blob: 09ecbe0cc1d1de649fa2053717c4ed30e2765d4b [file] [log] [blame]
MODULE : textloc.h
DESCRIPTION: Header file to be used with textloc.c.
AUTHOR : Fady Habra, 8715030,
#ifdef TEXTLOC
#define EXT
#define EXT extern
#ifdef BOGUS
#define VSPREAD_THRESHOLD ((float) (2.0/100))
/* #define VAR_THRESHOLD 30 */
#define SAME_ROW_V 3
#define SAME_ROW_H 30
#define MAX_CHAR_SIZE 50
#define MIN_CHAR_SIZE 5
#define E_FALLING 0
#define E_RISING 1
typedef struct _PixT PixT, *PixP;
struct _PixT
int x;
int y;
PixP prev;
typedef struct _CompT CompT, *CompP, **CompI;
struct _CompT /* connected component type */
int id; /* component id */
int n; /* number of pixels in comp. */
int avg_row; /* average row of pixels */
int x_max; /* maximum x coordinate */
int y_max; /* maximum y coordinate */
int x_min; /* minimum x coordinate */
int y_min; /* minimum y coordinate */
int y_left; /* left endpoint y coord */
int y_right; /* right endpoint y coord */
float sv_above; /* sum of variances above */
float sv_below; /* sum of variances below */
char type; /* rising/falling edge */
PixP pixels; /* linked list of pixels */
CompP paired; /* paired opposite comp. */
char extended; /* extension checked flag */
CompP prev; /* previous connected comp */
/* External function prototypes. */
EXT void ConvertToFloat(ImgP);
EXT void HorzVariance(ImgP, int);
EXT CompP BuildConnectedComponents(ImgP, int);
EXT void PrintConnectedComponents(CompP);
EXT void WriteConnectedComponentsToPGM(CompP, ImgP);
EXT void FreeConnectedComponents(CompP);
EXT void EliminateLargeSpreadComponents(CompI, ImgP);
EXT void MergeRowComponents(CompI, ImgP);
EXT void PairComponents(CompI, ImgP);
EXT void ComputeBoundingBoxes(CompP, ImgP);
/* Internal function prototypes. */
void MergeComponents(CompP, CompP, CompP, CompI, ImgP);
void MergeToLeft(CompP, CompI, ImgP);
char Overlap(CompP, CompP);