blob: 9528f18a1f7cf076f50dfa192cb7d6cb44c805d8 [file] [log] [blame]
/* For copyright information, see olden_v1.0/COPYRIGHT */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "em3d.h"
#ifdef TORONTO
#define chatting printf
#ifdef __MINGW32__
#define srand48(x) srand(x)
#define lrand48() (rand() << 16 | rand())
#define drand48() (1.0*rand() / RAND_MAX)
extern double drand48();
static int percentcheck=0,numlocal=0;
/* initialize the random number generator for a particular processor */
void init_random(int seed)
/* return a random number from 0 to range-1 */
int gen_number(int range)
return (int)lrand48() % range;
/* return a random number in [-range,range] but not zero */
int gen_signed_number(int range)
int temp;
temp = lrand48() % (2*range); /* 0..2*range-1 */
temp = temp-(range);
if (temp >= 0) temp++;
return temp;
/* Generate a double from 0.0 to 1.0 */
double gen_uniform_double()
return drand48();
int check_percent(int percent)
int retval;
retval=(drand48() < (double) (percent/100.0));
if (retval) numlocal++;
return retval;
void printstats()