blob: 6c12280b1c9758165d47d4be5972292bf30730de [file] [log] [blame]
/* $Header$
* Copyright (c) 1989, Larry Wall
* You may distribute under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as specified in the README file that comes with the perl 3.0 kit.
* $Log$
* Revision 1.2 2004/09/01 14:33:24 criswell
* Migrating test suite out of the source tree.
* Revision 1.1 2004/02/17 22:21:16 criswell
* Initial commit of the perl Malloc Benchmark. I've cheated a little by
* generating the yacc output files and committing them directly, but it was
* easier than disabling the Bison Voodoo that gets executed by default.
* Revision 4.0 91/03/20 01:22:38 lwall
* 4.0 baseline.
#define FILLPCT 80 /* don't make greater than 99 */
#define DBM_CACHE_MAX 63 /* cache 64 entries for dbm file */
/* (resident array acts as a write-thru cache)*/
#define COEFFSIZE (16 * 8) /* size of coeff array */
typedef struct hentry HENT;
struct hentry {
HENT *hent_next;
char *hent_key;
STR *hent_val;
int hent_hash;
int hent_klen;
struct htbl {
HENT **tbl_array;
int tbl_max; /* subscript of last element of tbl_array */
int tbl_dosplit; /* how full to get before splitting */
int tbl_fill; /* how full tbl_array currently is */
int tbl_riter; /* current root of iterator */
HENT *tbl_eiter; /* current entry of iterator */
SPAT *tbl_spatroot; /* list of spats for this package */
char *tbl_name; /* name, if a symbol table */
#ifdef SOME_DBM
#ifdef HAS_GDBM
GDBM_FILE tbl_dbm;
#ifdef HAS_NDBM
DBM *tbl_dbm;
int tbl_dbm;
unsigned char tbl_coeffsize; /* is 0 for symbol tables */
STR *hfetch();
bool hstore();
STR *hdelete();
HASH *hnew();
void hclear();
void hentfree();
int hiterinit();
HENT *hiternext();
char *hiterkey();
STR *hiterval();
bool hdbmopen();
void hdbmclose();
bool hdbmstore();