.h"
int HorV ;
int nPinLocs ;
typedef struct flogbox {
int pin ;
int placed ;
int finalx ;
int finaly ;
FBOXPTR lArray ;
extern int findLoc( int pin );
void finalpin(void)
double aspFactor ;
int cell , i , j , k , site , span , trueSpan , pin1 , overlapping ;
int xprev , yprev , totalPin , loc , xnext , ynext , sum ;
int firstLoc , lastLoc , val , isoNum , loFill , hiFill , hit ;
int totLeft , first , second , secLoc , prefer , lastPin ;
int endSeqs[101] , begSeqs[101] , conSeqs[11][101] , isolated[201] ;
int nextS , nextUp ;
for( cell = 1 ; cell <= numcells ; cell++ ) {
ptr = cellarray[ cell ] ;
if( ptr->numUnComTerms == 0 ) {
continue ;
SCptr = ptr->siteContent ;
SLptr = ptr->config[ ptr->orient ]->siteLocArray ;
UCptr = ptr->unComTerms ;
for( i = 1 ; i <= ptr->numUnComTerms ; i++ ) {
UCptr[i].finalx = -100000000 ;
UCptr[i].finaly = -100000000 ;
for( site = 1 ; site <= ptr->numsites ; site++ ) {
if( SCptr[ site ].contents <= 0 ) {
continue ;
* Now we have a site with nonzero contents.
span = SCptr[ site ].span ;
HorV = SCptr[ site ].HorV ;
if( ptr->orient <= 3 ) {
aspFactor = sqrt( ptr->aspect / ptr->aspectO ) ;
} else {
aspFactor = sqrt( ptr->aspectO / ptr->aspect ) ;
if( HorV == 1 ) {
HorV = 0 ;
} else {
HorV = 1 ;
if( HorV ) {
trueSpan = (int) ( (double) span * aspFactor ) ;
if( (double) span - (double) trueSpan / aspFactor >
(double) (trueSpan + 1) / aspFactor -
(double) span ) {
trueSpan++ ;
} else {
trueSpan = (int) ( (double) span / aspFactor ) ;
if( (double) span - (double) trueSpan * aspFactor >
(double) (trueSpan + 1) * aspFactor -
(double) span ) {
trueSpan++ ;
nPinLocs = trueSpan / pinSpacing ;
if( trueSpan - nPinLocs * pinSpacing > (nPinLocs + 1) *
pinSpacing - trueSpan ) {
nPinLocs++ ;
* prepare the location array for the pins
lArray = (FBOXPTR) malloc( (nPinLocs + 1) * sizeof( FBOX ));
for( i = 1 ; i <= nPinLocs ; i++ ) {
lArray[ i ].placed = 0 ;
lArray[ i ].pin = 0 ;
lArray[ i ].finalx = 0 ;
lArray[ i ].finaly = 0 ;
* center of trueSpan is at:
* SLptr[ site ].xpos and SLptr[ site ].ypos
if( HorV ) { /* a vertical trueSpan */
if( site == ptr->numsites ) {
nextS = 1 ;
} else {
nextS = site + 1 ;
if( SLptr[nextS].ypos > SLptr[site].ypos ) {
nextUp = 1 ;
} else {
nextUp = 0 ;
for( i = 1 ; i <= nPinLocs ; i++ ) {
lArray[ i ].finalx = SLptr[ site ].xpos ;
if( nextUp == 0 ) {
lArray[ i ].finaly = SLptr[ site ].ypos -
trueSpan / 2 + (i - 1) * pinSpacing ;
} else {
lArray[ i ].finaly = SLptr[ site ].ypos -
(trueSpan + 1) / 2 + i * pinSpacing ;
} else { /* a horizontal trueSpan */
if( site == ptr->numsites ) {
nextS = 1 ;
} else {
nextS = site + 1 ;
if( SLptr[nextS].xpos > SLptr[site].xpos ) {
nextUp = 1 ;
} else {
nextUp = 0 ;
for( i = 1 ; i <= nPinLocs ; i++ ) {
lArray[ i ].finaly = SLptr[ site ].ypos ;
if( nextUp == 0 ) {
lArray[ i ].finalx = SLptr[ site ].xpos -
trueSpan / 2 + (i - 1) * pinSpacing ;
} else {
lArray[ i ].finalx = SLptr[ site ].xpos -
(trueSpan + 1) / 2 + i * pinSpacing ;
/* initialize the storage arrays */
for( j = 0 ; j <= 100 ; j++ ) {
endSeqs[ j ] = 0 ;
begSeqs[ j ] = 0 ;
for( i = 0 ; i <= 10 ; i++ ) {
conSeqs[ i ][ j ] = 0 ;
for( j = 0 ; j <= 200 ; j++ ) {
isolated[ j ] = 0 ;
/* Now let's look at the pins belonging to this site */
for( pin1 = 1 ; pin1 <= ptr->numUnComTerms ; pin1++ ) {
if( UCptr[ pin1 ].site == site ) {
* We have found a pin in this site
if( UCptr[ pin1 ].sequence == 0 ) {
* This pin is the continuation of a
* sequence started in a previous site.
* Look at the previous pin to see
* what its site is.
if( endSeqs[0] == 0 ) {
xprev = SLptr[ UCptr[pin1 - 1].site ].xpos ;
yprev = SLptr[ UCptr[pin1 - 1].site ].ypos ;
if( ABS( lArray[ 1 ].finalx - xprev ) +
ABS( lArray[ 1 ].finaly - yprev ) <
ABS( lArray[nPinLocs].finalx - xprev ) +
ABS( lArray[nPinLocs].finaly - yprev )){
* Then the previous site is nearer
* pin location number 1. So place this
* pin in location number 1.
endSeqs[0] = 1 ;
endSeqs[1] = 1 ;
endSeqs[2] = pin1 ;
} else {
endSeqs[0] = 1 ;
endSeqs[1] = nPinLocs ;
endSeqs[2] = pin1 ;
for(++pin1; pin1 <= ptr->numUnComTerms;
if( UCptr[ pin1 ].sequence != 0 ||
UCptr[ pin1 ].site != site ) {
break ;
endSeqs[ ++endSeqs[0] + 1 ] = pin1 ;
} else {
fprintf(fpo,"OOPs: a endSeqs ");
fprintf(fpo,"cannot fit in the");
fprintf(fpo," site:%d\n", site );
fprintf(fpo,"TimberWolf has ");
fprintf(fpo,"to leave it out\n");
fprintf(fpo,"Current cell: %d\n", cell ) ;
for(++pin1; pin1 <= ptr->numUnComTerms;
if( UCptr[ pin1 ].sequence != 0 ||
UCptr[ pin1 ].site != site ) {
break ;
pin1-- ;
} else if( UCptr[ pin1 ].sequence > 1 ) {
conSeqs[ ++conSeqs[0][0] ][0] = 1 ;
conSeqs[ conSeqs[0][0] ][2] = pin1 ;
for(++pin1; pin1 <= ptr->numUnComTerms; pin1++){
if( UCptr[ pin1 ].sequence != 0 ||
UCptr[ pin1 ].site != site ) {
if( UCptr[ pin1 ].sequence == 0 ) {
* Lo and behold, a begSeqs here.
* Transfer this entry in conSeqs
* to begSeqs and zero out the
* latest conSeqs entry.
i = conSeqs[ conSeqs[0][0] ][0] + 1;
if( begSeqs[0] == 0 ) {
for( ; i >= 0 ; i-- ) {
begSeqs[ i ] = conSeqs[
conSeqs[0][0] ][ i ] ;
conSeqs[ conSeqs[0][0] ][i]
= 0 ;
} else {
fprintf(fpo,"OOPs: a begSeqs ");
fprintf(fpo,"cannot fit in ");
fprintf(fpo," site:%d\n", site);
fprintf(fpo,"TimberWolf has t");
fprintf(fpo,"o leave it out\n");
fprintf(fpo,"Current cell:%d\n",
cell ) ;
for( ; i >= 0 ; i-- ) {
conSeqs[ conSeqs[0][0] ][i]
= 0 ;
conSeqs[0][0]-- ;
break ;
conSeqs[ conSeqs[0][0] ]
[ ++conSeqs[ conSeqs[0][0] ][0] + 1 ]
= pin1 ;
pin1-- ;
} else { /* sequence # was numero uno */
isolated[ 2 * ++isolated[0] ] = pin1 ;
* At this point, all the pins for a given site
* are in the "arrays" endSeqs, begSeqs, conSeqs,
* and isolated. The next thing to do is to sort
* all this info out.
* First of all, do the ending sequences --- since we
* already know which end of the site they are
* coming from. Of course, if we have any such.
totalPin = endSeqs[0] ;
if( totalPin > nPinLocs ) {
fprintf(fpo,"OOPs: an endSeqs cannot fit in site:%d\n",
site ) ;
fprintf(fpo,"TimberWolf will have to leave it out\n") ;
fprintf(fpo,"Current cell: %d\n", cell ) ;
if( endSeqs[0] > 0 && totalPin <= nPinLocs ) {
if( endSeqs[1] == 1 ) {
lArray[1].pin = endSeqs[2] ;
lArray[1].placed = 1 ;
loc = 1 ;
for( i = 2 ; i <= endSeqs[0] ; i++ ) {
lArray[ ++loc ].pin = endSeqs[ i + 1 ] ;
lArray[ loc ].placed = 1 ;
} else {
lArray[ nPinLocs ].pin = endSeqs[2] ;
lArray[ nPinLocs ].placed = 1 ;
loc = nPinLocs ;
for( i = 2 ; i <= endSeqs[0] ; i++ ) {
lArray[ --loc ].pin = endSeqs[ i + 1 ] ;
lArray[ loc ].placed = 1 ;
* Now we have to deal with beginning sequences
* which begin in this site and carry on to the
* next site.
if( begSeqs[0] > 0 && totalPin + begSeqs[0] <= nPinLocs ) {
totalPin += begSeqs[0] ;
lastPin = begSeqs[ begSeqs[0] + 1 ] ;
* Look at the next pin to see
* what its site is.
xnext = SLptr[ UCptr[ lastPin + 1 ].site ].xpos ;
ynext = SLptr[ UCptr[ lastPin + 1 ].site ].ypos ;
if( ABS( lArray[ 1 ].finalx - xnext ) +
ABS( lArray[ 1 ].finaly - ynext ) <
ABS( lArray[ nPinLocs ].finalx - xnext ) +
ABS( lArray[ nPinLocs ].finaly - ynext )) {
* Then the next site is nearer
* pin location number 1. So place this
* pin in location number 1.
lArray[1].pin = begSeqs[ begSeqs[0] + 1 ] ;
lArray[1].placed = 1 ;
loc = 1 ;
for( i = begSeqs[0] - 1 ; i >= 1 ; i-- ) {
lArray[ ++loc ].pin = begSeqs[ i + 1 ] ;
lArray[ loc ].placed = 1 ;
} else {
lArray[ nPinLocs ].pin = begSeqs[ begSeqs[0] + 1 ] ;
lArray[ nPinLocs ].placed = 1 ;
loc = nPinLocs ;
for( i = begSeqs[0] - 1 ; i >= 1 ; i-- ) {
lArray[ --loc ].pin = begSeqs[ i + 1 ] ;
lArray[ loc ].placed = 1 ;
} else if( totalPin + begSeqs[0] > nPinLocs ) {
fprintf(fpo,"OOPs: a begSeqs cannot fit in site:%d\n",
site ) ;
fprintf(fpo,"TimberWolf will have to leave it out\n") ;
fprintf(fpo,"Current cell: %d\n", cell ) ;
* Now we have a bit more work to do. We have
* to examine the contained sequences and the
* isolated pins. For each pin, we have to find
* its most desirable position in the site
* from location 1 thru nPinLocs.
for( i = 1 ; i <= conSeqs[0][0] ; i++ ) {
if( totalPin + conSeqs[ i ][0] > nPinLocs ) {
fprintf(fpo,"OOPs: TimberWolf has to ignore a \n");
fprintf(fpo,"contained sequence in site:%d\n",site);
fprintf(fpo,"Current cell: %d\n", cell ) ;
continue ;
} else {
totalPin += conSeqs[ i ][0] ;
sum = 0 ;
for( j = 1 ; j <= conSeqs[ i ][0] ; j++ ) {
if( j == 1 ) {
firstLoc = findLoc( conSeqs[ i ][ j + 1 ] ) ;
sum += firstLoc ;
} else if( j == conSeqs[ i ][0] ) {
lastLoc = findLoc( conSeqs[ i ][ j + 1 ] ) ;
sum += lastLoc ;
} else {
sum += findLoc( conSeqs[ i ][ j + 1 ] ) ;
* The average best place to go for this sequence
* is sum divided by conSeqs[ i ][0].
val = sum / conSeqs[ i ][0] - conSeqs[ i ][0] / 2 ;
if( val < 1 ) {
val = 1 ;
} else if( val > nPinLocs - conSeqs[ i ][0] + 1 ) {
val = nPinLocs - conSeqs[ i ][0] + 1 ;
if( firstLoc > lastLoc ) {
conSeqs[ i ][1] = -val ;
} else {
conSeqs[ i ][1] = val ;
* And now its finally time to deal with the isolated
* pins. First, let's see if we can deal with all
* of them.
if( totalPin + isolated[0] > nPinLocs ) {
isoNum = nPinLocs - totalPin ;
fprintf(fpo,"OOPs: isolated pin(s) cannot fit in ");
fprintf(fpo,"the site: %d\n", site ) ;
fprintf(fpo,"TimberWolf will have to ignore this ");
fprintf(fpo,"number of pins: %d\n",
totalPin + isolated[0] - nPinLocs );
fprintf(fpo,"Current cell: %d\n", cell ) ;
} else {
isoNum = isolated[0] ;
* Here we go
for( i = 1 ; i <= isoNum ; i++ ) {
isolated[ 2 * i - 1 ] = findLoc( isolated[ 2 * i ] ) ;
* And ... Now ... Here's ...... the Pin Placer
* One would surmise that since the beginning and
* ending sequences are already placed , then the
* next thing to do is to place the contained
* sequences. Finally, of course, the isolated pins.
* The basic method will be to establish two
* endpoints ( say, "left" and "right", if HorV is 0 )
* such that all locs to the left of "left" are
* filled and all locs to the right of "right" are
* also filled. Then, any conSeqs wanting to start
* to the left of "left" will be packed tight to
* "left" and "left" will be updated accordingly.
* Similarly, all conSeqs wanting to extend beyond
* right will be packed tight to "right" and "right"
* will be updated.
loFill = 0 ;
for( i = 1 ; i <= nPinLocs ; i++ ) {
if( lArray[ i ].placed == 1 ) {
loFill = i ;
} else {
break ;
hiFill = nPinLocs + 1 ;
for( i = nPinLocs ; i >= 1 ; i-- ) {
if( lArray[ i ].placed == 1 ) {
hiFill = i ;
} else {
break ;
hit = 1 ;
while( hit == 1 ) {
hit = 0 ;
for( i = 1 ; i <= conSeqs[0][0] ; i++ ) {
if( conSeqs[i][1] == 0 ) {
continue ;
if( ABS( conSeqs[i][1] ) <= loFill + 1 ) {
* Place sequence i starting from loFill + 1
if( conSeqs[i][1] > 0 ) {
for( j = 1 ; j <= conSeqs[i][0] ; j++ ) {
lArray[ loFill + j ].pin =
conSeqs[i][j+1] ;
lArray[ loFill + j ].placed = 1 ;
} else {
for( j = 1 , k = conSeqs[i][0] ;
j <= conSeqs[i][0] ; j++ , k--) {
lArray[ loFill + j ].pin =
conSeqs[i][k+1] ;
lArray[ loFill + j ].placed = 1 ;
loFill += conSeqs[i][0] ;
conSeqs[i][1] = 0 ;
hit = 1 ;
} else if( ABS( conSeqs[i][1] ) +
conSeqs[i][0] >= hiFill ) {
* Place sequence i starting from
* hiFill - conSeqs[i][0]
if( conSeqs[i][1] > 0 ) {
for( j = hiFill - conSeqs[i][0] , k = 1 ;
j < hiFill ; j++ , k++ ) {
lArray[ j ].pin = conSeqs[i][k+1] ;
lArray[ j ].placed = 1 ;
} else {
for( j = hiFill - conSeqs[i][0] ,
k = conSeqs[i][0] ;
j < hiFill ; j++ , k-- ) {
lArray[ j ].pin = conSeqs[i][k+1] ;
lArray[ j ].placed = 1 ;
hiFill -= conSeqs[i][0] ;
conSeqs[i][1] = 0 ;
hit = 1 ;
* Ok, that was the easy placement. Now we have to
* deal with any other conSeqs that may be left
* which apparently want to sit in the middle of
* the site.
* Now select the lowest-most remaining sequence.
* Put it in its bestPos if the other remaining
* sequences can fit in the remaining space above.
* Otherwise, back it off as necessary.
totLeft = 0 ;
for( i = 1 ; i <= conSeqs[0][0] ; i++ ) {
if( conSeqs[i][1] == 0 ) {
continue ;
totLeft += conSeqs[i][0] ;
while( totLeft > 0 ) {
first = 0 ;
second = 0 ;
firstLoc = nPinLocs + 1 ;
secLoc = nPinLocs + 1 ;
for( i = 1 ; i <= conSeqs[0][0] ; i++ ) {
if( conSeqs[i][1] == 0 ) {
continue ;
if( ABS( conSeqs[i][1] ) < firstLoc ) {
if( first != 0 ) {
second = first ;
secLoc = firstLoc ;
firstLoc = ABS( conSeqs[i][1] ) ;
first = i ;
} else if( ABS( conSeqs[i][1] ) < secLoc ) {
secLoc = ABS( conSeqs[i][1] ) ;
second = i ;
while( firstLoc + totLeft > hiFill ) {
* Insufficient room if we start at firstLoc
firstLoc-- ;
* If secLoc intersects firstLoc to firstLoc +
* ( length of firstseq - 1 ) then back off
* firstLoc ( if possible ) by an amount
* equal to 1/2 of the amount of overlapping
if( secLoc < firstLoc + conSeqs[ first ][0] - 1 ) {
overlapping = firstLoc + conSeqs[ first ][0] - 1 -
secLoc ;
while( (firstLoc +
conSeqs[ first ][0] - 1 - secLoc) >
overlapping / 2 ) {
if( firstLoc - 1 > loFill ) {
firstLoc-- ;
} else {
break ;
* We want to place both of these sequences
if( conSeqs[ first ][1] > 0 ) {
for( j = 1 ; j <= conSeqs[ first ][0] ; j++ ) {
lArray[ firstLoc - 1 + j ].pin =
conSeqs[ first ][j+1] ;
lArray[ firstLoc - 1 + j ].placed = 1 ;
} else {
for( j = 1 , k = conSeqs[ first ][0] ;
j <= conSeqs[ first ][0] ; j++ , k--) {
lArray[ firstLoc - 1 + j ].pin =
conSeqs[ first ][k+1] ;
lArray[ firstLoc - 1 + j ].placed = 1 ;
loFill = firstLoc + conSeqs[ first ][0] - 1 ;
conSeqs[ first ][1] = 0 ;
totLeft -= conSeqs[ first ][0] ;
if( conSeqs[ second ][1] > 0 ) {
for( j = 1 ; j <= conSeqs[ second ][0] ; j++ ) {
lArray[ loFill + j ].pin =
conSeqs[ second ][j+1] ;
lArray[ loFill + j ].placed = 1 ;
} else {
for( j = 1 , k = conSeqs[ second ][0] ;
j <= conSeqs[ second ][0] ; j++ , k--) {
lArray[ loFill + j ].pin =
conSeqs[ second ][k+1] ;
lArray[ loFill + j ].placed = 1 ;
loFill = loFill + conSeqs[ second ][0] ;
conSeqs[ second ][1] = 0 ;
totLeft -= conSeqs[ second ][0] ;
} else { /* place only the "first" sequence */
if( conSeqs[ first ][1] > 0 ) {
for( j = 1 ; j <= conSeqs[ first ][0] ; j++ ) {
lArray[ firstLoc - 1 + j ].pin =
conSeqs[ first ][j+1] ;
lArray[ firstLoc - 1 + j ].placed = 1 ;
} else {
for( j = 1 , k = conSeqs[ first ][0] ;
j <= conSeqs[ first ][0] ; j++ , k--) {
lArray[ firstLoc - 1 + j ].pin =
conSeqs[ first ][k+1] ;
lArray[ firstLoc - 1 + j ].placed = 1 ;
loFill = firstLoc + conSeqs[ first ][0] - 1 ;
conSeqs[ first ][1] = 0 ;
totLeft -= conSeqs[ first ][0] ;
* Whew!!!! Finally to the isolated pins!
* For the first pass, any pins which can be
* placed exactly in their most desirable places
* are so placed.
for( i = 1 ; i <= isoNum ; i++ ) {
if( lArray[ isolated[ 2 * i - 1 ] ].placed == 0 ) {
lArray[ isolated[ 2 * i - 1 ] ].placed = 1 ;
lArray[ isolated[ 2 * i - 1 ] ].pin =
isolated[ 2 * i ] ;
isolated[ 2 * i - 1 ] = 0 ;
* Now comes the trickier stuff for those pins which
* cannot go exactly where they would like to go
for( i = 1 ; i <= isoNum ; i++ ) {
prefer = isolated[ 2 * i - 1 ] ;
if( prefer == 0 ) {
continue ;
for( k = 1 ; k < nPinLocs ; k++ ) {
if( prefer + k <= nPinLocs ) {
if( lArray[ prefer + k ].placed == 0 ) {
lArray[ prefer + k ].placed = 1 ;
lArray[ prefer + k ].pin =
isolated[ 2 * i ] ;
isolated[ 2 * i - 1 ] = 0 ;
break ;
if( prefer - k >= 1 ) {
if( lArray[ prefer - k ].placed == 0 ) {
lArray[ prefer - k ].placed = 1 ;
lArray[ prefer - k ].pin =
isolated[ 2 * i ] ;
isolated[ 2 * i - 1 ] = 0 ;
break ;
* Believe it or not, all the pins for this site
* have been placed. Now all we have to do is
* put the placement information into the array
* pointed to by UCptr.
for( i = 1 ; i <= nPinLocs ; i++ ) {
if( lArray[ i ].placed == 1 ) {
UCptr[ lArray[ i ].pin ].finalx = lArray[ i ].finalx;
UCptr[ lArray[ i ].pin ].finaly = lArray[ i ].finaly;
* And that's it folks, for this particular site.
* Prep for the next one.
free( lArray ) ;
for( i = 1 ; i <= ptr->numUnComTerms ; i++ ) {
if( UCptr[i].finalx == -100000000 &&
UCptr[i].finaly == -100000000 ) {
* If at first you don't succeed, take a wild guess
UCptr[i].finalx = SLptr[ UCptr[i].site ].xpos ;
UCptr[i].finaly = SLptr[ UCptr[i].site ].ypos ;
return ;