blob: 055a928e28620ec77898697dd9277f1582b0cb71 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "custom.h"
extern double chipaspect ;
extern int perim ;
extern int totChanLen ;
extern int totNetLen ;
extern int core_expansion_given ;
extern double core_expansion ;
extern int wire_est_factor ;
double expandExtra ;
extern int defaultTracks ;
extern void placepads(void);
extern void loadbins(int new);
void config2(void)
CELLBOXPTR cellptr ;
TILEBOXPTR tileptr ;
int l , r , b , t , sum , cell , tempint ;
double totNewArea , totalArea , temp , dub , reduction_factor ;
* Sum the areas of the cells
totalArea = 0 ;
for( cell = 1 ; cell <= numcells ; cell++ ) {
cellptr = cellarray[cell] ;
if( cellptr->numtiles == 1 ) {
tileptr = cellptr->config[cellptr->orient] ;
l = tileptr->left ;
r = tileptr->right ;
b = tileptr->bottom ;
t = tileptr->top ;
totalArea += (r - l) * (t - b) ;
} else {
tileptr = cellptr->config[cellptr->orient]->nexttile ;
for( ; tileptr != TILENULL ; tileptr = tileptr->nexttile ) {
l = tileptr->left ;
r = tileptr->right ;
b = tileptr->bottom ;
t = tileptr->top ;
totalArea += (r - l) * (t - b) ;
if( coreGiven == 0 ) {
blockr = blockt = (int) sqrt( totalArea ) ;
totChanLen = perim / 2 - (blockr + blockt) ;
temp = ((double) totNetLen / (double) totChanLen) /
((double) layersFactor) ;
} else {
r = t = (int) sqrt( totalArea ) ;
totChanLen = perim / 2 - (r + t) ;
temp = ((double) totNetLen / (double) totChanLen) /
((double) layersFactor) ;
temp += (double) defaultTracks ;
tempint = (int)( temp ) + 3 ; /* d+1 tracks + roundoff */
tempint *= trackspacing ;
reduction_factor = 1.8 + (double) wire_est_factor / 10.0 ;
aveChanWid = (int)( (double) tempint / reduction_factor ) ;
aveChanWid += 2 ;
fprintf(fpo,"\n\nConfiguration Data\nInternal Channel Length:%d\n",
totChanLen ) ;
fprintf(fpo,"Average Channel Width (un-normalized):%d\n\n", tempint );
fprintf(fpo,"Average Channel Width:%d\n\n", aveChanWid ) ;
if( coreGiven == 0 ) {
* Compute total new area
totNewArea = 0 ;
for( cell = 1 ; cell <= numcells ; cell++ ) {
cellptr = cellarray[cell] ;
if( cellptr->numtiles == 1 ) {
tileptr = cellptr->config[cellptr->orient] ;
l = tileptr->left ;
r = tileptr->right ;
b = tileptr->bottom ;
t = tileptr->top ;
totNewArea += (r - l + maxWeight * maxWeight * aveChanWid) *
(t - b + maxWeight * maxWeight * aveChanWid) ;
} else {
sum = 0 ;
tileptr = cellptr->config[cellptr->orient]->nexttile ;
for( ; tileptr != TILENULL ; tileptr = tileptr->nexttile ) {
l = tileptr->left ;
r = tileptr->right ;
b = tileptr->bottom ;
t = tileptr->top ;
sum += (r - l) * (t - b) ;
tileptr = cellptr->config[cellptr->orient] ;
l = tileptr->left ;
r = tileptr->right ;
b = tileptr->bottom ;
t = tileptr->top ;
totNewArea += (r - l + maxWeight * maxWeight * aveChanWid) *
(t - b + maxWeight * maxWeight * aveChanWid) -
(r - l) * (t - b) + sum ;
expandExtra = ( 117.5 - 5.0 * ( ((double) aveChanWid) /
((double) trackspacing) ) ) / 100.0 ;
if( expandExtra < 1.05 ) {
expandExtra = 1.05 ;
expandExtra = 1.05 ;
if( numcells < 10 ) {
expandExtra += (double) (10 - numcells) * 0.01 ;
if( expandExtra > 1.10 ) {
expandExtra = 1.10 ;
blockr = blockt = (int)( expandExtra * sqrt( totNewArea ) ) + 1 ;
fprintf(fpo,"Core Expansion Factor: %f\n", expandExtra ) ;
dub = log10( (double) blockr / sqrt( (double) numcells ) ) ;
if( (!core_expansion_given) && dub >= 3.0 ) {
expandExtra += 0.02 + (0.04 * (dub - 3.0)) ;
if( expandExtra > 1.10 ) {
expandExtra = 1.10 ;
blockr = blockt = (int)( expandExtra * sqrt( totNewArea ) ) + 1 ;
fprintf(fpo,"Core Expansion Factor: %f\n", expandExtra ) ;
if( core_expansion_given ) {
expandExtra = core_expansion ;
blockr = blockt = (int)( expandExtra * sqrt( totNewArea ) ) + 1 ;
fprintf(fpo,"Core Expansion Factor: %f\n", expandExtra ) ;
* Take into account the aspect ratio requested by the user
blockt = (int)( sqrt(chipaspect) * (double) blockt ) + 1 ;
blockr = (int)( 1.0 / sqrt(chipaspect) * (double) blockr ) + 1 ;
slopeX = (double)(maxWeight - baseWeight) / ( (double) blockr * 0.5 ) ;
slopeY = (double)(maxWeight - baseWeight) / ( (double) blockt * 0.5 ) ;
basefactor = (double) baseWeight ;
placepads() ;
blockmx = (blockr + blockl) / 2 ;
blockmy = (blockt + blockb) / 2 ;
binWidthX = (blockr - blockl) / numBinsX ;
if( (blockr - blockl - binWidthX * numBinsX) >= numBinsX / 2 ) {
binWidthX++ ;
binOffsetX = blockl + 1 - binWidthX ;
binWidthY = (blockt - blockb) / numBinsY ;
if( (blockt - blockb - binWidthY * numBinsY) >= numBinsY / 2 ) {
binWidthY++ ;
binOffsetY = blockb + 1 - binWidthY ;
loadbins(0) ;
return ;