blob: 3e3a6cbf699ad89f7252d7013e2f071e7f1703d9 [file] [log] [blame]
# #
# Lout @GraphMath package for @Graph (Version 1.1) #
# #
# Version 1.0 by Jeffrey H. Kingston, December 1993. #
# Version 1.1 by Jeffrey H. Kingston, October 1996. #
# #
# This package provides mathematics for the @Graph graph drawing package. #
# #
"-0" "-1" "-2" "-3" "-4" "-5" "-6" "-7" "-8" "-9" "-."
pi e sqrt abs ceiling floor truncate round cos sin atan
exp log rand "*" "/" idiv mod "+" "-"
"=" "!=" "<" "<=" ">" ">=" not and xor or
if xloop yloop zloop
def @GraphMath
def "-0" { "-0" }
def "-1" { "-1" }
def "-2" { "-2" }
def "-3" { "-3" }
def "-4" { "-4" }
def "-5" { "-5" }
def "-6" { "-6" }
def "-7" { "-7" }
def "-8" { "-8" }
def "-9" { "-9" }
def "-." { "-." }
def pi { "3.14159" }
def e { "2.71828" }
def sqrt
precedence 40
right y
y "sqrt"
def abs
precedence 40
right y
y "abs"
def ceiling
precedence 40
right y
y "ceiling"
def floor
precedence 40
right y
y "floor"
def truncate
precedence 40
right y
y "truncate"
def round
precedence 40
right y
y "round"
def cos
precedence 40
right y
y "cos"
def sin
precedence 40
right y
y "sin"
def atan
precedence 39
left x
right y
x y "atan"
def exp
precedence 38
left x
right y
x y "exp"
def log
precedence 37
left x
right y
x y "dolog"
def rand
precedence 36
left x
right y
x y "dorand"
def "*"
precedence 35
left x
right y
x y "mul"
def "/"
precedence 35
left x
right y
x y "div"
def "idiv"
precedence 34
left x
right y
x y "idiv"
def "mod"
precedence 34
left x
right y
x y "mod"
def "-"
precedence 33
left x
right y
x @Case {
"" @Yield { y "neg" }
else @Yield { x y "sub" }
def "+"
precedence 32
left x
right y
x @Case {
"" @Yield { y }
else @Yield { x y "add" }
def "="
precedence 30
left x
right y
x y "eq"
def "!="
precedence 30
left x
right y
x y "ne"
def "<"
precedence 30
left x
right y
x y "lt"
def "<="
precedence 30
left x
right y
x y "le"
def ">"
precedence 30
left x
right y
x y "gt"
def ">="
precedence 30
left x
right y
x y "ge"
def "not"
precedence 25
right y
y "not"
def "and"
precedence 24
left x
right y
x y "and"
def "xor"
precedence 23
left x
right y
x y "xor"
def "or"
precedence 22
left x
right y
x y "or"
def if
named cond { true }
named then {}
named else {}
cond "{" then "} {" else "} ifelse"
def xloop
named from { 0 }
named to { 0 }
named by { 1 }
named do named x { "xval" } {}
from by to "{ /xval exch def" do "} for"
def yloop
named from { 0 }
named to { 0 }
named by { 1 }
named do named y { "yval" } {}
from by to "{ /yval exch def" do "} for"
def zloop
named from { 0 }
named to { 0 }
named by { 1 }
named do named z { "zval" } {}
from by to "{ /zval exch def" do "} for"